Interlude – Time And Time Again
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Time And Time Again
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 8:06pm
Location   Personnel Quarters/Medical Lab
Timeline   SD34

He turned one more time to face the Doctor whilst the door opened and he stood in the door frame. He smiled his eyes sparkled, when he smiled the ridges on his nose twitched. He stepped across the threshold and the door closed behind him.


When the door closed, the 'man' looked both ways up and down the corridor. He pulled his fedora hat further down his forehead, turned left and started to walk away head down. He got a momentary glimpse of a young man with an excited look on his face and fast stride in his walk towards Rick and Chelsea personnel quarters. The man smiled to himself and continued to walk along the corridors of deep space five. He stopped at a T junction and leant casually on the corner of the corridor facing outward. The corridor behind him was shadowed in partial lighting. From the shadows a voice spoke.

"Is it done?"

"Yes" said the man with a nod. "Mu.....Mrs Dunham.....I mean....Doctor Adams. Will administer the serum. When that is done, it will result in a cascade reaction with the background temporal radiation he absorbed into in his system from the anomaly, causing him to phase shift in time and space. This will then bring the time line back in sync." The man crossed his arms.

"Excellent" said the voice from the shadows. "When he phases make sure you're where he comes out. I need you to keep an eye on him. We look after our family."

"Yes Sir." Said the man getting off the wall, unfolding his arms, and straightening his suit. He then walked off down the corridor.


Some Time Later: Medical Lab.

Rick and Chelsea had been in the lab for some time. She was trying to create the formula she'd been given and it had taken some time, but finally it was ready.

"Okay" she spun it and decanted it into a phial which she loaded into a hypospray. "Ready?" she asked him and kissed his cheek as she put it against his neck and shot it into his system.

"How does that feel?" she asked a little nervously.

"Tingles" He said with a little giggle and shiver up his spine. "But I'm doing ok."

"You don't *look* okay.... " Chelsea turned pale.

"Nah don't worry I feel fine." Said Dunham getting off the bio bed. When his feet touched the ground though and he stood up, he swayed a little from side to side. "Woh...." Dunham reached out his hand and held Chelsea shoulder for support. "Ok that doesn't feel right." He swayed like a tree in the wind as he sat himself back on the bio bed.

"Rick.... you're..... fading.... " Chelsea looked frightened and tried to take hold of her fiance's hand, but it seemed as if it wasn't solid, rather like a holopicture that you could see but had no substance. "Don't leave me?" she cried in alarm and clutched him frantically into her arms, holding on to what should have been a man but felt more like whipped cream as she seemed to merge into the space where he appeared to be.

Dunham clung on to Chelsea by wrapping his arms around her. As he did so both began to phase in and out of existence but were both frozen like a picture out of time. One moment they were there then they weren't. But with time between phases got longer and longer until they phased away completely and never returned...........


Richard Dunham


Chelsea Adams