Beg, Steal or Borrow – Lunch
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Lunch
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 11:28pm
Location   DS5 Red Lion
Timeline   14.300000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125

Dunham settled in at the bar of the Red Lion. Taking a chance to relax and order some food. He had come down here before with the rest of the squad and Mr Tan. But had not had a chance to really enjoy and relax a bit before having to go back to work. So Dunham had gone into the bar for a spot of lunch and a bit of a brake. He had settled down with a plate of old fashioned fish and chips and was watching the general hustle and bustle of life on the station.

Elliott had been working on a replicator power management issue for several hours, the issue not going anywhere fast. It just didn't make any sense as the power was supposedly routing correctly but still showed minor fluctuations. He sighed and shook his head, knowing this would take some time. A growling in his stomach notified him that he hadn't eaten for a good many hours, but lucky for him he spotted a small place he figured would have something to eat. Packing his tools into his work belt, he wandered toward that bar. Before long he was sitting at the bar waiting to be served so he took the opportunity to look around. There were several civilians spread accross the place and only one Starfleet officer that was sitting only several seats away.

"Afternoon, Lieutenant," John remarked with a nod. He didn't know how formal they were here on DS5, but he thought it best to not seem rude.

Dunham indicated to the empty seat next to him for the Ensign to sit down. "Please call me Richard. Ensign ummm. Sorry I don't think we have met? Can I get you a drink Mr...?"

"Elliott, sir," John replied, moving to the seat the other man motioned to. "Ensign John Elliott and I would enjoy an iced tea sir, bitter please. I'm new to this Station actually. I'm the new Assistant Chief of Operations. Quite a big station here! I knew the Celestial Class starbases had over a thousand decks, but reading about it doesn't really prepare you for it, haha."

"Boy you said mate. Only been on the station a couple of days myself. Names Lieutenant Richard Dunham Squadron leader of Bravo wing. We fly Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters mainly. Bar tender a Tea for this gentlemen bitter. Thank you." Afgter passing him the drink Dunham continued. "So John hows buisness in operations?"

"Wow, fighter pilot, huh?" John remarked. "That sounds a lot more exciting than Ops, haha. It's been a lot of learning about my duties mainly. I get lost at least once every couple hours. And I've come to hate replicators, haha. I notice theres a lot of tension lately on the station. I only have minor details about what happened."

"Well John I imagine its got something to do with the fact that we were attacked by Romulans" Dunham said with a wink. "The fun never ends on Deep Space Five. Anyway being a fighter pilot isn't all its craked up to be you know in your position you will have better chance at the big chair than I ever will."

"I guess you have a point there," Elliott conceeded with a nod. "But it must be exciting to actually be in a fighter! The most excitement I'll have will be if something explodes while I'm working on it. Or a date with a Vulcan." He added that last part with a grin.

"You've obviously never dated a Vulcan girl when she in the middle of Pon Farr. Oh Boy." Dunham had a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. "Allot people think that being a Fighter jock is exciting adventure but its not. I'm good Pilot. But the fighting that's bad Karma. And pilots put in the hours and hard work like anyone else in starfleet. But were not as used as much. Its still a style of warfare that the Federations is still relatively new to. Its something that they have only recently been using again since the Dominion war. So Most the time were kicking are heals until called upon. Then we go in get the job done and go home again."

John nodded, following the conversation. He remembered his Vulcan friend T'Gal and the stories she told him about Pon Farr. "It still sounds exciting," he replied, remarking of being a Fighter Pilot. "I've only done a little in Shuttlecrafts and such. And some bridge command simulations. Typical academy fair."

"what did you do before your arriving on deep space five John?"

"In all honesty, not a whole lot," Elliott admitted, taking a sip from his newly arrived drink. "Just got off my training cruise as an operations officer. Before that, graduation from the Academy." He chuckled. "When I say I'm new, I mean it I guess. How about you, sir? Where were you before this posting?"

"I was on helm on board the USS Nova. She was a Hornet class. Thats were I really picked up my love for flying. Then After that back to the flight school for fighter training. Then on to flying Spcae Fighters. The action we have been seeing around these parts was the first action I have seen behind the stick of a fighter craft."

"Oh wow, then you're pretty fresh around here," John said, twirling the ice in his drink. "Sounds like you've had a lot of training though. Most of what I've learned has been from data padds and old starship captains, haha." He took another drink.

"hey nothing wrong with old starship captains hteirs allot to be learnt their my friend. Also respect and listen to your senior NCO's you may out rank them but they have years of knowledge behind them."

The young Ensign nodded as he listened. The advice was quite sound, especially about being nice to the NCOs. He never realy did like pulling rank anyways. It just wasn't his style. Suddenly his eyes widened as he got an idea. "Lieutenant, would there be a way you could teach me how to fly maybe? In the holodeck if nothing else." he asked, feeling a small buzz of excitement.

"What do you want to learn to fly my friend? Shuttles, Fighters, runabouts, Helm of a starship? You name it. To be honest most of the skill is the same for each. Pilots just like to show off."

"Well, really...anything." John admitted. "I mean, start slow and learn as much as I can...if possible." He grinned.

"Ok brilliant. We will start off in shuttles then work our way from their. They are the back bone of Starfleet operations. So you will soon find yourself in one. When would be good for you?"

"Any time, sir." John replied. "I'm on Alpha shift. I'm free a lot." John grinned with excitement. He was going to be able to finally learn to be a better pilot. He had a feeling this was going to be most eventful.

Dunham gave the thumbs up. "Brilliant we can start tomorrow,"


A post by:

LT Richard Dunham
Squadron Learder


ENS John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations