Time is Fleeting – Would you think of anybody else?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Would you think of anybody else?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Oct 29, 2009 @ 1:23am
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 15 - 07:00 hrs
Duquense stepped off the turbolift beside Lieutenant Opaka and surveyed the walkway towards the Embassy. Cardassian officers lined the hallway as they began to seal off the entryway from anybody but "select" personnel.

"Did you ever, in a million years, imagine that you would have to investigate the death of a Cardassian citizen?" Duquense said in a lowered voice to the fellow officer as the began to make their way down the hallway towards the entrance of the Cardassian Embassy.

Duquense nodded in response as he crossed the threshold and was immediately hit by the increased temperature of the embassy. It took him several moments to adjust to the surrounding environment. As he looked around he noticed the arrival of two Cardassian officials, most likely the two in charge.

"Good afternoon," He said.

Tharek turned around to see the two yellow-clad officers Once he revealed his face to them, he made it plainly obvious how annoyed he was. "How the hell did a Cardassian Officer get murdered on a Federation station!" Tharek yelled at them. Half rhetorical, the other half waiting for an answer.

Duquense stepped forward and extended his hand to the Cardassian in order to introduce himself.

Tharek looked at his hand with some disgust. As if a creature was trying to worm itself out of Duquense's hand.

Eventually his hand became tired for just hanging in the air so he took it back and decided that perhaps introductions were not in the most efficient course of action at this point. "Well, that is what we are here to discover." Duquense said as Jo'el took the awkward silence to introduce himself.

"Can you take us through who exactly this individual was?" Duquense asked as he kneelled down and began to inspect the body. He down the hall and saw that there was slight commotion coming from the Cardassian Officers posted at the end of the hall and their refusal to permit Dr. Adams to proceed.

"...but this station is Starfleet territory and whether you have diplomatic immunity in this Embassy or not, it is still my duty to attend the patient until I have confirmed that death has indeed taken place and ascertained some reason why it might have occurred, if not in any detail then at least in a basic and generic overview." Chelsea argued with the Cardassian who towered over her, a good 12" taller than she was.

Tharek looked over to the doctor trying to gain admittance. He then called over one of his officers and talked to him in Cardassian. "Do not let that doctor in under any circumstances." He then looked over to Jo'el. "Get rid of the Bajoran too."

Tharek then turned his attention back to Duquense. "This individual was Gil Y'trel Terok. My aide."

A commotion could be heard from the edge of the hastily thrown together security perimeter when a large number of heavily armed Cardasian’s dressed in matte black uniforms converged on the entrance of the embassy.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Turrel roared at the Cardasian guard who refused his passage.

“You aren’t permitted to enter, this is a crime scene.” The guard replied calmly, clearly enjoying his leverage over the Gul. He looked over the Gul`s shoulder and smirked at the large group who had accompanied their commander from the Rakara.

Turrel was in no mood for games. He stood his ground for a second more, eyes smoldering at the impudence of this fool. Without warning he slammed his fist into the guards face. Clearly the Cardasian wasn`t expecting it as the force of the blow knocked him off his footing and he crashed to the floor.

The two other guards at the door were stunned only for a moment as they started to rush at Turrel. They made only one step forward before a half dozen of the Rakara`s shock troopers smashed their weapons into them, knocking one guard out instantly and quickly securing the other on the floor. The rest of the embassy guards looked to each other uncertain of what to do. In the end they looked to their Vi'kar for instructions.

Tharek just smirked at Turrel as he layed the guard to the floor with nothing but his fist. "Bravo Gul. Bravo."

Turrel looked back over to the group of his troopers. "I wasn't this area properly secured. NOW!" He spat the words out.

The Cardasian's from the Rakara burst into action quickly forming a perimeter around the embassy. Their weapons positioned out in front of them in an aggressive stance. All told, 30 shock troopers filled out the area.

"Doctor! Why the hell are you standing out there? This is a crime scene dammit!" He was still visibly angry.

"I am standing out here, Gul G'Mar because the Embassy guards prevented me from attending the patient." Chelsea explained calmly, wondering what had happened to the pleasant Cardassian she had met before who had turned into an apprentice to his unpleasant master, the Ambassador, Vi'kar Gul Getal.

"Tharek, I wan't more of a security presence near the embassy. I can't trust the fools on this station." He looked over to the guard he knocked over. The Cardasian was currently being roughly moved out of the embassy sporting a broken nose.

Tharek spoke to Turrel as he started to walk to the mouth of the embassy. "I agree. Assign 25% of the Rakara's elite troops and fifteen percent of it's technicians. I want this place running smoother than what you have the Rakara." Tharek proclaimed toward Turrel.

"Gentlemen!" Duquense said in a raise voice as he tried to gain the attention of the two otherwise distracted Cardassians. "I'm going to need more information about this man aside from his position within the Embassy." he said, trying to hide his frustration.

"What was he doing at the time of his death? Did he have enemies, what assignments was he handling, had any non-Cardassian citizens been within the Embassy's area within the past several hours. I need your assistance." He said

"If I could get a proper look at the body, I could give you an autopsy, at least a basic one anyway. I can't even get near enough to establish the cause of death!" Chelsea complained to the Starfleet Security Officer.

Duquense looked towards Dr Adams and walked back towards the body. "I'm not sure Doctor, from what I can tell it appears to be a stab wound. More than likely the killer knew that the station's sensors would detect phaser fire, so they relied upon stealth to take him down. What else have you noticed?" He asked.

"From the fact that there's a pool of blood beneath him and yet all the blood on his clothes is on the front of his which is facing upwards, I'd say he's been moved. Rolled over at least, but there are discolorations of the skin on his arm where the sleeve is torn, on the left there.... " she pointed. "That implies that he lay on that side for some time before death. I think this man died slowly, somewhere else and was brought here and cut up to make it look like this is the scene of his death." Chelsea concluded.

Duquense looked at the two Cardassians, "How long was this man lying here before you contacted our Security department?" he asked. If the body had been placed here, then somebody obviously had to have moved him.

"I didn't call security, the receptionist did. No offense to your species in general. But I'd rather handle this myself." Tharek said, tilting his head on the word 'myself'.

Chelsea rolled her eyes upwards and sighed. ~here we go again~ she groaned inwardly.

Duquense's patience was being tried, "I understand that Mr. Getal, however we have a situation here that must be dealt with properly. Do you have any idea who might be responsible for stabbing one of your citizens?" He asked in his most polite tone.

Tharek's eyes shifted from Chelsea to Jo'el and back again. "I have my suspicions, but of late I have no conclusive evidence as of yet."

"Such as whom?" Duquense asked as he noticed Dr. Adams preparing the body to be moved to Sickbay for further examination. "Look, Mr. Tharek, if we are going to be of any assistance, we need to know as much information as possible. Who do you believe was responsible for this?" He asked again, this time his voice betraying his sense of annoyance with the Cardassian.

"If I am to release my suspicions it must be someone higher up in the food chain than yourself." Tharek expressed boldly and bluntly.

Duquense was starting to become annoyed. "Just what is that supposed to mean?" He replied.

Tharek stepped forward and raised himself up to Duguense. "I'm sorry for any confusion... " He began politely. " ...I meant that I want to deal with someone that hasn't been in on operations in the de-militarized zone! If you catch my drift Lieutenant!"

Duquense paused before responding. He was not sure how the Cardassian representative was aware of his past with the Maquis. However, he was more concerned with the implication that it would cloud his judgment and ability to investigate this recent murder.

"You are more than welcome to think whomever you want as being responsible for this, Tharek" Duquense said, dropping formalities. "But my job is to focus on the facts and not blind supposition. Keep that in mind since we will be seeing more of each other int he near future." he stated coldly.

Turrel had been listening in silent but he found the dialogue to be nearly insulting. Normally in these matters he would let Tharek handle the situation, but it had gotten to the point where even his sense of diplomacy was irked.

"That is quite enough." He said through gritted teeth. "Might I remind you that the Vi`kar is a dignitary that has been invited to this station by your Federation. You WILL show show the proper respect while addressing him."

He took a number of steps towards towards the Federation officer to show that his words held the promise of action should they be ignored.

"Now now, Turrel. I believe that the Lieutenant, along with the Bajoran medical and Security Officers, were leaving. Show them out please Turrel." Tharek proclaimed, directed at Turrel and the small group of Federation Officers. "I'll be in my office. Oh, and get someone to clean this mess up." He said, gesturing at Y'trel, still with the knife embedded in his back.

Turrel quickly glanced at two of the remaining embassy guards.

"You two may be worthless at watching this post but perhaps you will show enough talent at cleaning up this corpse and bringing it to the morgue."

He looked back over to Lieutenant and frowned. "Am I mistaken or did the Vi'kar not just dismiss you?"

~Deep breaths, Michael, simple and deep breaths~ He said to himself as he took control over his emotions and stopped himself from lunging at the throat of the Cardassian standing just mere feet away from him. It would not do him any good to attack the Ambassador or his Garrison Commander. He needed to focus on the murder instead.

Duquense turned towards the gathered officers. "Doctor Adams, I will be by your office later to continue the investigation later today." he said.

"I will have some sort of report for you Lieutenant, although I don't know how much information I can glean. I will do my best ." she assured him, zipping the body into a 'bag' and having it transported to sickbay.


A Joint Post Between:

Lieutenant J.G.
Michael Duquesne
Tactical Officer

Gul Turrel G'mar
Garrison Comander
The Rakara

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams