Judgement – A Cry In The Night, Part II (back post)
by Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   A Cry In The Night, Part II (back post)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Wed Dec 07, 2011 @ 2:20pm
Location   The Stapletons' Quarters
Timeline   SD 39, 22:51

This time, the buzz from the comm screen jolted Bridget wide awake. She'd fallen asleep in the chair, waiting to hear from Kylie and Jacob. "Answer," she said to the computer, and looked at the chrono. Four hours had passed. Where was Ed? He hadn't come home yet, which was odd.

The flash of logo after logo seemed interminable as the station made it's connections to Earth for the civilian call. She adjusted the folds of her robe for modesty and sat forward on the edge of the chair.

"Bridget, we've got some news." It was Jake. He was composed, but his features were drawn.


"They found a fingerprint on one of the supports of the swing set. Well, a partial. They're running the print right now."

"Have you..."

"Heard anything? No. No calls, no messages. The team searching the woods didn't find a trace, either."

"So you're sure it's kidnapping." Her heart sank.

"Reasonably." He paused and scrubbed at his short-cropped hair with a large hand. "We won't know for sure--"

Off screen, multiple voices raised in rapid succession and Jake looked in that direction, listening. Bridget couldn't make out what was being said so she watched Jake's face for reaction. She noticed the light in the kids' living room had changed, natural light being replaced with artificial. It was night back home, and little Joel was out there somewhere, terrified. If... if he was still alive, she reminded herself with dread.

She was just thinking she'd never make it home for his funeral, when Jake looked at her and the movement caught her attention. "What did they say?" There was a mixture of hope and fear in her voice.

"Be right back," he replied cryptically, and Jake's face was immediately replaced by an "on hold" comm logo.


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner)
Main Sickbay - DS5

NPC'd by Charlene