Judgement – Setting The Record Straight
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Setting The Record Straight
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Oct 17, 2010 @ 10:05pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   After Run about and a not so civil war.

Jana hadn't seen Rick since her episode with Krem, she wondered if he was angry with her and wondered if Krem had said anything to Rick about their two encounters. Wandering through the Promenade she saw him eating alone. He didn't look angry, she thought to herself and she slowly approached him.

"Hi..." She said quietly. "Can I join you?"

"Is there a reason why you can't?" said Dunham with a small smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh...hmmm...I thought perhaps you were upset with me about something..." She said quietly and sat down.

Dunham took a sip of his chameleon tea, and smiled gently. "You are of course talking about Krem....yes I have spoken to him."

"Oh." She groaned. Jana folded her hands on the table and stared at them, she couldn't look at him. How would she explain her actions...or what she had told Krem? "You aren't mad at me?"

Dunham stirred the tea in its china cup. He then tapped the silver spoon gently on its rim to stop it from dripping. Then took another sip of his tea. He then put the cup down, “is there a reason why I should be?” he asked sympathetically.

Jana sat up straight in her chair and finally looked up at him. "Because I told Krem that I still love you, no I don't want to be with you, I'm not in love with you...that I wanted both you and Chelsea in my life...I know I am selfish for that...I'm sorry..."

"I'm glad you understand what you did was wrong. Apology accepted" Dunham took another sip of his tea, then put it back down on the table. He paused a moment considering his next words. "Love is a difficult thing. I love you, but not in that sort of way. i love you as a friend, the same way I love all my friends. But in a different way I love my family. But that in turn is a very different to the way in which i love Chelsea."

"Rick you don't need to explain it to me. I completely understand, I could never love you as anything more than a friend. Perhaps if we were both single...but neither one of us are now are we?" She replied smiling, her cheeks turning light shade of pink.

Dunham smiled. It was a 'I feel sorry for you' kind of smile. "No." said Dunham gently. "Even if we both were single. We are very different people now, you've changed. I have changed. Believe me when I say it would never of worked, and its best not to dwell on such things."

"I am not dwelling on what would of been Rick. You are right that we are both different people...but we do have something in common...well to an extent I suppose...you are engaged to a cute doctor...and I am seeing the new ACMO."

First thought through Dunhams head. ~Thank goodness she is getting into somebody else~ The other thought that ran through his head he spoke out loud. "We have new ACMO? when did that happen?"

"Umm...a couple of weeks ago I suppose. Chelsea and I were supposed to go for dinner and there was an emergency so Ben and I went for dinner...ended up in the holodeck at the lake I used to go to with my friends when we were in the Academy. Then there was the incident with Ben and the new surgeon when he defended me against the surgeon.." She started gushing.

"What surgeon?" said Duham a little confused. The women always seem to get herself into some sort of trouble or drama no matter what she did.

"What?...Oh! Well I was over there," Jana pointed, "Lance, the new surgeon, made a comment about my ass and when I stormed off. yes, yes I know I storm off a lot. I ran into klingons and they pushed me down and I rebroke my wrist and, Lance took me to sickbay but I would only let Chelsea or Ben look at it...Lance started pushing both mine and Ben's buttons...Ben finally had enough when Lance shoved his ass in my face and then the fight began.."

Dunham laughed his last thoughts getting utterly vindicated. She was trouble. "You know what never mind, sorry i asked." he said with another flash of a grin. But it did sound like Chelsea had some discpline issues in the ranks within her department. She would have to crack some heads. Which of course she would have no problem doing.

"What?" She laughed.

He leaned back in his chair and laughed gently again. "You do have a certain way of getting yourself into trouble don't you."

"I am hoping that things have calmed down." She laughed. "And look, between Chelsea and Ben my wrist is all better." Jana smiled. "I really do like Ben...I can't wait to see him again." She blushed.

Dunham breathed an inward sigh of relief that this women had the hots for another dude. It wasn't an ego thing, they were friends and he didn't want to spoil there friendship. "Thats good to hear. Whats he like?"

"Gorgeous, kind, spoils me, he listens when I have something to say. We both like horseback riding...and we both play musical instruments. It's great. Fallen completely head over heels for him." She laughed.

Dunham smiled and nodded in agreement. ~well let's hope he doesn't break her heart too, but he sounds like a good bloke, let's just hope he actually is.~ "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Rick. I'm happy too...for the first time in a really long time things are starting to look up for me, not just with work but with my love life too. I think it is going to be a fabulous year!!" A wide smile came across her face.

Dunham groaned to himself inwardly. If there was anyway to jinx yourself it was to say something like that. He instinctively wrapped his knuckles on the wooden table. A superstitious gesture he had picked up off an old friend. It was called 'touch wood.' He'd never been quite sure what it had meant. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

Jana laughed. "Do you know why people do that? 'Knock on wood'? In ancient times it was believed that when you knocked on wood you would wake up the fairies and they would bring you good luck." She smiled.

"I always wondered what it meant." said Dunham with a smile but thinking to himself she could probably do with all the luck she could get.

"Rick...are we ok?" Jana asked.

"I think we've cleared a few things up" said Dunham with a smile.

Jana smiled back, "I am glad that we were able to. Perhaps the four of us can go out later. I have to head back to the lab. I'll talk to you later alright?" She stood up and squeezed his shoulder as she passed. "Say hi to Chelsea for me...I am trying to avoid sickbay...last time it was full of drama." She winked and headed out.

~Oh god the ex and the Mrs over dinner! Everyman's worst nightmare~ "Maybe." said Dunham with a smile as he waved her off.


Lt Cdr Richard Dunham


Lt. Jana Kasikova