Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Delegating Duties
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Delegating Duties
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Wed Oct 01, 2008 @ 2:45am
Location   Quartermaster's Office - Deck 12
Timeline   SD3 12:00

Petro sat in her office, away from the noises that filled the Operations center. She stared at the screen of her console, sorting through the list of things to do. In spite of the long list of request for personal this and thats there were even more requests for parts. Several ships were expected to dock with the station, some shuttles looking for bays to park in and still more that wouldn't be docking but would need a location for personnel exchanges. Preferably a station that they could use frequently. While some of that fell well within the Quartermaster's duties, there was enough that could be delegated.

Petro opened a chanel to one of the station locations that she decided could handle some of the more personable items.

"Greetings Warrant Officer, what can I do for you today?" An ensign asked, his face beeming with delight.

"You are in a festive mood toda y ensign." Petro said, her voice carrying no more joy than it would on any day.

"Must be all the happy commotion around the station." came the reply.

"Yes, well not to put a damper on your spirit but there is still a considerable amount of work to be accomplished." Petro reminded him.

"Understood. Which brings us back to the beginning. How can I be of service?"

"I'm sending you a list of personalable items that have been requested and by whom. Please see to it that they are delivered in a timely manner."

The ensign nodded, confirmed with his console that receipt of the list was complete and returned to Petro. "Shouldn't be a problem." He said.

"Good to hear. Also, if you don't mind, could you have engineering have a look at the shuttle bays in that area. We're expecting a good bit of traffic for the festival and it would not behoove us to have less than adequite facilities."

"Understood." The ensign said. "Anything else?"

"That will be all. Let me know when all has been accomplished. Petro out."

The screen departed from the smiling face of the ensign and returned to the list of things to get done. Next on the list were quarter assignments. Every ship sent a manifest of who and how many would be coming on board. The Ambassadore quarters were just about filled with occupants. The Oosami and the other more elite groups had minimum requirements for their station but some of the others were a tad more demanding. One visitor, who seemed to consider himself the pride of the quadrant, demanded that his quarters be in the spirit of the fictional Arakus with a thirty foot waterfall on each side. Petro was tempted to set him up in a holosuite. Of course that wouldn't do, considering that in order to get to those suites one has to pass through considerable crowds. Even Petro could handle that but the quest insisted that he not come in contact with anyone without his approval.

"Then why come to a festival?" Petro asked to the screen. She moved on to the othe requests, most of which were simple enough to deal with. Crew quarters, temporary stations and some armament restocking from a few of the ships. The normal in and out duties of the quartermaster.


Warrant Officer Petro