Unity – The Good Times & The Bad
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Good Times & The Bad
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Dec 18, 2009 @ 1:52pm
Location   The Red Lion
Timeline   SD16 (Back Post)

Vincent stretched as he entered his established watering hole. The small civilian pub was by no means as comfortable as the officer's lounge but at least here he could channel home. The familiar wood and brass bar, stained with spilt beer and sweat (and possibly blood), beckoned like a siren, drawing Vincent to a stuporous demise. He resolved only to have one or maybe two drinks today. There was still a lot of work to be done.

Overtly, he still had to maintain his cover as a strategic operations officer and consequently he had spent hours running workups on possible Cardassian manouvers, ranging from sheer provocation to full blown assaults. Covertly, he had to somehow find a way to report to Admiral Uhlan. This was made a whole deal harder now that the station's security had been increased, but he had not sent a report for a fortnight and was getting a little desperate.

It did Vincent a world of good to spot a friendly face at the bar. "I thought you fighter jocks didn't drink on duty? Or has Davies declared a holiday that no one told me about?"

Dunham raised a glass in a toast to Mr Tan in reply to the mans question. "Theirs always time for a drink." He said with a smile, indicating to the bar chair next to him. "Take a seat, what you having?"

"The usual, a nice cold VB."

Dunham raised his finger at the bartender to grab his attention. "Bartender can I get a VB. So how are things with you Mr Tan?"

"I dying here," Vincent admitted quickly. If he could not be honest with Dunham, who could he be honest with? "Davies has got me running simulations and scenarios and run downs. I must have a hundred different flight plans for your fighter squadron. It's ridiculous. The way he's got me working it's like we're expecting an attack any day now. As if anyone wants anything so far out here!"

Vincent sighed and drank his beer. "What about you? The usual? Flight training every day?"

Dunham could empathise with Mr Tan. Though he had not been working, his recovery in sick bay from his fighter collision with the temporal, had left him worn down and drawn out. He took as sip of his beer. "Only been out of medical for a bit. My fighter got caught in the temporal anomaly. Needless to say it did not end well." He looked into his drink. "Third degree burns, three broken ribs, and a punctured abdomen, not well". He smiled. "Still all fixed up now."

Dunham reflected a little on Tan's last words. "Well we are a very important station. You know being near the border and all."

"Hopefully life on the station will get back to normal soon. What ever accounts for normal around here."

Vincent snickered. "I don't think this station knows what normal is." He raised his glass. "At least this beer is normal. And you and I. We're normal..." Vincent eyed a noisy crowd of Ferengi and various other races in the corner.

"Let's hope that this important station doesn't draw more trouble, but I think it's ineveitable." Vincent shrugged. "Better make hay while the sun shines. I hear there's a place around the corner that does a good bacon cheeseburger. Interested?"

“Not sure what constitutes as normal anyway, but yeah why not, a burger sounds like it would just hit the spot.” Said Dunham


Richard Dunham
Squadron leader

Vincent Tan
Chief of Strategic Operations