We All Fall Down – Repairing the Defences
by Ensign David Harris & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Repairing the Defences
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Ensign David Harris & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Fri Oct 03, 2014 @ 7:07am
Location   Chief Security Officer Office
Timeline   MD03 1000

David had one of the busiest days of his life but his main concern was the defence of Deep Space Five. He knew that finding out what occurred was important, but more important was the safety of the starbase. He had arranged and meeting with the Chief of Engineering and Chief Operations Officer.

David's office was big enough that at one end of a small table and chairs. He had some biscuits, tea and coffee ready, his mums taught him to be a gracious host. He also wanted this meeting in his quarters so that he could ensure it secrecy. He had been spreading the rumor that the weapon systems had been fixed and the star base was fully defended, he was aware that this was not true.

Dell arrived first, holding back sniffles and looking red eyed and worn out. "Ensign Harris?"

"Yes Ma'am come in take a seat."

"Thank you." She sank great fully into one of the chairs and reached for a cup of coffee. "Tell me there is caffeine in here."

"Oh yes, real coffee from Columbia, I have about a years supply, so help yourself. " David smiled at Dell but he was concerned about her. "You should be at sickbay. Shall I call for a Doctor."

Before she could answer, Wyman tromped in - clearly in a foul mood. "Sorry for holding you both up. I just had a pleasant discussion with our new second officer. Please note the sarcasm..."

Setting the cup of tea he had been carrying down on the table, he eased himself into a seat. "Dell, I'm going to have to pull my crews off of anything that Operations is supposed to be handling. The Queen of Sheba apparently cares more about quoting regulations than she does about having the station running properly. You know - heaven forbid I pull double shifts and never see my daughter, it's clearly a sign that I care more about my personal life than my career."

Realizing that Soran's regulation thumping had caused him to go off on a rant, Steve fell silent and turned his attention to the third occupant of the room. "I'm sorry, Ensign. Commander Soran has me a tad wound up. How can engineering be of assistance?" he asked, smiling genuinely.

"I am sure you are aware that we have had problems with the weapons platform's, I need to know if we have any plans to get them back online."

"We were planning on sacrificing Darson to the god Hephaestus and praying." Dell muttered. "Seriously, after the mess thats made of the core, the holographics won't be up and running until that is. The processing power they need has to be devoted to mainting systems in the abscence of a primary core. As for the weapons systems themselves....Sir?" she looked at Steve with a question in her eyes.

Coughing lightly into his sleeve, Wyman scowled. "At the risk of being accused of department creeping by our illustrious second officer, the station's weapons and shields are all fully operational. The platforms are another matter, though. A few of them are undamaged, but the rest are either damaged or completely totaled. And frankly, after what happened the other day, I'm not even the least bit confident in them. This time they turned on two unarmed civilian ships. What if they turn on the station itself next time? A lot of innocent people died because of those platforms, how many more will it be if we try to test them again?"

"So, the best thing to do is to remove those platforms and have them destroyed?"

Steve looked from Harris to Dell and back again. "A whole lot of time and effort went into designing and building those platforms. If it were up to me they'd be scrapped, but that decision is way over my head.

"Can we get new ones?"

"More like - do we WANT new ones? Ultimately, Starfleet is going to want to deploy these platforms at most, if not all, of its deep space facilities. Before we think about replacing the units that were destroyed, we need to figure out why they went haywire in the first place." At that, Steve took a sip of his tea. It tasted odd, like his taste buds were out of whack.

The next questions was hard to ask. "Was it sabotage?"

Dell sighed, "Thanks to Darson and Wallace we may never know. They trashed the core so completely that its going to take specialist forensic analysis to go back through it, and thats not something I have personnel for. I've put in a request to Starfleet Logisitics, but so far all they've said is they'll get back to me."

"That's pretty much the same response I got from Utopia Planitia when I asked for gel packs. Somehow I'm getting the feeling we managed to get on someones bad side somewhere along the way. Which may explain how we managed to get our peach of a second officer..." Steve didn't want to go into much more than that, as Soran struck him as the kind of person who had eyes and ears everywhere.

"Ok so the platforms will be a long term project. From what I understand the lack of platforms does not leave the station defenseless. Commander can I get some help in getting the weapon scanners up and working on promenade and the docks. Security on the Starbase has not been up to my standard."

With a quick nod, Wyman suddenly got a devious look on his face. "I'll see what I can do. I've just recently reassigned several of my people, so things are going to be tight for a bit until everything gets sorted." At that he winked slyly at Dell. "But the defense of the station is a top priority, so I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Sir. Is their anything I can do for you guys?"

Dell grinned, despite the red eyes and sniffles. "Don't fire indiscriminately into any essential areas and we'll get on just fine."

"Now now, please don't ask the impossible, I am after all a Security Officer. " He returned he smile to Dell.

Ensign David Harris
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space Five


Lieutenant (JG) Leonora Dell
Acting Chief of Operations
Deep Space Five
(NPC by Notty)


Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5