Unity – Deploying the Trojan Horse - Part 2 (AKA Into the Breach)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Deploying the Trojan Horse - Part 2 (AKA Into the Breach)
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Sergeant Major Charles Doherty & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Apr 22, 2010 @ 6:56am
Location   DS5 / USS Trojan
Timeline   SD17 - 12:25
"Commander, platforms." He requested to Villiers.

=USS Trojan=

"Helm! Lay in a course for DS5. Tactical, soon as we are in range, open fire on the weakest point in their shields. We just need to punch a hole and transport Krah's team first." Raymond stated.


"Course laid in, bringing the ship to the lower sections near the communications arrays', recommend firing pattern seven." Gord said as he kept inputting information

Raymond nodded at the officer. The flurry of activity would allow Krah's team to beam onboard the station without raising any suspicions or alarms, assuming Hartsfield had performed his half the plan. Krah's team would need all the time they could get to find the core, even after the rest of the group had managed to be "captured" and brought onboard.

"Status?" He called out from his chair.

"Beginning transportation sequence now." Gerrard responded as he set the targeted co-ordinates given by the inside man on the station. "Transport complete. Krah and her team are on DS5. Ready to deploy mines." He advised as the helmsman changed course.

Krah found herself in an unfamiliar corridor. She flipped open a wall panel and began to determine her exact location. She was fleet-side, deck 52, enlisted quarters and life-pods - useful to know, she thought retaining that piece of data. The choice of uniform had been right, no-one would expect her to take charge, if anyone saw her they'd likely give her an order and send the petty officer on her way.

She extracted a tricorder and it sprang to life with a buzz - all she had to do was locate it and make the rendezvous.

= DS5 =

The Guardian Platforms were operational ready to unleash enough firepower to disable a fleet let alone a single Ambassador Class starship. First, Karen fired across their bows, a last chance to surrender before the others came to life.

"Anything?" Karen asked poised.

Davies was watching the tactical with a fair amount of concern. "They're getting pretty close, initiate platforms 3 and 4. Minimum yield." He said as he moved to the opposite side of the rostrum. David could see the comm panel flash with various incoming messages, but for the minute, they would have to wait, he was engaged in more pressing matters.

"Aye, aye," Vincent said, nodding to his other team members to get things rolling. "Platforms 3 and 4 are online. Minimum yield. Ready to fire on your command, sir."

= aboard the Montana =
"Wallace to Ops, we're getting signs of transporter activity, location unknown." Jarred reported

"Domingez, get a fix on that position." he barked to an NCO

= Ops =
"Commander?" Davies queried as the platforms torpedoes had little effect as he noticed that someone had indeed transported over from the Ambassador class. "Security, intruder alert. Position unknown!" He tapped at each of the consoles, desperately trying to obtain a fix on the intruders. "Tactical, internal sensors seem to be malfunctioning. Engineering, level three diagnostics, priority one, internal sensors and shields are ineffectual." Davies began to show signs of stress in his tone. "Commander Gabriel, get a team to secondary operations." He barked as he began to realize that the station had been compromised from within.

= Secondary Ops =

Cordova wore a grin from ear to ear. The plan had indeed worked, better than he had hoped. He was feeding false information back to main operations and he could see that the Commander was beginning to work out exactly what and where the information was coming from, but he had not expected him to be as quick to do so as he was.

=*= "Cordova to Trojan, you have approximately sixty seconds before all the stations sensors and controls are back online. Secondary position has been compromised, now moving to tertiary control. Good luck. =*=

Anthony moved to the computer console, and clasping his hands together, he smashed the sensor control panel, then the security console and finally, the guardian platform control console.
Rubbing the glass shards from his hands, leaving trails of blood down the side of his legs, he sprinted from the operations room and headed back to the lower decks.

{intel office}

Deep in the bowels of the station the three junior intelligence officers couldn't do much accept sit and watch the incident unfold. John and Rhiana sat there awe struck, Marti just stood there waiting for the explosions to start. their collective thoughts were interrupted by a readout from one of the functioning sensor arrays, "Why are they doing that?" John commented.

"Good question" Rhiana commented "Why would they be beam a boarding party on only...." she felt her skin go cold.

= USS Anubis =
Lt James Fisher looked up from tactical. "Sir, Phasers are still on-line. We can return fire. I have a firing solution that would disable their shield emitter, but without the reactor, they won't recharge." his hand hovered over the firing controls, waiting for Lockhart's decision.

A comm channel hailed the bridge at that moment.

=^= Engineering to the Bridge, Ensign Markham reporting with the update you requested Sir. We've just completed repairing and/or re-routing the damaged conduits on Decks 3 through 9. Our teams have also been working in Main Engineering replacing the transducers and plasma relays that were fried. We estimate restoration of power to the systems in four minutes, correction, now three minutes 45. =^= There was a noise in the background and the Ensign paused for half a breath.

=^= I am being given green lights as I speak, repairs are now complete ahead of our original estimates and the system is re-initialising. The reactor will now be online in two minutes 30 seconds =^=

A harsh smile appeared on the Captains face.
"As soon as we get manoeuvring thrusters, bring us about and open fire and to hell with the station commanders orders, I want them to feel the full weight of of our revenge." He spoke as harshly as his smile.

= Trojan Horse =

"Helm, set course for the Anubis. We've got the first team onboard, now it's time to grab everybody's attention long enough for Krah to find the device." Raymond said as he took his seat again. "Tactical, open fire on the Anubis. Ops, I'm sure the Anubis has figured out how to take us down, soon as weapons are disabled, I want you to transmit our surrender.

Greg looked around, he knew this mission was futile, he also knew enough about the intelligence officer Jarred Wallace to know that as soon as things went to hell he'd take action. Greg keyed in the next sequence and started to think about what he knew and how it could ge ugly. Greg and his brother William were in the same marine unit, he knew enough to know better than not to mess with Jarred. Then again he knew enough to know when to let things play out, and this was one situation that that applied.

= USS Anubis =
As the Trojan came about, the Anubis opened fire. The phaser banks discharged every last drop of power into a concentrated beam that took the ambassador class vessel in the drive section, hammering at the spot above the primary deflector dish. Multiple photon torpedoes chased the beam in, targeting the Maquis ship's weapon systems, trying to give the engineering team a few more precious seconds to bring the reactor back on-line.

Greg tried to avoid the impact of the weapons blast but the helm was sluggish "Oh nuts!" the ship rocked violently, stations exploded debris flew across the bridge, Greg was thrown onto the deck blood trickled down his face. His ears were ringing with the noise of alarms and panels beeping, then the alarm that he didn't want to hear =="Core breach in fourty-five seconds."==

"This is the bridge everyone to the escape pods, this bird is going to blow."

It took Raymond several seconds to come to after being violently knocked from his chair and onto the ground near Helm. Smoke was beginning to fill the various parts of the bridge. The uncommon silence indicated that various systems were either offline or about to go offline.

His lungs burned as he tried to regain his breathe and roll to his knees. His head was spinning and it showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. A wet sensation began to travel down the side of his head. He lifted his fingers to the source and found a quarter of an inch gash on his head.

~So much for a painless performance~ He thought to himself as he struggled back onto his feet. He looked around him and saw Greg attempted to activate ship-wide comms to signal the crew to reach the escape pods. It was time for the grand finale of his part in this drama.

=/= "This is Captain Weir, you all have served valiantly. Now it is time for you all to get off the ship and into the escape pods in time for the Anubis to retrieve you. Your squad leaders have been briefed with the necessary information and coordinates. If everything goes correctly, then we will never see each other again, either in life or on the other side. Weir, out == he said as he climbed back into his chair.

=*= "Engineering! I need this ship for at least 2 more minutes! Give me everything you can until everyone can escape and I can get this bird to a safe distance!" =*= he ordered.

"Greg! Get everybody off this ship. Ronald, signal to the Anubis our general surrender and to collect the escape pods! Ryouske, Gord, Tan'Rek, you all know what to do!" He ordered perhaps for the last time.

Tan'Rek ushered folk off the bridge, ahead of his huge frame. At the doors he turned and took a last look back before following them.

"Captain? Aren't you coming with us?" he called across as he noticed Weir was still in his command chair.

"I'm going down with the ship, I am the Captain afterall." He replied as he continued to focus on the view screen in front of him.

"That will be an honorable death. I am Klingon and to me, surrender is dishonor. I too will remain to the end and we will go to Sto'va'kor together". Tan'Rek saluted and stood himself resolutely at the helm console preparing to man it to the last moment.

"This *is* indeed a good day to die, as I suspected earlier." He grinned rather strangely, adjusting the helm console to be better suited to his above average height.

Gerrard smile had disappeared and he was not going to let this bird go down and he certainly had no intention of letting his captain die in vain, not when they were this close.

"Sir, we could try ejecting the core, it will shake the Anubis but at least we can still get this ship into DS5. I can re-rout second and tertiary systems to give us thruster control, obviously we wont have weapons, but at this stage, don't think we need them." He offered, wiping dust and grime from his face with the back of his hand.

Raymond smirked. ~Loyal to a fault~ he thought to himself as his crew disobeyed his direct ordered and began to reroute the necessary systems to keep the ship in one piece long enough for the crew to escape.

Gerrard didn't wait for the captain to acknowledge or refute the suggestion as he turned back to his console and began a sequence to alter pathways and power routes, giving the engineering officer a nod and wink.
"We can do this." He said in a positive manner.

"Status!" Raymond shouted as he observed the first set of escape pods launching from the vessel.

Ronald shook his head. "Not good, sir. As fast as I am rerouting, essential systems are failing. At least the warp core is stable, for the moment." he said as his finger ran constantly over the console, and he realised that their efforts were noble, if nothing else. The ships fate as already sealed.
He spun his chair about to face the captain.

Raymond nodded his head as the two reported back to him. "Good, good. You two have done your job well and it has been an honor to serve with you both." He said as he stood to salute them both.

Ronald stood, his arms straight at his sides and he felt immensely proud of what they had achieved under Raymond.
His arm snapped to his head, returning the salute.
"Likewise sir." Came Gerrard's response suspecting this was the last time he would see his captain.

Raymond slowly brought his hand down to his side and looked them both in the eye. ". . .but your mission is not complete. Sickbay, Engineering, the Armory, and Ops still needs to be secured in order for this mission to succeed. You have your orders." He said as he pressed the button on his chair activating the site-to-site transporter, placing both crewmen outside of the escape pod launching facility.

As the two figured shimmered out of his view, Raymond took a seat in his chair again and sat still while the ship rumbled around him as the ship was steered on thruster control to a safer distance where the core could detonate, taking out only this ship and its captain.


Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

CIO Jarred Wallace

Maquis Captain Raymond Weir
USS Trojan Horse
NPC by Thom

Melia Krah
NPCd by Louise

Ronald Gerrard
By Mark

By Andy

Gord Jowan
NPC'd by Freeman


USS Trojan
Captain Raymond Wier - Gabriel
Commander - Melia Krah - Karen
Helmsman / Flight Greg Keeler - Jarred
Ops - Ronald Gerrard -Mark
Weapons specialist Ryouske Nakayagi - Darson
Tactical - Gord Jowan - Freeman
Bridge Officer - Dunham
Quartermaster - Tan'Rek - Chelsea