Interlude – Saying goodbye
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Saying goodbye
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 23, 2011 @ 12:12am
Location   Docking bay
Timeline   SD36 - 07:00hrs

"You going to miss me?" Maiell asked his Bajoran girlfriend as they walked hand in hand towards the docking bay where the Dhelan was positioned to take in her crew for their mission.

"Of course." Ma'erlit replied, biting her lip to keep from crying, she was upset to see him go, more so because when she had asked to come with the wing she had been denied, "I wish I could come with you."

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to be worrying about you all day and be unable to focus on my work," Maiell told her, putting his arm around her and pulling her closer to his body. "I like having you here, all safe," he grinned, kissing the top of her head.

"So instead I get to stay here worrying about you all day being unable to focus on my work." Ma'erlit complained, "And I can hold my own, you know?"

"No, I don't know," he teased. "Which is why I like to think of you being safe and sound," he said with a smile. "As for not being able to focus, I'm sure you'll do fine." They walked through the corridor in silence until they reached the docking bay a bit sooner than either would've liked.

"Is it too late to ask you not to go?" Ma'erlit asked, knowing before she even said it that it was, he was going, that was it.

Maiell stopped and turned to face her. He rested his hands on her small shoulders. "Don't worry about me," he told her. "I know how to take care of myself. I will be back, I promise," he told his lover.

"Okay." Ma'erlit nodded, "I know you're in good hands with the CAG, so you two take care of each other and we'll all be home together soon."

Maiell smiled at her. Turning to look over his shoulders, he saw some of his fellow crewmen already boarding the ship. "I suppose this is it," he told her. "I'll miss you," he said, pulling her into an embrace.

"Just hurry up, okay?" Ma'erlit managed between quiet tears, "Tell Rianni she doesn't have to kill all the pirates before she brings you home. There will always be another day to fight."

Maiell smiled, reaching up to wipe away a tear. "Take care of yourself," he told her. As he looked down at her Amalia noticed his attention being drawn to something behind her. Looking over Ma'erlit's shoulder, Maiell saw Arrienye several meters away, keeping at a distance that told him she didn't want any contact for now, but still wished to see him off. He smiled slightly at her and gave her a nod.

Not returning his smile, Arrienye nodded back.

Ma'erlit saw that, but decided not to comment, it wasn't her place yet.

Keeping his gaze with hers for a few moments more, Arrienye then turned and left. Maiell sighed, then looked back down at Ma'erlit. "Do something for me? Please look out for her," he pleaded, motioning to the place Arrienye had been standing.

"Yeah, I'll keep her out of trouble." Ma'erlit nodded, "You keep an eye on Rianni for me?"

"Of course," Maiell nodded before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers.

Ma'erlit just melted in him, his lips and his arms, because she didn't know when the opportunity would present itself again, before finally speaking, "You should go, otherwise I won't let you."

Maiell smiled, pressing his forehead against hers as he caressed her cheek. "I'll think of you," he told her. "Until next time." Kissing her forehead once, he walked back, away from her. Still holding her hand as he did, he finally let go once he'd gotten some distance from her. Giving her a wave and a reassuring smile, he turned and walked towards the passage that led to the Dhelan.

Ma'erlit returned the wave and smile, though she was fighting tears the entire time, ~Prophets protect him.~

"He will be safe," Ma'erlit heard a voice say behind her. It was Arrienye. The dark haired woman came to stand behind her and looked down at the Bajoran.

"Oh, FRACK!" Ma'erlit said, jumping a little as she did, "I didn't see you had come back. Hi. Tell me, are you sure you're up to this? I mean, after last night?"

Arrienye nodded to her in greeting before looking at the passage tr'Tahn had disappeared through. "You shouldn't worry."

"Yeah, I know, but it's hard to make myself remember that when I don't want him to go." Ma'erlit sighed, "Guess it's just my emotions getting the best of me."

"You should learn some control," Arrienye said calmly. "tr'Tahn is a soldier. We all are. We have to accept the fact that when we see someone off on a mission, it may be the last time we see them," she told her, crossing her arms over her chest.

Amalia had to fight back the urge to yell at her, not to mention the urge to laugh at her, before managing to say, "Bullshit, Arrienye. If it was really that simple you probably wouldn't be here. And it's very sweet of you to come down and be here for him, for both of us."

Arrienye didn't seem to get what she was aiming for. "I didn't come here to be sweet. And the very reason I came is because it just may be the last time I see tr'Tahn. And he knows it. They're not going to pick flowers, Crewman," Arrienye told her, using her rank automatically. She didn't mean to take the friendship out of their talk. Amongst her family, there was no disrespect or ill feelings mean when using someone's rank to address them.

"I know." Amalia nodded sadly, then smiled, "But I've had a pleasure you haven't, Arrain. I've served with the CAG before, and I know she always finds a way to bring her people back alive, so I know Maiell will be just fine."

"I pray you're right," Arrienye nodded.

"The Prophets will protect them all." Amalia smiled, "And you."

"Me? Why would I need protection?" Arrienye asked.

Amalia just giggled softly at Arrienye and shook her head, "Come on, let's go find something to eat. Eating helps when I'm depressed."

"No, I have work to do. I only managed to slip out for a few minutes," Arrienye told her.

"Okay, well, come to my quarters tonight, I'll make hasperat." Amalia smiled, even though it was obvious she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

Arrienye shook her head at her. "I do not look forward to having to make my way across the station. How about you make it and come to my quarters," Arrienye suggested.

"All right." Amalia nodded, "Time?"

"20:00 hours," the Romulan replied. "I must get to work now. Have a good morning," she added with a nod before turning to leave for the Consulate.

"See you there." Amalia sighed, ~That girl is going to take a lot of getting used to.~


Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia
NPC by Rianni


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Head of Security
Romulan Consulate - DS5