Interlude – Samurai Abroad
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Samurai Abroad
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Jul 28, 2010 @ 7:48pm
Location   USS Samurai/DS5
Timeline   SD29 late.

USS Samurai, Klingon Space

Ensign Aidoann t'Riheon moved over to her desk, what had used to be Lieutenant MacKensie's desk only a few weeks before. "Computer subspace transmission to Deep Space Five, Commander Karen Villiers." She ordered with the tip of her nail on the comm pannel. As she waited for the supspace delay to enage and for an image to pop up, she collected the files on her desk and grabbed her cup of tea though it could be called overly sugary, milky water.

Deep Space Five:

"Incoming transmission from USS Samurai, Commander," Lieutenant Blake said sticking his head round the door of Villiers' office. "You want me to put it through or take a recording?"

Karen paused and gazed at Blake, he was very, very ... She pulled her thoughts back to the question. She did not know anyone on board the USS Samurai, so why would they be contacting her. Karen quickly reached the logical conclusion, that there was someone there who had a connection with Gabriel who had some information to share with her. Whether or not that was the case she would only know if she accepted the transmission. "Put it through, Lieutenant," she said, watching a little bit too long as he walked back into the outer office. Karen really needed to get out more.

She drummed her fingertips on her desk as she waited.

Aidoann was greated to what looked to be a slightly tired and over worked face, shame to put work on a beauty she recited over in her mind. One of Ensign Alexander's sayings as usual. "Commander Villiers?" SHe asked.

"Yes, and you are?"

"Ensign Aidoann t'Riheon, De-Facto Chief JAG, USS Samurai." Aidoann stated. "I've contacted you in regard for consultation for a case I've been offered to consult on and I would like your opinion as well, think of it as a brain storming session."

Karen nodded and leaned back in her chair, "Ok, Ensign t'Riheon, brief me on your case," she invited. This was something that would distract her from the impending litigation on DS5 at least. A change could often blow old ideas away and make room for new ones, Karen found.

Aidoann nodded and began. "About two weeks ago, Commodore Mitsu Furayama of Starbase 17, ordered the intervention of the destruction of the Akadion space born arcology, in the Azure Nebula. Now as the Akadion's are not a member of the Federation nor alligned, it is a violation of the prime directive to interfere with the course of it's destruction. Now the commodore is being charged with a violation of the Prime Directive and refusal to stand down." Aidoann explained.

"That depends on both the cause of destruction, and of the nature of the Akadion civilisation," Karen said. "absolutely enforced law can never result in true justice," she quoted.

"That's where it gets plently interesting." Aidoann continued. "The Akadion's have rejected their technology in recent years and now rely on old steam and other outdated ways of building things, after a fashion, they are the embodyment of steampunk." She said, transfering the complete cultural files to Commander Villiers' office.

Karen laughed, "I have no idea what steampunk means," she said as she glanced through the files. "It doesn't explain what caused this civilisation to be on the brink of destroying itself. Civil war? External threat?"

"More like, stand there and let themselves be blown up by their own defense system." Aidoann said, moving another set of files over. "They were in stasis at the time and the warning system activated at the detection of the USS Blair, a walace class vessel attatched to Starbase 17. But systems short circuted and the stasis systems did not alert the Akadions to wake up. Causing the ship to begin an autodestruct."

To Karen this sounded more like a legitimate rescue mission than a violation. Karen did not believe that the law was absolute, something that she had demonstrated on more than one occasion, and the Prime Directive was no different. It served a valuable purpose, but anyone who thought it was absolute was a fool at best.

"They were in stasis on board a starship? Rescuing them sounds legitimate."

"But transmissions indicate that it was to some degree, a self sacrifice, like a Starfleet ship self destructing to prevent the technology from falling into enemy hands." Aidoann stated. "So the inspector general has ruled it a violation of general order one."

"I would argue that a malfunction in a stasis system, evidence itself of technological advance, does not constitute 'normal development' - to intervene cannot therefore be to interfere with the normal development of the alien life or society. Prove that it was a malfunction and you win the case," Karen suggested, though stating the solution was rather more easy than finding the evidence to back it up.

"Still, Earth had stasis, or rather stasis type technology long before space travel." Aidoann argued.

"Yet you explained that the Akadions had abandoned more advanced technology. They were not ignorant of it. Look at the intention behind intervening to save those on the ship from destruction, the damage - in this case the malfunction could have been dealt with and the people returned to their original state. Remember that this event was triggered by the accidental proximity of a Starship. If there was any violation of the Prime Directive, that was it."

"Interesting." Aidoann said, jotting it down. "Technicalities over merit."

"Define 'merit'" Karen challenged, the term was subjective.

"Merit as in, the merit of a strong moral wrong." Aidoann countered. "Violating the prime directive blatantly would be far more convincing over a very large technicality."

"I disagree, as the violation was accidental and involved an encounter with a space faring vehicle. The greater moral good was attempting to help people who would die as a result even if the outcome was not to return them to their stasis. What was the result?" Karen asked.

"The autodestruct was stopped, but it presented a potential conflict between the Federation and the Akadion colonists over the nebula which they claim to have sovereign claim to, and......" Aidoann was forced to stop as a text message came through. Aidoann smiled and typed in a one word text response followed by a 'talk soon'. "Well defense now want's my imput." Aidoann laughed. "Defense strategies now? Ah well we can do that later. So Commander I've asked something of you, do you want anything in return, my expertise as an executioner perhaps?"

"Not at this stage," Karen said, "but focus on that last point, a conflicting claim of sovereign rights? That will impact on your case. It strikes me that someone's claim to potential resources will be damaged by these events. Find out who is behind pushing hard for a ruling of violation of the Prime Directive, you'll probably find someone out for revenge," she suggested. "If I do need a sounding board I hope you'll return the favour," Karen said.

"Indeed Commander, live long and prosper." Aidoann said with a certain hint of irony in her voice that a Romulan woudl be saying something of Vulcan origin.

"Villiers out," Karen said. She got to her feet and stretched, rolling the cramp out of her shoulders. "Hot chocolate," she requested and took the mug from the replicator as she suppressed a yawn. Drink, a bit more reading and then bed, she thought.


Commander Karen Villiers
Chief JAG Officer/XO
Deep Space Five


Ensign Aidoann t'Riheon
Assistant Chief JAG
USS Samurai