Beg, Steal or Borrow – Change of Plans
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat

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Title   Change of Plans
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
Posted   Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 10:40pm
Location   USS Freedom / IKV SuvwI'jub
Timeline   Current
[USS Freedom]

Da'al had finished with the dinner and decided to head for the transporter room. Stepping through the door the technician turned from her duties.

"Eveing sir, is there something I can do for you?"

"Yes, transport me to the SuvwI'jub."

"Aye sir." With a wave of her hand she motioned him to the transporter pads. "Step into my parlor Captain."

The corner of his mouth up turned and he mounted the transporter dayis. As he moved past she was contacting his father's vessel. "USS Freedom to Imprial Klingon Vessel SuvwI'jub, Commander Da'nal requests permission to beam..."

"Perimission granted."

Not likeing being cut off she frowned, then looking to her commanding officer. "Well looks like we are ready to go sir."

Nodding to her in reply, "Energize."

[IKV SuvwI'jub]

Da'nal materialized in the darker lit, hotter envirnment that was typical of a Klingon ship. He adjusted quickly, enjoing the sudden warmth, breathing in deeply. Looking to the man standing next to the transporter operator, his father's long time aide. "My father?"

"He is in his stateroom with Ambassdor Toran. I am to take you to him."

As they stepped out into the corridor he spoke to childhood teacher. "I thought Toran had retired?"

"He had, but after the attack on DS5 the High Council requested that he take the Ambassadorship. The Empire doesn't believe this family squable excuse, so they are sending Toran, the Hed'not, and a full garrison to DS5 to send a message to the Romulans..."

Da'nal only partially listened as most of what was being said he already knew. When they made it to their destination several guards stepped aside as they appraoched. As they entered both men rose and Ral'nath approached his son gripping his shoulder firmly.

"Toran this is my son Da`nal."

"So this is the warrior that led the force that defeated the Romulan attack on Deep Space 5?"

"Who am I to refute the word of Toran of Moqrhat, although it was a team effort."

Toran scoffed. "NONSENSE! We are Klingons. It is not in our nature to be modest. You brought Honor to you and your House. You should boast of your accomplishments; your father has done little else since I arrived."

Da`nal grinned at his father who was nodding pride fully. "Well then I too most boast on MY son." Toran raised a brow in anticipation and Da`nal's father's face held an expression of eagerness to hear the news. "During the attack on the station, my son Garath picked up a blade and stood by Akhil's side. Ready to defend his sister if needed."

"How old is the boy?"

"He has not yet reached the age of inclusion."

"That young?!" Toran was impressed, by Klingon tradition a child was a man 'the day he can first pick up a blade'. Looking to Ral'nath. "My friend your seed is strong and honorable..."

"Yes, and he is over half Human. I have forged him a Bat'leth with my own hands to commemorate his deed. When he is ready I shall give it to him.

Toran ignored the interruption as it allowed a thought to form in his mind. "I have a request to make of you Da`nal. You have a new command, and the duties that come with it take time away from family. Deep Space 5 is your home port yes?"

Da`nal nodded curiously, wondering what this venerated warrior had in mind. "Yes"

"So I assume your children will be on the station?"

Looking to his father briefly. "Well no. During the attack on the station, Romulan agents attempted to assassinate the children. I had arranged to have my father take them home until the station was safe."

Toran nodded. "I see, well I do not want to rob a grandfather of his time with his grandchildren but as you know we are bound for DS5, allow me to put your children under the protection of my House. I know what it is like to loose a father at a young age, and while you are obviously still alive the distance from QonoS and DS5 is great. Your parents and the children can accompany me on my ship to DS5. They can spend all the time with the their grandchildren as they want. When they are ready to return one of my ships can accommodate them. We will be needing resupply from time to time as it is."

"I am honored, I would prefer to have my children close..."

Ral'nath was surprised at the Ambassador generosity and interrupted his son. "We are all honored, but why such..generosity?"

Toran looked at both, it was likely that Da`nal would have wanted to ask to have his children returned to the station to be near him but to ask would have possibly offended his father. "as your son just mention, he 'would prefer to have his children close', what father wouldn't. And as my offer would have disrupted your plans I merely offered a solution to that as well."

"You honor the House of Varal. Lord Toran."

"Think nothing of it Lord Ral'nath." Although now the House of Varal would be Honor-Bound to assist him should the need ever arise. "Well now that that is settled I will have my aid se to the transfer for any personal effects."

"Excellent, I will go inform my wife to the change in plans. Qapla my son."


As Da`nal and Toran watched him leave Da`nal to stood. "I must go as well I must inform Akhil the children's ghojmog..."

"Allow me to come with you. I would like to meet this son of yours and I'm curious to see this Bat'leth you made. You forged it yourself?"

As they walked, the ambassador's guards close behind, Da`nal told his the story of the origin of the metal used to create the two weapons. What he hadn't mention that he was grateful that the subject of his children had distracted his father from the Nniol issue.

"You honor the crew of that ship Da`nal....Even if it was not you intention. Their families should be proud that you chose to commemorate them in this way."

[USS Freedom]

Once back onboard the Freedom they first went to Da`nal's quarters. Once there Da`nal picked up the blade, wrapped in a section of crimson Tholian silk and handed it to Toran.

"Where did you ever get Tholian silk?"

Smiling. "Actually I have almost a full bolt, but that’s a long story. What do you think?"

Toran un wrapped the blade and examined it thoroughly. Hand forged weapons were much different than their mass produced brethren, but still the balance was very good...almost excellent. The symbol for the House of Varal was etched into the metal. "This is extremely well made."

Da`nal bowed his head at the compliment. "Thank you. I was wondering if you could present this to Ayen Kelan on DS5 for me?"

Toran wrinkled his brow questioningly. "I thought this was for your son?"

"Oh no, the blade for my son, I am saving that for he completes his rite of inclusion...or ascension."

"I see and why the gift to this woman?"

Without going all the reason he kept the explanation simple. "She is the Diplomatic Officer on DS5. She stood against the Romulan attackers in defense of not only Garath and Ariella, but Ahkil as well."

Nodding, but Toran got the impression that there was more to it than that. As he rewrapped the blade he cradled it in his arm, "A fitting gift. I will see that she gets it." then adding with a grin, "Now where are these children of yours?"

[Freedom's Transporter room - Much later]

Da`nal stood next to the transporter control station and looked out at the full pad that was before him. Ambassador Toran and his escorts, Ahkil, Garath and Ariella and some of their effects all ready to be beamed to the HeD'not. "Fairwell Ambassador, you have the future on my House on your charge."

"Grinning confidently Toran replied. "You needn't worry Commander. Until I am satified that the Station is secure members of my personal guard shall be watching over them. Qapla' jeBatlh!"

As Da`nal replied, "Qapla' jeBatlh...." Garath and Ariella both left the transporter pad, running over to their father. Not picking them up, he kneeled to look them both in the eye, his hands on their shoulders. "Go back to the transporter," he spoke in klingon, "I will see you soon. Your grandparents will meet you both on Lord Toran's battlecruiser, now go my little warriors." Garath began to move towards the pad hand in hand with his sister, but she jerked free and gave her father a fierce hug; not wanting to go. Snatching her up he whispered in her ear as he returned her to Ahkil's side, "Be strong my daughter." Garath on the other hand looked up at the ambassador tower above him; his hieght made greater by the added elevation of the transporter pad.

Toran merely looked at the boy, his hand moving to indicate his place on the transporter pad next to him.

Garath looked back and Da`nal nodded. Then Garath took his place mimicing the stance of the klingon guards.

Da`nal smiled with the pride that only a father knew, and looked to the Transporter operator. "Energize." When eveyone was gome a crewman moved to begin loading the pad with the remain items for him family for the trip back to DS5. As they began to work he stepped out and head to the bridge. It was only after he was out in the corridor did he swallow hard, clearing his throat.


Ambassador Toran