Judgement – Home Away From Home
by Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Home Away From Home
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Romulan Diplomat Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue May 17, 2011 @ 10:46pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD37. 14:30
=^= Romulan Consulate, Deep Space 5 =^=

After being escorted from the space dock to the consulate Rhiana was now waiting to meet the Ambassador. She didn't know what to expect all she really knew was the Galae and being a research aide for RnD. She four years of training from the Diplomatic Corps but that was in class rooms and text not real life. "ne'Lleifven t'Riuuren, the Ambassador will see you now." The receptionist said.

Rhiana stood up and give quick nod to the receptionist and walked into the large Ambassador's office. "shaoi kon, Ambassador t'Khellian," Rhiana said with a deep bow.

As she looked up Isha tilted her head to one side. How long had it been since anyone had observed traditional form, even on first introduction?

"Shaoi ben," she said accepting the newcomer's obeisance without any undue display of acknowledgement, it was her due. Isha gestured towards the chair at the other side of her desk, "stand if you prefer," she added. "So the Ki'ith Mrevhoqq'ghi have sent me a new aide ... I believe the last one had second thoughts about his career choice when I threatened to behead him," she said, her gaze as unwavering as the night beyond the vast window behind her.

Rhiana couldn't help but smile because she knew this was probably true. She had heard stories about Riovs and other high ranking officials killing inferior officers to prove a point. "You'll find that I'm much harder to scare off." Rhiana said taking a seat and looking at the women remembering her di'ranov's wisdom of how to deal with the higher ranks.

"This is no place for the timid," Isha said, meaning both the Consulate and Deep Space Five as a whole. "I have neither time nor use from an aide who will only tell me what they think I want to hear, so speak openly with me, t'Riuurren, but don't make the error of questioning my stated policy," she told her, resting her fingertips on the edge of the desk, "after all, there really is only one opinion that counts round here," though not for the first time in recent days Isha was compelled to wonder if it was still hers, or another that spoke through her.

The last thing that Rhiana was was timid, "of course lhhei." Rhiana said looking at the Ambassador. "Where should I start?" Rhiana asked deciding to show some initiative and see what she needed done.

"Orientate yourself. My normal Chief of Staff has been called away, and as a result my head of Security is standing in for him on top of her own duties. I am largely concerned with a legal case that my Government is bringing against one of the senior staff on the wider station and due to the inherant conflict of interest I have given the more mundane ambassadorial duties to tr'Rul."

Oh, and the Cardassian Ambassador and I are embroiled in a very vicious and personal war for supremacy, she might have added, so don't be surprised if you see my blood on the floor, but Isha did not say that.

"What level clearance do you possess?" Isha asked.

"Level two, lhhei." Rhiana said remembering back to what she had read up on what was going on with the consulate here. It sounded like she would be dealing with a lot of paper work and potentially dealing with the Ortaim (Justice Department).

"Then you can be of some use. I will authorise a filter that will divert all queries and missives up to that level to your desk. Once you understand my requirements it will be left to your discretion what to raise with me either because you believe it requires my notice, or because you require my authorisation to process it," Isha did not mention that she would see every communication also and be assessing the newcomer by her performance.

Rhiana nodded she knew she would need to spend the day reading over past queries and missives to get caught up along with other material. "I'll get on it right away."

"Very well," Isha said. "I will be going to the court office soon. There is a terminal in one of the adjacent meeting rooms that you may use until we have organised an office for you. It will suffice until tomorrow." Isha moved her hands onto the surface of the desk and pressed down as she rose.

Rhiana rose slightly after the Ambassador the then gave her a quick bow, "lhhei." Was all she said as she waited to be dismissed.

"You may go t'Riuurren," Isha said as she moved towards the door that led from her office into her private suite, "I will look forward to your first report."

Rhiana just nodded and walked out of the office suite and over to where she would be working for the first day.

Ihhei hru'Hfirh Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i'Ramnau t'Illialhlae (NPC)
hru'Llaudh Rihannsu Stelam Shiar
Ambassador to Deep Space Five


Dip Rhiana ir-Ralatak t'Riuurren
ne'Lleifven (Jr Attache)
Romulan Diplomat to Deep Space Five