Time is Fleeting – Hail DS5!
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Captain Talla H'Rhar & Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Hail DS5!
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Captain Talla H'Rhar & Lieutenant JG Petro & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 9:43pm
Location   {USS Sarek - M3 MD5 20:25}
Timeline   SD15 08:25 {12 hours behind)
Tag   Sarek Cross Post

Guilder was in the turbolift heading to the bridge as the ship began its final approach to DS5. The doors slid open and he called for a status report as he tapped the shoulder of the woman sat in the main chair.

"Sir, we're 1 million kilometres from DS5. No communication, just static but we have an anomalous reading in the vicinity of the station." She reported.

Aaron looked around and nodded as he took the chair, tapping at his comm.

=^= "Captain, we're nearing Deep Space five. Can you make it to the bridge?" Aaron enquired.

"Can I?" Talla replied, sounding tired, "I promised, didn't I? I'll be right up."

Aaron allowed himself a smile. =^= "Thank you." Aaron replied. "Guilder out." =^= He closed the comm.

The smile faded as Aaron tapped the arm console.

"Attention all hands, we're approaching Deep Space 5 which is still incommunicado. All department heads to the bridge. Lieutenant Marmak, report to the bridge." He closed the ship comm.

Turning his attention to the helmsman, he gave his last order for the evening on the bridge, as he had the band on his mind and the crew needed to relax before the following day.

"Yellow alert, shields up, hold at seven hundred and fifty thousand kilometres." He swung the chair around to science. "Ensign Ta'an, I want constant readings from the station and the anomaly."

"Aye sir." The Vulcan replied from his station as he began to collate any and all relative information.

Garena was not really surprised to hear the call for her to report to the bridge. After the meeting with Ensign Crow that afternoon and the ships speed, she knew they were going to be getting to DS5 a little earlier than planned. She cast a proud look over her crew mates and stood from the crate that she had called home for the last few days and headed out of the docking bay to the bridge.

Vinnie was at his station and heard the commanders orders and energized the shields taking the ship to yellow alert. His hands moving quickly over the board running scans.

Kentar stepped off the lift and onto the bridge. He had been on his way up when he heard the call. He had some information to pass on to Mr. Crow and Aaron. Ch'Nai had made some interesting discoveries that they might like to know about.

JaTel had joined Finnegan and Nurse Tanaka in the lounge. Commander Guilder's announcement caused Yoshi to startle. "Incommunicado?" She placed her head in her hand. "That's why I don't want to stay there. Can't even keep their communications open." JaTel commented and looked at Diane who was standing. "That's me." She said to the newlyweds. "I'll be on the Bridge and you two can argue the problem down here." She sighed and headed out of the lounge arriving on the Bridge.

Liam wiped his face with a napkin, then wiped Lucy's. The call for all department heads came ordering them to the bridge, so he thanked and tipped the romulan, then they left. Leaving his little girl with a holonanny on their first night was not what he had wanted but orders were orders. A quick detour back to their quarters, he put on his uniform and activated the form of a tall blond women. "I will be on the bridge. She needs to go to bed, no arguments." She pouted but hugged him before he left. Making his way up to the bridge it dawned on Liam he was about to not just meet the Captain but everyone else all in one go. He stepped on the bridge nervous and a little lost.

Guilder was watching the viewscreen, with a magnification on the 'Anomaly' looking at it, but not as studiously as Ta'an, who was enraptured by the strange cloud alongside DS5.

He had ran several scans and was keen to be closer, or even aboard the station. Guilder had told him no probes when he enquired about a possible launch, stating that DS5 had to be the main priority, not the anomaly, so he had to make do with multiple scans and resonance responses.

"Sir, the anomaly appears to be enlarging at a minor rate, but it is emitting several forms of radiation, which appear to be the main cause of the communication failure. I would still request a probe be launched." He advised and inquired.

Aaron waved his hand, realising that several crew had joined him on the bridge, including Kentar and the DS5 botswain, Garena Marmak.

Aaron swung the chair about and stood, greeting Kentar with a nod and a slow close of his eyes. ~ Don't like the look of ~ He thought simply. "Lieutenant." He addressed Garena as the new engineering chief entered the bridge.

~You won't like the news of it either.~ Kentar replied in their unique way.

Liam walked on and his eyes were immediately drawn to the commander with bright pink hair. From the crew profiles he had looked at, there was no doubt this was the XO. "Commander Guilder, Liam Reynolds reporting in. I am your new CEO sir. Any luck raising the station?"

Aaron shot a glance to the CEO and shook his head. "Nothing yet." His reply seemed curt, but his line of thought was tracked on DS5 at the moment.

Finnegan stood next to Commander Chinari staring a the view screen. The cloud surrounding the station was not a naturally occurring phenomenon. "Sir, I've got a bad feeling about this." Diane said absently to Kentar without taking her eyes off the screen. She was anxious for Guilder to give the command to launch the probe.

Kentar nodded silently. He recognized the anomaly to some extent but had hoped never to see one again in his lifetime. He could feel his chest tighten at the memory of it. He knew he would see it again but that never stopped him from trying to forget.

"That makes two of us doctor. Incidentally, congratulations on your promotion." Talla stared at the screen, an uneasy feeling creeping up on her. "Thoughts?" she inquired. "Aaron, call a briefing, if you haven't already done so. All department heads, and assistants where required. Also, invite the reporter he has to make note of this and get word out, somehow."

"Thank you, Captain." Finnegan replied. "Thoughts?" Diane asked and turned to Talla and then back to the screen. "Feelings. Bad ones."

Aaron moved toward the ready room. "Shall we adjourn to the ready room, there are a great deal of questions and so few answers." He voiced. "Ensign Ta'an, the request for a probe has been noted, but denied at this juncture. Keep scanning." He said as the others began to make their way into the Captains ready room.

"Captain," The commander nodded, "Glad to see you on the bridge."

Talla merely smiled approvingly, but said nothing. Instead, she preceded everyone into her ready room.

Aaron followed behind and noted there were still one person missing despite Kydenes, the CFCO, Aleksandria.

"Should we wait for Commander Poskov?" He asked. As Talla took her seat behind the desk, he moved to her side and remained standing.

"Yes, and call for her wing XO too. He may need to be informed as well, just in case. I've just authorised a wing expedition. They might as well go have a look at the station. Right?"

Vinnie turned his station over to Lieutenant Carson and followed the others into the captain's ready room, he stood next to the door, his arms crossed, ears close to head, a sign of slight aggravation and curiosity.

Doctor Finnegan sat in front of the Captain's desk. "Captain," Diane began. "... Commander." She looked up at Aaron, but spoke to them both. "The safety of the Station is our first priority, agreed. Our scans indicate the cloud is emitting not one, but several forms of radiation."

She looked back at Talla. "If the Station is fully operational their shields and deflectors will hold them until we arrive." She paused. "Until such time as the levels are determined, I do not recommend deploying our any of our Wing crew."

"They won't be leaving their craft doctor," Talla ensured her, hopefully, "Commander Poskov is an experienced pilot, her wing is highly trained save for the one apprentice pilot. At any rate, they'll be doing a fly-by at first, and take readings a probe might not get." She looked around. "Did Poskov get the summons?"

A response to the Captain's question regarding Aleksandria was not immediately forthcoming. "Agreed." Finnegan relented. "As long as the wing crew remains in safe perimeters, objection rescinded."

Aaron gave an unheard sigh and tapped at his comm.
=^= "Lieutenant Commander Poskov to the captains ready room." =^= He signalled and then continued to the assembled parties.

There was no response from Aleksandria Poskov.
"Computer, locate Lieutenant Poskov." Aaron ordered, growing impatient.

The computer chirped. "Lieutenant Commander Poskov is not aboard the ship."

Aaron turned to look at Talla, then to Kentar then to Vinnie.
"Explain." He enquired simply.

"Poskov launched a Razor fighter at 20:07. Her course took her to Starbase Deep Space 5. The Commander has not attempted to signal as of 20:31, current time." The computer advised.

Aaron sighed loudly.
"It looks as if the Commander has used her own initiative." He said in a flat tone, his thoughts tracking back.

"Further to Ensigns Crows discovery that communications were not possible with DS5, we increased speed to reach the station a little earlier than first planned. What we found when we arrived," He advised as he stepped over to the console and tapped at the screen, bringing up a tactical overview of the sector, "was this anomaly a few thousand kilometres off the station." He glanced at the doctor, who had raised a concern about radiation.

"Ensign Ta'an has made 2 requests to launch a probe, but as we're not sure as to the nature of the rift, I have ordered a full sensor scan of the station and the rift, so we can determine if a probe should be launched. The radiation has signified temporal qualities, along with lesser amounts of Thoron, which is what we believe is causing the communication problems." Aaron allowed what he had said to be absorbed.

He cast a glance at Lieutenant Marmak. "Lieutenant, as Commander Poskov has already left for DS5, I would ask you to pilot a shuttle to DS5, see if you can track down Commander Poskov, after all, nobody here knows the station like you." Aaron stated.

Garena knew there was a problem at the station, but this was not what she had expected and replied with a simple, "Yes sir."

Finnegan raised her eyebrows. "Radiation, or Thoron, for that fact don't often behave in a temporal manner, Sir." She remarked to Aaron. "Unless or until a pattern can be determined, I advise extreme caution before launching the wing crew or any shuttles."

Kentar looked at the Captain and Commander Guilder, a certain level of fear in his eyes. "If this is a quantum distortion," he said, "and I hope I'm wrong and it's not, then there are a myriad of complications to be had. The question of what's inside of it could also be the answer to who initiated it."

Vinnie spoke up. "Commander, I would like to go along as well, since we do not know what's going on with the station, the possibility of trouble is high, a armed escort might not be to much of a hassle."

Talla shook her head. "No Ensign, I need you here on the ship, to coordinate any possible relief efforts with Lieutenant Ramsey. Poskov will escort the shuttle, accompanied by her wing. They're trained for this."

She tapped her combadge. "Yeoman McDaniel, please report to the briefing room."

Brian tapped his combadge and replied...."Yes Captain, right away Captain." Brian walked swiftly down the corridor to the briefing room. Brian wondered what was going on. His hands started to shake and sweat. "I hope everything is alright."

The Captain read his thoughts perfectly as Aaron glanced at Kenter.

~Has she some of our ability, that was going to be the exact recommendation I was about to render! ~ Aaron gave a partial smile and nodded his agreement to Vinnie and Talla.

~Great minds.~ Kentar replied in silence.

"Hopefully DS5 will be able to give us that information, Commander." Aaron responded to Kentar, "Until we get a more detailed scan, we cannot begin to make assumptions, but with no communication yet apparent life on the station, we have to be..., " Guilder paused, searching for the correct word.

"Cautious." He finally came out with and nodded in Diane's direction. He clasped his hands behind his back. He continued with a shrug of his shoulders as he felt an odd sensation from his brother, one of trepidation and guilt.

"We're currently on yellow alert, shields are up and weapons are offline. My recommendation, is to remain on alert, but we can lower the shields. Any other recommendations?" Aaron offered the floor to the heads gathered.

Garena released her breath that she had been holding for some time.
"Sir, if I may, one of my crew had an idea about how to contact DS5, he was working with Ensign Crow. Now we're this close, we may have more joy if we pursue his idea." She offered.

Aaron nodded.

"What did you have in mind?" Kentar asked, looking at Garena then to Crow.

Vinnie looked over at Davis one of the DS5 survivors and he nodded to Vinnie. "Davis and I worked out a way to log into the stations camera systems, as you know every station be it federation technology or updated Cardassian such as DS9 they all have cameras in various places through the station, in case of emergency, we can identify either the problem or the cause of the problem." Vinnie stated.

"Captain, all we have to do is log into the security grid access the surveillance system and then we will be able to find out what is going on." Davis stated.

Finnegan interrupted, turning to face Vinnie. "Not if those thoron particles are doing their job, Chief. Jamming all communication, including visual." She glanced at Davis and turned to face the Captain's desk. "It's worth a shot." Diane shrugged. "Commander Guilder is correct, a probe is useless."

She looked Talla in the eye. "Within acceptable perimeters, Captain." Diane repeated, confident the Captain understood she was in full agreement with the wing team's investigation.

Kentar listened as his mind began thinking about the probable outcomes of such an event. "Perhaps Miss Hamilton and Miss Sobius could work together in Astrometrics to better keep an eye on this thing. The two of them are quite adept with spacial anomalies as I understand it." He offered, his voice calm and collective unlike the turmoil he felt inside.

Guilder agreed with a nod. "Along with Ensign Ta'an, they are a formidable partnership." He added recalling the work they did on 'Planet L'

"I concur." Kentar replied.

Garena had moved to the side of the room, trying to get a good view of the anomaly and DS5, wondering where Moose was at this present moment.
It had been nearly 2 months since she had been on board the station and Captain Tahir had probably settled into her role as Captain.
Thinking of Captains, she wondered if O'Dowd had yet had his court martial, how Rakka was surviving with Gabriel..... Gabriel. Her face widened with the smile.

"Sirs, if I may. Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel. Commander Chinari, sorry, your counterpart on DS5. He has many means ......" Her mind had suddenly switched to over drive. "Kaia!" She voiced her thought. "Sorry, Kaia, a civilian with many more hidden talents, if you can get any form of message out, especially into a time rift, then Kaia would be the person to pick up on it!" Her voice had risen in excitement.

All in the room turned to Garena where she stood at the window. Finnegan was not interested in intelligence tactics. She wished to be done with it and get back to work.

"I've heard of Gabriel." Kentar said, his voice placid. "Unusual tactics is the phrase I believe that was used." He stroked his neck ridge for a moment in thought. "I believe Ch'nai might be able to do something about getting something through." He paused. "Newell would be better suited but I fear that resource may be lost."

"Newell may well be of assistance, provided he is constantly watched. Perhaps a telepath? An unknown one to him that is." Talla looked around, then her eyes fell on her new yeoman. "Any suggestions, Mr McDaniel?" she asked him, smiling encouragingly.

The Doctor turned her head and looked at the Captain. "Randy?" She asked her softly, shaking her head. "Newell?" Finnegan's mouth remained open for some time.

The Andorian nodded quietly. "Incarcerated or no, he is the most experienced man for the task at hand." Her eyes, while answering the doctor's query, remained on her new yeoman, waiting for his input. She knew her former yeoman would've remained silent, too afraid to speak up, but this one surely wasn't?

Vinnie looked between the two women and shook his head. "he maybe the best man for this, but the only way I will let him out of the brig is with an armed escort." Vinnie stated.

"Who said anything about letting him out of his cell," the Andorian replied, clearly surprised.

"Agreed." Kentar said, looking at both Crow and H'Rhar. "With everything that he is accused of we must consider the safety of the ship and it's crew. That includes Mr. Newell regardless of any personal feelings towards him. Having him remain in his cell would be the most prudent action as well as having an unarmed guard at his attention while he works."

He turned to address Vinnie. "The reason for an unarmed guard should be fairly obvious. Randy is quite capable and it would seem rather disturbed. There would be no sense in giving him the temptation of disarming anyone."

Vinnie nodded. "I agree to a point, there are other ways of arming security that is not out in the open and can be taken from, we share some of the weapons with the marines. Captain, I'm forced to agree with the Commander, if Randy is as capable of doing the job then anyone else his talents maybe helpful." Vinnie said.

Aaron simply shook his head, after all, he placed no trust in the former intelligence officer, but he trusted Kentar implicitly.

Finnegan turned to Brian. "Forgive me, Mr. McDaniel," She apologized, as the Captain was clearly anxious to hear his thoughts. Diane looked from Talla to Kentar, then to Aaron and Vinnie, her expression failed to hide her confusion.

"Randy Newell may be the most experienced officer for the task at hand, but I'm not clear whether he is of sound mind; not to mention body." She felt Aaron's and Kentar's minds working. It was obvious that Command and Intel had not disclosed a few things with her regarding Newell. The Doctor's problems began when the ship left Deep Space 5. Now that they were returning, the connection between the Station's current situation and the trouble aboard was undeniable.

"He may not be leaving the Brig to do whatever it is he does so well, but I must defer to Regulation. I haven't even examined him, the Counsellor is left wanting for an explanation of his behavior..." Diane paused and looked at Aaron and Kenter. "... I have no personal feeling toward Mr. Newell. If you choose to employ his capabilities in this regard, I am obligated to determine if he is physically fit for this questionable task."

"Allow me examine him first." Finnegan held up a hand. "If Newell's 'talents' can get us onto that Station safely, I'll clear him for the position of Admiral."

"There is no question about his mental state," Talla argued back. "You will not examine him on the basis of whether he's fit to do it or not. He is, quite obviously, not of sound mind. However he is intelligent, and his intelligence must be put to use for the good of the ship. He may work against aliens and those not of some form of pure human sense...but he would do it for the good of Humans in general. And it must be argued to him in that way. He will help, and he will be rewarded for it too. How, I don't know yet, that depends on his trial. But I am not going to sit here and wait for something bad to happen, while someone who is in my brig, might be able to help. The answer is no doctor."

Finnegan listened to Talla and could see she misunderstand. "Captain." She paused. "I meant a physical examination, that's all. His mental state is not my concern, I'm a doctor not a counsellor. Regulation states crew members assigned to tasks such as these be physically examined. I repeat, I have never physically examined Randy Newell. I'd like to know if he's properly hydrated and nourished, running a fever or is carrying an infection." Diane shrugged.

"Sit there and wait for something bad to happen, Captain? I believe it already has." Diane leaned back in the chair. Why she was forever suspect, she would never know. "Randy Newell doesn't simply work against aliens, he has a murderous rage for them." She was not concerned with explaining her theory. "However, as always, Captain it is your orders that prevail. Please back me up though, when and if I must explain why I've never taken Newell's pulse at this juncture. If he even has one." Finnegan determined she had offered all she could on the matter.

"Captain I can stand it no longer, I must speak! If you want you can lock me up for what I am about to say but I must say it."

Everyone in the room had turned to focus their attention upon him. Brian could feel all of the eyes upon him burning holes into his skin.

"If you send Newell aboard that ship you will be putting everyone in danger. He himself has shown you that he can't be trusted. Anyone else would be better suited to go aboard that ship. Bloody 'ell even I would be better to go aboard that ship than he would!" Brian looked at the captain he could see the odd expression upon her face, but he paid no attention to it.

"I know that I am only your yeoman, but I can't not sit by any longer and allow this to continue." Brian's face was blood red and he could feel his heart pounding away. He knew that the captain would put him in his place, but he could live with that.
"As you have heard I am obviously not the only person that feels this away about it." After saying what he wanted to say, Brian got up from his seat and quickly left the room.

Vinnie followed him out and spoke. "Yeoman, don't make me chase you down. If you are man enough to speak to the Captain like that, you are man enough to stay and deal with the consequences."

" Ensign Crow, let him go." Talla cast her security chief a sharp look as she called him back. "I asked for his opinion, and he gave it. I'm not about to chastise him for doing what I ordered him to do. However, on the case of Newell, and this is my final say....Newell will remain in his cell, he will be given what he needs to work with and he will be supervised by no less than four people at all times. Those four people are divided in two security, one marine and one intelligence officer. Preferably one or two of those either empathic or telepathic."

A smile crept to the XOs face, the Yeoman had put into words so eloquently what was on his mind. He turned to face Talla. "I happen to agree Captain, though we must also trust Kentar." He advised.

Brian went down the hallway and sat down on the floor. He knew he would have to eventually return to face the music but needed a little time to himself.

He rose from the cold hard floor and walked back to the room.

"I realize leaving abruptly was not the answer, Captain, but I felt that it was best for everyone if I left to cool down and collect myself." Brian gave the Captain a placid look and straightened his collar.

"Most people would ask for forgiveness but I said what I felt and I will stand by it and take any punishment you wish to give me." Brian took his seat and waited for someone else to speak.

"I asked for your thoughts, and you gave them. That is what briefings are for, yeoman. And it is refreshing to see that someone actually knows how to use his brains, and walk away from something that might escalate, rather than stay and let it. Well done."

Vinnie nodded to the yeoman as he returned then turned to the Captain. "I see your point Captain, he's being watched on a regular basis whether he knows it or not, so how much system access will he need so I can set up security lockouts for whatever we setup for him?" Vinnie asked.

"Thank you, Captain." Brian sat a little easier in his chair now.

Finnegan sighed, of course she agreed with the young yeoman. Diane also trusted both Aaron and Kentar, implicitly. If Newell was the man, so be it. She couldn't care less if he was a mad as a hatter. Finnegan could additionally see that the Captain's say was indeed final.

Still, the absence of a medical officer made no sense to her. If Talla was simply concerned she would intervene; that supposition was unfounded. "Captain, I would like to remain and speak to you privately. If that is acceptable?"

The Andorian nodded. "Yes doctor, it is. Everyone else, dismissed."


To be continued..........

Captain Talla H'Rhar
USS Sarek Commanding Officer

Commander Aaron Guilder
USS Sarek Executive Officer (By Tasha)

Commander Kentar Chinari
USS Sarek Second Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer (By Petro)

Lt JG Diane Finnegan
USS Sarek Chief Medical Officer

Lt JG Liam Reynolds
USS Sarek Chief Engineer

Ensign Vinnie Crow
USS Sarek Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian McDaniel

Kydenes Erax
Civilian, Federation News Correspondent