Judgement – Onward to new adventures
by Lieutenant Kevin Space

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Title   Onward to new adventures
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Kevin Space
Posted   Mon Jan 17, 2011 @ 1:27am
Location   In Deep Space
Timeline   SD35
Off: Greetings. I wish to apologise that my first post comes not until now. In fact, my hands were itching to write before Christmas, but with the database errors I couldn't do it at the time, and after I returned from "relatives-round" the New Year started with all the planning and writing my bachelor's thesis. It also didn't help that the e-mail account had directed all the mission posts to the trash bin. Anyway, enough with excuses and onto my characters arrival.

Something of a "Timescape" style, although not so dramatic.


"End Log." Computer chirped after Kevin finished his sentence. It had been a long trip. First, all the way from Betazed to Deep Space 4. There - luckily - Kevin managed to catch the USS Intrepid before she departed on a mission to study the Hirogen Relay Station Network in hopes to get intelligence about the Borg or any other hostile race from the Delta Quadrant. The Intrepid's course took less than a light year from Deep Space 5 and the rest of the trip took approximately two days by a runabout.

Kevin wasn't alone at the last leg of the journey to his new post. There was a Bajoran engineer - a matter/energy system's specialist in fact - Chief Petty Officer Varis Edon. With Kevin's original field of study back at the academy, they got along pretty well.

Then there was a private, fresh from the booth. He had told his name upon entering the runabout, but after that he tended to keep amongst himself. Well, he was 19 afterall and other men onboard were in their early and late thirties and to put it bluntly: fixing and destroying could not always find common goals. It could have also been an issue to take orders from a non-combatant; Kevin was the senior officer on this ship. Anyway, speculation aside, it was still a full day to reach Deep Space 5.


Lieutenant Kevin Space
Theological Analyst
Deep Space 5