Beg, Steal or Borrow – Unwelcome Advances
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Unwelcome Advances
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Thu Jul 30, 2009 @ 4:31am
Location   Prototype Shuttlecraft - somewhere between the USS Missouri and DS5
Timeline   SD 9 - 0930 hrs

“And then there was the time I flew through the Asteroids of Pletharia. I tell you, those things moved like they had pilots in them.” The pilot droned on. “From a distance, it just looked like a string of rocks floating from one end of the system to the other, but when you got up close…” He paused long enough to turn and look at Davina.

“You still awake back there, lady?” He asked.

Davina yawned. “It’s Lieutenant Commander, and yes. I’m still back here. I wouldn’t exactly transport myself off the shuttle now would I?”

The pilot laughed. “Nope. I guess not. You ever been to the Asteroids of Pletharia?”

“No.” Davina replied.

“Let me tell you. What a time that was. I was going through the line of rocks, thinking it was just like any other asteroid field. Boy was I wrong. It was like they were intentionally floating into my flight path. I had to run the entire thing manually. If I tried programming a path in, I'd no sooner finish entering the course and I'd have to change it." The pilot said. "After I flew through, I managed to get a look at....."

He droned on and on about his experience on and around Plethoria. How long, Davina couldn't tell. Each time she started to doze off, he would intentionally get her attention to make sure she was still listening.

"I'm assuming you don't get very many passengers." Davina said, yawning without any attempt to stifle it. The yawn that followed was almost an exaggeration of the first.

"Oh, I get them from time to time." He replied. "One time I got this Ambassador from Epsilon Five. Kind of redundant really. The planet itself wasn't very significant, as most people might consider significance. And Epsilon is the fifth letter in the Greek alphabet so I'm sure you can see just how redundant that is just from that alone. And the Ambassador, I think he was the epitome of the planets redundancy because he would repeat just about everything he said, only in a different way. Kind of like a parrot with a wide vocabulary or a computer that translates things with idioms." He prattled.

"I wonder if there is such a program. That would be interesting to find out. I suppose it could be a lot of fun to play with. Imagine having that on a holodeck program. Something that translates everything you say, not into another language but into another way of saying the same thing. They might have that on Epsilon Five but I didn't think to ask. I'm not sure that I would. The Ambassador might have found it to be insulting. What do you think?" He asked, turning to Davina.

Before she could open her mouth to reply, an alarm went off. "Drat." The pilot said. "Looks like some debris ahead. Kind of strange considering how close we are to the neutral zone. Still, not surprising. The Romulans run tests out here all the time and we have to be careful not to get too close. I'm not sure what kind of arrangement they have with anyone regarding running tests in the Neutral Zone but they still do it. No one seems to mind and they keep right on as if it didn't matter. You know, some people just keep doing the same things regardless of how it affects someone else. It's as if they don't know just how annoying they can be."

"I can relate to that." Davina mumbled under her breath, trying to make her way back to the sleeping area. As she stepped towards the back, another alarm sounded and the ship went to a dark red alert. "What's going on?" She asked, noting the lowered lights and the pulsating red lights.

"A ship. Romulan from the looks of it." The pilot answered, looking at his console. "Just uncloaked off the port bow. It's weapons are charged but they don't seem to have a target. I wonder why they don't have a target but still have their weapons charged."

"Could be a training exercise." Davina suggested, making her way to the front.

"Yeah, could be. I've never seen them run a training like this though and I've been through here at least a dozen times. Seen as many training exercises as anyone I guess. Kind of like that time I got stuck on...."

His thoughts were interrupted as he took evasive manuevers. "Good thing this ships got a cloak." He said, getting out of the way of phaser fire aimed for an asteroid. "If I didn't know better I'd think they were shooting at us."

Davina made her way to the front. As much as she loathed sitting near the pilot and his ramblings, she wanted to know what was going on. "What are they doing?" she asked.

"Target practice. From the looks of it their targeting scanners are a little off. He only knicked that asteroid."

"Looks that way." Davina said. "Unless you plan to help them get their sensors right, I suggest we continue on out of here."

The pilot nodded and continued on the due course. "What say we take it up a notch?" He asked. Without waiting for an answer, he upped the warp drive another point. The shuttle bucked a little but smoothed out after a few minutes.

"That's reassuring." Davina said, shaking her head. "I'm going to try and get some rest. Perhaps a shower."

"Sounds nice." He replied, watching her move to the back. ~Let me know if you need help washing your back~ he thought.

Davina ignored the insolence in the pilot’s voice. What was his name? Peter something? She couldn’t remember and didn’t really care. He was annoying and she didn’t particularly care for the way he looked at her. The same way those Ferenghi did all those years ago.

Closing the door behind her, she did her best to undress in the small compartment and enjoy the sonic shower. By her count they should be back in federation space in a few minutes, at least by the time she finished with her shower. She could only imagine what the pilot was thinking when he decided to go through the Neutral zone. It wasn’t exactly the shortest distance between point A and point B.

“Everything alright in there?” Peter asked, rapping on the door.

“Why are you back here?” Davina asked, her voice easily going through the thin material that separated the two. “Shouldn’t you be up front?”

“Oh, we’re good. Got it back on auto at nine point five. Figured you might want some company.” He replied.

“No.” Davina replied. He had gone from annoying to disgusting. She quickly redressed, making sure there wasn’t anything remarkable about how she looked, and opened the door. The pilot stood off to one side leaning against the wall with his arms folded. He looked her up and down from head to toe, evidently liking what he saw.

“Excuse me.” Davina said, pushing past him. He moved just enough to let her pass but still in the way enough so she would have to squeeze past him. He could feel the right curvatures press against him and he imagined what it would be like to spend a little more quality time with her.

“How long till we get to the station?” Davina asked, restraining the urge to take a swing at the pilot.

“Oh, could be a while. Depends on how hot the engines get.” He replied. The tone of his voice made her think that he was saying more than he was saying, but innuendoes weren’t her strong suit.

“The sooner the better.” She said. “I’ve people to report to and there’s more at stake than you know.”

He sat down in the seat next to her as she tried to prepare a bunk to get some sleep. “Like what?” He asked, moving his hand to help her and touching hers in the process. She quickly moved away, picking up a pillow to fluff it.

“Like classified.” She said, turning to glare at him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I’d like to get some rest.”

He nodded, smiled and stood to leave. “I’ll be within ear shot if you need anything.” He said. “And I mean anything.”

He closed the partition behind him and left her alone. Davina lay down on the bed and sighed. Granted he hadn’t said or done anything directly towards her but he still made her uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and was just about to fall asleep when the ship rocked her out of bed.



Lieutenant Commander Davina Hauf
Peter Pilot

played by:
