Interlude – Damning evidence
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar

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Title   Damning evidence
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar
Posted   Tue Jun 15, 2010 @ 5:40pm
Location   Cardassian Embassy
Timeline   SD 19
This was the first time that Legate Hydel Turvan had visited Deep Space 5. To be honest, he wasn't too impressed. The Celestrial class starbase had the typical trappings of a Federation institution. Unarmed Security officers walking the promenade. Bright lights and environmental controls that were obviously set for a much colder environment.

As he walked through the station he could see the fear and apprehension within the eyes of the other inhabitants of the station. They feared him, and will good reason. He was the former commander of the Cardassian 5th Order and field commander of countless engagements for Cardassia. They feared him because they knew that if doing so would increase the glory of Cardassia he could end their existence without so much as a second thought.

Fortunately for them he was on Federation grounds for reasons that were more diplomatic and cordial in nature. As he arrived at his intended destination, a smile crossed his face as he began to notice the more familiar decorations of Cardassian influence. It was apparent that the Cardassian embassy on this station was overseen by someone who recognized where he had come from.

He pressed the chime and awaited to be greeted properly.

Lemat scurried along quickly to the Promenade entrance. Although they had a direct route from the embassy to the promenade with a turbolift, the access door was still kept. She answered it and the doors crept open to reveal a Cardassian male, with a Legate's pin.

Hydel observed the young woman for several moments before he smiled at her. "Well, my dear, Are we going to stand here and make love to one another with our eyes, or will you allow me to step onto Cardassian soil?" He said with the same smile.

"I... Erm... I... Does the Ambassador expect you?" She managed to say, as she stepped to the side for the man and made for him to follow.

As he entered the took in the immediate area. He continued to observe the embassy as he followed the woman towards the main foyer.

"Oh no my dear, I doubt the Ambassador would be expecting me. I wanted my visit to be a true surprise. I'm here to offer him something that he would greatly appreciate." He replied as he continued to walk into the embassy.

"I see that it is expanded greatly from when there was an announcement of Cardassia making its presence known here." He added. "Who is in charge of embassy security? I wish for him to be present at my meeting with the Ambassador as well." he stated.

She stopped infront of him, nervously. "I-I'm afraid I need to ask your name please, sir."

Hydel was taken aback by the inquiry. Did this young woman not recognize that she was standing in the presence of greatness. That one day she could tell her children and grandchildren that she had the privilege of speaking to a great military tactician and ever-charming statesman?

"My dear girl, I am Legate Hydel Turvan, of the 5th Order." He said understandingly, showing sympathy for the poor girl's lapse of recognition. "My goodness, you have been away from the home-world for so long that you no longer recognize its greater heroes." He said in a gregarious voice.

"Oh... Oh my." She said, visibly blushing. "Right this way Legate!" She exlcaimed through a reddened face. "I'll contact Gilnn Meran immediately!"

"Very well." Turvan said as he took a seat on one of the glamorous couches in the waiting room.

Tharek immediately exited his office to greet the legendary man. "Legate! What a pleasure, illbeit, an unexpected one."

Turvan stood to address the fellow Cardassian. "I see your time away from own mother Cardassia has not affected your sense of punctuality." Turvan replied with a smile. "Although I must say, I am surprised that there weren't more armed guards standing between myself and the door. One can never be too trustworthy of the 'others' that inhabit this station." Turvan continued.

"It's nice to see you too." Tharek said sarcastically. It was good to be in the company of a command ranked Cardassian again. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here because I believe there is an opportunity for one of us to help each other." he said as he took a seat.

"Go on... " Tharek said, intrigued.

Turvan recognized that he was in the pretense of an intellectual equal, therefore he would get straight to the point. "The Warship Dumar, I wish to have it transferred to my command." he stated bluntly.

Tharek was taken back by the request. A ship of Cardassia, let alone a ship of the front line, would be incredibly difficult to attain.

Turvan nodded. "I recognize that it will require significant work and negotiation to obtain it. In addition to it being one of the few remaining flagships with the Cardassian Military, it has managed to survive the Detapa Council's military purge of Central Command." Turvan replied bitterly. He recognized that the assistance of the Federation was vital to his people but he saw the "reform" as a dishonor to the memory of Cardassia's fallen soliders.

"It was an act of cowardice for the Detapa Council to agree to the Federation's demands that we reduce military." He continued. "The Dumar is one of the few remaining Keldon-class vessels within our fleet. It will become an important part of my plans." he stated.

"Plans. Well, its nice to see that Cardassia lives in people like you and me. I'll get your ship, but it will be no easy task." Tharek told the other Cardassian.

Turvan smiled. "Of course it will be difficult, that is why I'm asking a man of your experience and influence for this favor." he responded.

"Why thank you Legate, although, I muse request that you don't get something for nothing on this station. What do I get in return?" Tharek said, raising his eyebrow quizzically

"In return? I plan on helping you solve a problem you are having with a certain Chief of Security." Turvan said as he pressed several buttons on the padd he had brought with him. He pressed a button and a portion of the video began to play.

=="I'm not playing with you anymore Garson!" Gabriel said as he drove his foot into the Cardassian's side just to emphasis his point. "ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Gabriel yelled as he grabbed Garson by the collar and began to shake him violently. Gabriel did not wish to kill either Cardassian, but he was not going to allow sympathy stand between him and the information his investigation needed. "You won't have eyes very much longer Garson. When you and your friend die you will wander the underworld blind and dumb, and all the dead will know: this is Garson, the fool who didn't answer Dorian Gabriel's questions. What is the exact location in the Neutral Zone, and how does it detect the cloaked vessels?" he said in a lowered tone as he stared into the Cardassian's blood-shot eyes."==

"I'm sure the rest of the recording would be of much interest to you." Turvan said as he slid the padd to the Cardassian. (

Tharek smiled. "Oh, Turvan. You do know how to make my day. This is exactly the thing I need. I'll see to it that you get your ship. In the mean time, I could introduce you to some of Cardassia's finest men. My friend, Turrel, is one of the fiercest starship Gul's this galaxy has seen, and his men follow in his image. The chief of security is obedient and loyal, and has an astounding work ethic. You've met Lemat I guess."

Turvan nodded. "From what I hear, the Security officer has been a thorn in your side. What do you plan on doing about that, and more importantly, what are your plans for the this embassy?" he inquired.

"I plan on tearing his head from his shoulders with my bare hands." Tharek replied calmly. "And my plans for the embassy are strictly between me and the Obsidian Order, Legate."

Turvan admired the Cardassian before him, but he was not without his flaws and naivities. "Oh yes, the omnipotent Obsidian Order. It has done so much for our people in the past, why not continue to give yourself to them whole-hearedly." he replied.

"You and I both know the Obsidian Order is nothing more than a mere shadow of what it was. Even during its prime it was nothing more than an abusive and harsh parasite upon our people." Turvan said with conviction. "The best way to rebuild our empire is not through intimidation and fear, but through the conserving our resources while gaining the trust of the other governments within the quadrant." He stated.

Tharek did not just believe the words that exited his mouth. "Parasite on our people? Dear Turvan, the Order was a gleaming beacon of hope against the Dominion. The only slither of hope our people had. The Order isn't the parasite here, it's the civilian council."

Turvan bit his tongue. "I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree." He replied as he began to stand. "But there is one thing that your crew can do for me while I am on this station. . ." he began.


Gilnn Denat Meran
Head of Embassy Security

Gul Turrel G'mar
Rakara CO

Hydel Turvan

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator