We All Fall Down – Where o where has my little bug come from
by Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri

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Title   Where o where has my little bug come from
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Keth Ohmri
Posted   Thu Nov 13, 2014 @ 3:47am
Location   Infirmary
Keth placed her hands on the small of her back and stretched in place after she stood up. She had studied data after stacks of data, all on the disease that seemed flu like in structure but did not respond as such to treatment. There was some component that was missing. "There's something I'm missing" she said out loud to herself and meandered to the replicator a padd held out in front of her. "Coffee, black" she requested and picked the cup up by the handle and took a sip of the strange semi-bitter but wonderfully aromatic in nature. The corner of her mouth twitched as she sipped and walked back to the desk in the office she occupied. The slender dark haired woman sat and crossed her legs; she swung her foot as she set the padd down and focused on what she read there. Her hands wrapped around the coffee, sip after sip she read and thought.

Where had the thing come from and why had they not placed a quarantine on incoming and outgoing ships. Was it from the food that was served fresh on the promenade deck? Perhaps something had infiltrated the bio-gel packs of the base or one of the ships that had arrived and somehow it had attached itself to the bio-filters and was now being spread via the air filtration system.

Doctor Ohmri ran her fingers through her long dark hair after she had loosened her braid and then recreated it. She wrapped it back up and pinned it at the base of her neck and tilted it. The crack from it echoed the lab she was in. Her coffee cup sat next to a stack of padds a drop or two remained ice cold it was. The hours had crept by and still she was nowhere closer to a solution then when she had first stepped onto the ship.

The doctor sighed in exasperation and opened the computer to read about the new patients that had arrived within the last few hours. No new symptoms, no break throughs either. She studied the list again: Stomach pain, nausea often accompanied by vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, weight loss, appetite loss, fevers, chills, body aches.

Keth sent out an inquiry about what parts of the body hurt more? Was it just the joints, the chest cavity, extremities? Each could help narrow the illness down further then what it currently was. She shook her head; she eliminated sexually transmitted diseases as some of the patients didn't seem to be sexually active or at least she hoped not at the age of 12, as one of the children was.

Keth shoved her chair over so she could grab another padd that she had looked at earlier, an idea struck her suddenly as she studied the data, stomach aches and pains were common, as were fever and chills but they knew that there was nothing fungal that had caused this but what if it were a protozoan of sorts. How these people would have gotten something like that concerned her but stranger things had occurred she was sure of it. SO creatures in the water, or food source was not out of the question it wasn't something one would think of immediately as most people ate from the replicator but many did not.

It was an idea that meant a trip to the local eateries for a sampling of cuisine and samples to be sent to the labs to be looked at. Keth stretched once and grabbed a padd, a bag she often carried with her on planet side adventures. It contained containers, slides along with things one would need to take samples with. She slipped a tricolor in her pocket and headed out the door to find a good place to eat.

Lieutenant jg - Ohmri Keth, CMO