Incommunicado – Dragons don't bite... but the kids do!
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Dragons don't bite... but the kids do!
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jun 13, 2012 @ 8:21am
Location   Holodeck 4
Timeline   SD49
:: On ::

Chelsea woke the next morning in a haze of blissful afterglow but the peace of the moment as she nestled up to her husband was quickly shattered by the sound of wailing from the boys room and some "shhhh" sounds from Todd as he tried to roll over and quieten his baby brother from the depths of his own sleep.

Chelsea sat up, reached for a dressing gown and wandered sleepily out to get Tyler's bottle ready. The crying had already woken Ellie and that in turn had Kim grumpy too. Chelsea collected up the two youngest, Tyler in her arms and fetching Ellie out into the living room whilst shutting the three bedroom doors leaving Rick, Kim and Todd to get a little more sleep alone.

With Ellie sitting up at the table and Ty still rocked in crook of her elbow, Chelsea one-handedly took Tyler's bottle out of the replicator, tested it on her own inner wrist and then popped it gently in his open, hungry mouth.

She then one-handedly fetched Ellie's pancakes, put those in front of her and then sat opposite with Tyler guzzling happily away against her.

No longer hungry, Ellie found her smile again and had begun to chatter happily in her own little language which Chelsea was finally understanding now.

Chelsea looked up as Rick emerged looking sleepy. "'Morning Sexy" she smiled. "Are you hungry?" She stood up with Tyler still happily in the crook of her arm and moved towards the replicator.

Ellie's chatter didn't cease but on sight of her "Uncle Rick" the two year old child began to babble faster, grinning at him between mouthfulls of pancake and dripping syrup from the lips she offered up in expectation of him coming straight over to offer her a kiss.

EVERYone ALWAYS did. Ellie had no thought or concept that anyone might not, so her royal self just *expected* to receive her due homage on greeting. Her sticky, syrup trailed chin was not as inviting as she imagined it must be but she stuck out her little lips in a big pout shape and waited with her sweet little face upturned towards him generously.

"It was less messy to have greeted her BEFORE she started breakfast." Chelsea smirked noticing Rick's instinctive grimace as he looked at the chin, the syrup the half a pancake still clutched in Ellie's fingers and the enormous, expectant pout.

Rick who was already a little grumpy from being woken up early (something he did regularly but only ever under his own steam, he didn't like it when other people woke him) patted the two year old on the head instead, though somehow this still got his hand sticky.

Chelsea grinned and handed him a *baby wipe* as Ellie resumed her relentless chatter and her breakfast in the same moment. "That was nice of you, Brave Knight." she teased, her eyes sparkling at Rick's efforts to removed the syrup.

Noticing the look he gave her back and anticipating the danger, she ducked out of range of his stickiness, just in case, laughing as she programmed the replicator for his eggs.

Ellie demanding that Rick "sit by me" by this time so Chelsea escaped, rocking the oblivious Tyler who was only going to notice ANYthing if his bottle ran out. When the eggs were ready Chelsea delivered them to the place next to the little princess and went back to her own seat, having taken the opportunity to make enough for herself to eat one handed too.

"Did you have anything in mind for keeping these little people amused today?" Chelsea asked Rick as soon as she could get a word in between Ellie's sweet but constant and almost rhetorical questions. "Why?" Ellie replied, assuming as someone of her age naturally would, that the original question was aimed at her.

Chelsea grinned at Rick. "Just because it would be nice?" she replied to Ellie. "What do you think we should get Uncle Rick to take us to see? Do you think he'd like softplay? Or shall we go for a picnic somewhere in the Holosuites?" she asked, now directing all the choices to the child instead of the Commander since he had clearly been outranked suddenly. Well, at least in one very important mind!

"A picnic!" Ellie went to softplay every day but a picnic fired her powerful imagination and she chose instantly without a second thought. Chelsea shrugged at Rick and raised an eyebrow.

"That doesn't seem to have caused any consternation!" she smiled. "Do you have to get back to work or are you off for a few hours?" the question was loaded. Rick was going to be on the end of marital AND medical disapproval if the answer was not the latter. He hadn't had time off in a long while and Chelsea felt he needed a break for his health and welbeing but she knew he was unlikely to agree.

"urrrmmmm noooo?" he said cautiously, hoping it was the right answer.

Chelsea couldn't help but break into a grin. "I should *think* not!" she nestled close to him, her eyes spakling at him in amusement. "Glad to finally have you trained properly!" she teased.

"Care to re-phrase that to the free spirited fighter jock?" said Rick with a frown.

"Nope!" Chelsea smirked, placing her hands on her hips and looking at him with a challenge in her eyes.

Rick looked up at her through narrowed slitted eyes "because I would hate to think you were trying to stifle and smother my independence and pioneering spirit?"

"Really??" she raised an eyebrow at him and shifted her feet but didn't move away or drop her hands either.

She shook her head as if disbelievingly but her smirk said otherwise.

"Is this the 5 minute argument or the full half hour?" she asked cheekily. "Only so I know and can prepare the kids for a delay?" She poised herself ready to run or duck to avoid any retaliation.

"And I'm wondering if you know that i have a bucket load of water stored in the transporter buffers that can be called and teleported in over your head at anytime." Which was complete fabrication, but she didn't know that.....did she?

"And I have the facility to initiate an Emergency Medical Transport that would get me out from under it before you could land it." she countered (equally unrealistically as that would be a misuse of the emergency facilities.)

"Well I see we are at an impasse, one of us is in the right, one of us is in the wrong and refuses to apologise. I guess I had better be the moral compass and better person, again, and let you win as I always do." he smirked.

"AS YOU ALWAYS...............?" she spluttered indignantly. "The MORAL RIGHT? You said I was trying to stifle and smother your independence and pioneering spirit - Mister Fighter Jock!" she raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down, attempting to be disparaging in her overview of him but it didn't work because what she saw caused her knees to take on a less steady stance as her eyes ranged up and down him. He was tall, athletic, dark-haired with that appealing silver streak at one temple.

His eyes were deep, brimming with fire and life, not to mention a generous helping of mischief. He wasn't a body-builder but his life-style honed his muscles naturally and in a soft fabric such as a t-shirt, the curves of these were visible. He was enough to make any red-blooded woman's pulse quicken.

"By the Prophets you're a sight for sore eyes, Dunham. Who could EVER smother any part of you. You're too damn perfect for the good of womankind." she conceded with a smile, unwilling to admit aloud that she knew full well that she hadn't *trained* him at all and wouldn't have liked it if she ever *could* have.

Instead of climbing down from her earlier comment, she just admitted the truth about how gorgeous he was. She felt it was as good as a retraction of the inflammatory jest.

It was at this point that everyone else in the room (that could) under the Age of 29 rolled their eyes in unison, followed by one or two of them making fake vomiting noises.

"So, a picnic it is then, IF everyone else has finished throwing up?" Chelsea responded, including all those who were faking it, i.e. Kim and Todd, along with Ellie who seemed to have stopped for a while at least, and Ty who was coo-ing quietly, not bothering anyone.

"Who wants to climb up to a Dragon's nest?" She asked, suddenly having an idea about a holosuite program that she was certain everyone would like.

"What's a dragon?" asked Todd curiously.

"Surely you've read about Dragons in your padd-books? They were thought to be fictional creatures and treated as mythical in the ancient centuries before they were discovered in the beta-quadrant much more recently." Chelsea explained.

She got an image of one up on the vid-screen and ran an entry about them for the kids to watch as they all had some snacks and a drink as they made plans.

"There more like giant lizards" said Kim a little cynically as she pressed the touch screen display on the LCARS of the quarters computers. She brought up the blurry un-confirmed pictures taken from a deep space telemetry telescope of a 'space' dragon. But it was to late it had already caught Todd's imagination.

"Cooool!!!!! *I* want to ride a dragon!" he bent his knees and held out his hands like he was grabbing reins, and started swaying side to side with a big impish smile on his face.

"I think Uncle Rick could arrange that!" Chelsea smirked back, bigging up Rick's heroics in this role of miracle worker who arranges dreams and excitement.

Rick stood up and pointed dramatically at the door and in a almost baritone voice said. "To holodeck 4."

Ellie giggled and grabbed his leg, clinging on like a limpet, squeaking with delight. Todd marched forward like a trouper, saluting as he passed Rick. Kim was still imitating someone who was about to be violently sick but she still fell in and followed, rolling her eyes.

Chelsea picked up Ty and placed him on her hip, swinging a long-handled pack of baby essentials and toddler snacks and drinks onto her other shoulder and fell in at the back of the obedient troups disappearing out into the corridor in the direction of Rick's outstretched arm.


A JP Between:

Cmdr Chelsea Dunham


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

and NPCs
Todd, Eleanor, Tyler and Kim