Judgement – Search & Results
by Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Search & Results
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Mar 06, 2011 @ 7:05pm
Location   DS5 Air Space & Beyond
Timeline   SD36 10:15 After "In pursuit of the inevitable" (Backpost)
The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters sat on there perches within the stations launch tubes, like predatory birds watching there targets before they struck from above. Dunham did his final pre-launch system checks, then closed the visor on his space suite, he gave a thumbs up to crows nest, were the flight control team checked there systems. To his left and right were his wing men. "Ready?" he asked them with a thumbs up?

"Ready when you are boss." Said Derek flatly he had also just finished his check list and now was just waiting for the order to launch.

"Punch it" said Rick giving the 'OK' sign to the crows nest. The fighter wing was catapulted through the launch tubes into space. The twinkled in greeting, the fighters banked, and glided around, Deep Space five; upside down, appeared in through there canopy glass. "Ok, will clear station air space then go to warp and look for....well borg. Any questions?"

"Skipper you sure someone ain't slipped you a mickey there have not been any traces of Borg since well since wolf 359." Said Derek he was wandering just what the heck was going on after all it was not a normal patrol when the whole wing took flight.

Rick coughed, under any other circumstances he would of agreed with Derek. "This comes straight from the captain, they got a brief glimpse of Borg sensor signatures on the station, so were having a check out here, just in case." Rick flying closely to his wing man looked out of his cockpit over at Derek, the tinted visor on his suite hid his worried look, but it may of carried in his voice.

Tasha had transported back to the Ops and immediately made her way to the centre rostrum, already planning what to do when she reached the centre console.
The imaging appeared before her and she began to monitor closely the starfighter wing as they left the safety of the station.

Robert had seen the captain rushing in and knew instinctively that something was awry.
Captain?" Robert asked she strode past him.
She didn't reply. He turned and with two steps, stood alongside her as she called up the imaging viewer.
He waited until she had punched in her own command codes before asking the question.
"Captain?" He asked again.

Tasha finished and reached forward, opening the communication channel.

"Commander, keep an open comm on this frequency. We are monitoring you from Ops and the Guardian platforms are being made ready."

Rushtone took a breath. He knew that there were concerns about this supposed 'Borg' aboard the station, but now a Starfighter wing was being dispatched and the Captain had blocked him not once, but twice.

"Roger that commander" said Rick as his eyes darted across his flight control systems making sure everything was still in the green, his grip tightened on the joy stick.

"Good luck Commander." Tasha stated as she turned to face the awaiting crew, especially Robert Rushtone.

She cleared her throat and began her announcement.
"As you are mostly aware, this morning, we identified a fleeting bio signature from a Borg individual. Security has not found any lifeforms in the lower decks, but we did find a temporal anomaly ion the vicinity. We can only assume that there is either a time travelling Borg on this station, or a Borg ship that is temporally cloaked, that s to say is out of phase with our current timeline. Commander Dunham and the Stafighter wing are going to run an up close and person sweep of the area, just to ensure that the space around DS5 is secure. This is not a drill, but so far, neither is it confirmed. This is purely a reconnoitre to give assuage to fears. Man your consoles and keep that channel clear. No ships in the immediate vicinity are to be informed. If any ask, we are running spacial manoeuvres with the Starfighter wing. This information is classified as security level one. Imminent threat. If we get confirmation, the status will be uprated to Red alert and the Guardian platforms are to be brought on-line at once. You have your orders. That is all." She lay a hand on Rushtones shoulder and as she stepped down, guided him back to his console.

"Robert, I understand your procedures regarding possible infringement of the inner boundary of Deep Space 5, but so far, this is mainly conjecture and suspicion. We cannot go to alert until a threat is confirmed. I need you on your toes and monitoring the situation closely. Stay in communication contact with Commander Dunham, monitor his vitals and keep me updated. I'll be in my office."

Robert dipped his head. He felt that the alert should be increased to yellow, but this was the Captains decision and he was not about to countermand her orders.
He just prayed that they found nothing and nodded.

"Aye ma'am. Understood." He replied and about faced to his console.

"Thank you." She said as she spun on her own heel and headed up to her office, to initiate her own display and oversee the operation.

Derek had heard the worry in his Co's voice as clearly as if he had been sitting next to the man. He then made a snap decision and would take whatever fall out came from it. After all he was a squadron commander and his squadron mates were still flying with him. Rapier flight formation alpha nine form around me and the wing commander sensors to max and tie in with my bird." said derek flattly it was not normal but with this formation they would have better sensor coverage and no chance of gaps that someone could slip through. He got positive responses back from his flight mates and then turned back to the skipper ~Well buddy if anything happens now we will at least know it is comeing and if need be we can make sure you are protected.~ Thought Derek

~Good call~ thought Rick to himself, as he lead the flight in a large flying arc pattern around the station. "Begin sensor sweep of the area, then we will move to grid 992 alpha 8 at warp two for further scanning."

"Copy that skipper. Raptor 1 and 3 activate the experimental sensor arrays on your birds Raptor 2 keep running normal scans I want to see EVERYTHING going on out here." Said Derek. No one knew it but he had managed to sneak in a couple of temporal scanners onto two of the birds and he just hoped that it would work.

"Ok, lets see whats out there. Begin local space sweep first, then will move to our next way point marked on your stellar maps." Rick applied a gentle amount of pressure to the joystick of his craft, the fighter responded by gliding to the left as the wing began its sensor sweep.

Derek watched his own sensors as well as checking the sensor information for the other three fighters so far aside from the normal stuff there was nothing out here that could be considered hostile or Borg in any way. "Skipper this patch of space is clean as can be expected nothing to report so far." said Derek over the com link. If his was going to be the way things went this would be one long patrol

Rick got a blip on his sensor, a low strobing light, that flickered the colour of blue. Rick read the data scrolling up on the small screen built into the glass of his flight suite helmet. He frowned it didn't make sense. He put a comm out to the rest of the wing. "Check that, I got a faint signal coming from inside the station, can you confirm Derek?"

"I saw the same signal just a short little blip to be honest I thought my eyes were playing tricks or something it does not make sense that it would come from in the station itself. I can confirm it though so if you want to call it in go ahead." Said Derek flattly as he trained his full sensors on the station itself rather then the surrounding area.

Rick commed the station =^= Captain were reading some sort of anomalous energy reading, coming from within the boundaries of the station, my sensors don't recognise the energy readings, What have you got on your end Sir?. =^=

Tasha had not moved that far from the communication console, but her eyes were on the HUD of the Rostrum table. She was watching the flight path, not the data.
"Mr Rushtone?" Tasha enquired, not turning.

Robert shook his head and answered, to both the Captain and the Commander. "Nothing inside the station. Nothing outside the station. Can you get a better sensor fix? Could it be between the bulkheads or on the hull?" He questioned with a dropped brow and hands dancing across the stations sensor grid.

The Captain again signalled a security detail to the lower decks but she knew that whatever was down there, was concealing itself.

Rick, scanned the data in front of him, his eyes darting across the screen. His hand pressed several buttons on the LCARS read out trying to narrow the data he was receiving and get a better reading. It wasn't working, his sensors were just not good enough. =^= Deck 168 section 12, that's the best I can give you...its as if the readings are in flux.=^=

"Thank you Commander." Tasha called out from the podium and appended the message to security.. "You are cleared to return." She said, closing down the display and stepping backwards, turned and moved towards Roberts station.
"Mr Rushtone, narrow the sensors to that location. Keep a constant sensor beam and analyse any anomalous readings." She was about to turn away, but than added "Tie into alert klaxons if you deem it necessary."

Robert shook his head. "Not necessary, but I will set a location warning for that section. Security teams on their way, but still nothing on stations internal sensors."

Tasha took a final glance over Roberts shoulder, before laying a reassuring hand on it and turned, heading for the security station and her own peace of mind.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Chief Robert Rushtone
by Mark

CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Lt. Derek Fredricks (NPC of david)
Squadron commander