Interlude – This Had Better Be Good
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   This Had Better Be Good
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Jun 17, 2010 @ 3:33pm
Location   JAG Office
Timeline   SD20. Morning
It had been a long night with less sleep than Karen would have liked but the first thing that she wanted to attend to was acquiring the apology that the journalist had requested from the Chief of Security. It would not absolve him, but it would mean that she could push this out of the growing evidence against him unless it became absolutely necessary to call Whitlock as a witness. That of course was if Gabriel agreed to apologize. If not then it was simply another statement on the pile to be used against him.

She did not use the comm, but sent him a message to be picked up as soon as he signed on whether that was in his quarters, his office or elsewhere. The message was simple: Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, report with alacrity to the JAG office. Commander Karen Villiers.

[ Main Security ]

Dorian had not taken more than two steps off of the turbolift beside his office within the Security complex when he was approached by his Assistant Chief of Security.

"An important message has come through for you, Gabriel." Trellis stated directly.

~Aren't they always?~ Dorian wondered to himself as he sighed inwardly. "What now? Another riot on the promenade? A new Commanding Officer coming aboard? Or perhaps the Nausicaan has finally finished her 'charm school' training and has returned to the station to play cops and robbers." Gabriel replied flippantly. He was not a morning person, and he certainly was not int he mood to field any more pointless civilian complaints.

"Unless it is an emergency re-route them Mercy and have her take an incident report and I'll have someone look into the situation." He replied as he turned and began to walk towards his office.

"Oh, I do believe you will want to respond to this message personally." Trellis replied with a smug smile. He knew the message had come directly from the Executive Officer herself. Typically, the XO did not send such a pointed message unless she wanted to convey her true message one on one. He followed the Chief into the office and pressed several buttons on the table to activate his communication monitor.

="Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, report with alacrity to the JAG office. Commander Karen Villiers."= the screen repeated in the same intentional manner.

"Oh sonova. . ." Gabriel began to respond. He did not need this at this point in his life. He was still trying to come to terms with the recent terrorist attack on the station, not to mention whatever the hell Darson had babbled about in his communique to the station. Now he had to deal with whatever the Executive Desk-jockey wanted.

"Si'lar, contact the JAG office and tell them I am on my way." Gabriel ordered to Trellis. He was not in the mood to even speak to the woman unless he truly had to. Something told him that he would have to conserve all of his energy for his upcoming meeting.

"Judge Advocate General's office." he barked to the turbolift computer.


"Commander Gabriel," Karen said as he entered. She did not rise, nor did she offer him a seat. "I have heard a disturbing report which names you," she told him. "I want to give you the option to tell me your side of the story before I make a decision on what action I take. So, Commander Gabriel, yesterday you spoke with a journalist from the Federation News Service ... would you please relate your version of the conversation to me."

~That damn crybaby!~ Dorian thought to himself.

"This is what you called me all the way down here for?" he asked incredulously. "Is this what your purpose is on the station? Fielding meritless civilian complaints, then wasting the time of officers who are actually in the field with said hollow complaints?" he continued.

Karen did not rise to that, but the man's mental state was a concern; aggressive disrespect simply did not wash with her. "If anyone comes to me with with a complaint of assault be they Starfleet or civilian, Federation or Ferengi I will take that complaint seriously and so will you! Now answer the question, Mister Gabriel, and that's an order," she added thinking that that Burn's interloper would be better placed making an assessment of the security chief rather than a CAG who had succumbed briefly to stress.

~I don't have time for this crap~ He mused mentally.

"Assault! There was no damn assault. It was nothing more than a snooping reporter who didn't find the story he was looking for when I was talking to that Head-shrink Burns and now wants something for his Byline. I have enough on my plate and I do not have the patience to worry about some petulant reporter's feelings being hurt, not do I have the inclination to pretend." He stated firmly.

"Now, am I dismissed so that I can return to doing my job, or must I stand here and continue to help you do yours, Commander" he said with an edge to his voice.

"That's quite enough Mister Gabriel," Karen snapped shooting to her feet. "Now stay where you are and answer the question. Tell me, in your own words what happened."

"There was no damn assault, like I already told you. I ran into him while he was eavesdropping on a prior conversation I was having with another officer. There was an exchange of words and I ruffled his shirt to a small degree. I can't believe that you actually give a damn about the cries of a reporter or the fact that I'm wasting my time having to answer for it." He said defensively.

"If it matters that much to you, then put a note in my file. Other than that, I have work to do." He said as he began to walk towards the door.

"It matters that much to the Federation," Karen stated. "You are not dismissed, Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, and what you believe or otherwise is irrelevant in the eyes of Starfleet and the Federation. Your attitude both to the civilian populace and to your fellow officers is unforgivable. There will be no note, Mister Gabriel, you have no further work to do. As of this moment you are relieved of duty pending investigation," she told him.

He stopped in mid-stride.

"What did you just say." He stated as he slowly turned and walked beyond his original point and stood directly in front of her desk.

"You would relieve me of duty on the word of some reporter. Has sitting behind that desk made you forget what side you are supposed to be on? Have you forgotten what uniform you wear!?" He asked in an antagonized tone.

"Think damned carefully about which side you are on and about the values and principles that the Federation, and Starfleet are built upon," Karen said tightyl. "I am relieving you of duty as you stand accused on a charge of common assault," she continued, "brought against you by a Federation citizen. And if this contempt for the civilian populace and for the law is a typical example of your attitude Mister Gabriel you do not deserve to wear that uniform."

He raised his finger and pointed at her defiantly as he searched for the words to clearly illustrate the emotions coursing through him. Unfortunately, the only words he could find were of the four-letter variety and wouldn't help his situation. He did the only sensible thing to do and snatched his comm badge and slammed it onto the desk while maintaining eye-contact with the officer.

Without another word he turned and walked out of the office and around the corner to the adjacent turbolift.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer/JAG

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Currently suspended Chief of Security