Judgement – We hope that you would come peacefully
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   We hope that you would come peacefully
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Mon Mar 28, 2011 @ 4:29pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD36 22:00hrs immediately after "Devil's lullaby"

"We can further ascertain that information once we have the suspects within the confines of Security. From there we can further question them." Trellis responded. "I have already placed Ms. Ibalin under arrest. I've come here because I understand that placing the Ambassador under confinement would be a much, much more complicated issue for both security and station command." He said to the gathered group.

"You're not wrong. It will be a lot more complicated," Karen gave her agreement. She somehow doubted that the Ambassador was the co-operative type, but it was an approach that might yield returns, "invite him in for questioning and see if he co-operates. If he comes and then changes his mind about 'helping' then we notify the Cardassian government to instruct him to help our investigation otherwise we'll start expelling diplomats on grounds of espionage. They'll bluster a bit, but they'll agree."

Trellis nodded as he deactivated the wall panel.

=^= "Trellis to Security, send a team to meet me outside of the Cardasssian Embassy. Trellis out." =^=

=^= "Aye, sir" =^= the female responded from the other end of the comm link.

Here we go again, Karen thought, if the Cardassian Ambassador behaved anything like he had during the vole incident on the promenade Trellis was on for a hard time.


Trellis had wanted to wait until a more convienant time to approach Ambassador Getal in regards to the murder of Ms. Klia. So far, Trellis had not been able to reach the Ambassador at the Embassy. He knew that it would be best to speak to the Cardassian at a time and place that would not result in a major incident. Unfortunately, it appeared as if that time was not going to arrive. More importantly, it seemed as if he was going to become involved in the death of yet ANOTHER visitor onboard the station.

Getal turned to his side, and addressed R'Vek's back. "Mark my words you green-blooded Goblin. The time will come when it is my orders you follow. My race that stands tall. My race, that kills every single relative of you, your wife and Isha t'Khellian." Within seconds of Getal's speech, he turned and left, cursing in Cardassian, and hitting a bulkhead on his way.

Trellis stepped in front of the Cardassian as he continued to walk away.

"Ambassador Getal" the security officer stated in his most diplomatic tone.

"Move." Getal said with a frustrated, but somewhat polite, tone.

"Your presence is needed in Main Security in regards to a very sensitive matter." He siad, hoping the man would take the cue and not make a scene.

"Move." Getal added a spush on Trellis' shoulder and louder tone this time.

~ So much for hoping. . .~ Trellis thought to himself.

"Ambassador Tharek Getal" the officer said in a stern voice. "I am asking you politely. I am hoping that you will come peacefully. . ." He said as he once again stepped in front of the obstinant Cardassian. Out of the corner of his eye Trellis could see that others were beginning to pay attention to the situation.

"And I'm telling you. You've got more of a chance of sunbathing on Breen then getting me down to security at this moment. Understand?" Getal said, squaring up to Trellis, dwarfing him in height.

R'Vek had been watching this entire thing unfold, getting great amusement from it all, ~Well, well, seems our boy Getal has an enemy at every gate. That's useful.~

Trellis could see the taller Cardassian squaring his shoulders and centering his feet in a challenging posture. He knew that the last thing his record could afford to sustain would be any mention of him physically assaulting an ambassador.

"Sir, let's try to resolve this matter in a civil manner." Trellis said in a lower tone, not wanting to offend the ambassador who was already in an agitating state to begin with. "I'm simply asking for your to come with me to Main Security to answer several questions. That is all. I would truly hate for this to escalate to any unnecessary levels of provocation." he said as he tried to reason with the Cardassian.

"Then you can do what everyone else does in this situation. Make an appointment." Tharek lowered his head down to Trellis' eyes, to meet them square on.

"Very well, sir." Trellis said as he made a hand signal to the two other officers that had since arrived to the scene. Each officer grabbed one of the Cardassian's arms and held it tightly in an inflexible position.

"Ambassador, we will be escorting you down to Main Security. Once there you may call your representative and have him or her meet you there while we begin our questioning. If you continue to fight us, restraints will be used." Trellis added.

"Might I remind you that as long as I have diplomatic immunity, and no written charge has been made, you have no right under Cardassion or Federation law to detain me. so, if I were you, I'd let go of me before somebody gets hurt." Tharek said, surprisingly calm.

"My orders have been authorized by the Judge Advocate General, Commander Villiers, Mr. Getal." Trellis said as he stepped to the side to allow the officers to escort the Cardassian calmly to Main Security.

"Any questions or protests may be brought at that time." He added.

"My protests are to be taken right here, right now! And, unless you release me I will file an official report of unrequired physical contact and I will see that you lose your job. And your head. Now, last warning, let go or somebody gets hurt." Tharek said, looking from Trellis, to the two guards either side of him. Then down to his boot, where his blade lay in waiting.

Trellis weighed his options carefully. He knew that he could just shoot the Cardassian and drag his stunned body to a holding cell in Main Security. But, he knew that it would have long-last consequences. Namely, the reprimand he would face from station Command for stunning an Ambassador. He would have to think of another approach.

"Very well Ambassador." Trellis said as he nodded to the other two officer to release him. "I will not force you to come to Main Security." he said as the officers released him.

Tharek looked at both guards and scorned them viciously. Piece of shit Starfleet.

Trellis took a step to the left to block his path. "However, if you refuse to cooperate with an ongoing Starfleet investigation, then I will have to prohibit your access to Starfleet property and information." He said with a serious look on his face.

"Therefore, I will have to escort you off the promenade and back to the Cardassian Embassy. " He said as the other two officers continued to observe the situation.

Trellis knew that he could not detain the man, initially. However, he was well within his authority to revoke his privileges as a result of refusing to cooperate with an active investigation. It was not the most efficient manner of gaining cooperation, but at least it would allow Commander Villiers to get involved on her end.

Tharek grunted in acceptance. "I will allow you to continue your investigation soon, and will answer all of your questions in the name of cooperation on two conditions. First of which, is you tell me the case I'm 'supposedly' involved in. And the second is you tell me the involved parties in this investigation."

"This is in regard to the murder of Ms. Klia as we discussed earlier. As far as who else is involved in her murder. . .that is information that I am not prepared to discussed in a public area." He replied.

R'Vek had managed to get close enough to hear Trellis now, this was good stuff indeed, especially since Getal was Rianni's prime suspect in her friend's death. ~R'Vek, I think now is the time to offer help to our Starfleet comrades.~

"Excuse me, Mr. Trellis." R'Vek smiled as he stepped from the shadows, "My name is EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian, and I think I might be able to offer some assistance to you."

Trellis looked over at the Romulan who had just approached. "Yes, how can I help you, sir?" he asked.

"Well, first and foremost I would be glad to be a character witness for the Gul, but he has none." R'Vek laughed, "Secondly, I'd like to turn over evidence gathered by Romulan authorities implicating Gul Getal in the murder of that unfortunate Orion girl at the earliest possible time, after clearing official channels, naturally."

"Oh," R'Vek added before Trellis or Getal could speak, pretending to suddenly remember, "I'd also like to let you know that Mr. Getal has been named as the perpetrator of a sexual assault on a Romulan citizen. Do set bail high, won't you?"

Getal smirked and looked at R'Vek, but addressed Trellis. "Lies. I am many things, but I am a man of my word. I give you my word that I did not kill the Orion. And sexual assualt? Why has this citizen not come forward then? That is of course if I did "sexually assualt" one of your people." Tharek eyed R'Vek with a smile as cold as steel, despite the situation.

Trellis could see where this was going, and he wanted to stop it at the pass.

"That, Ambassador Getal, is a question you may address with your legal representative at a later time. However." trellis said as he motioned for the two other security officers. "I am confining you to the Cardassian Embassy until the Judge Advocate General and myself have had a chance to further investigate your alleged involvement in the murder as well as any formal complaints lodge by Romulan citizens." He replied.

"If you would, Ambassador." Trellis stated as he motioned towards the corridor leading to the turbolift.

"With all pleasure, and in spirits of co-operation in the near future." Getal said in typical Cardassian arrogance. "And R'Vek," He turned, adding in another smile. "Do be sure to pop by security and let them know how your amatuer investigation is going. I will be sure to visit the Romulan cosulate and let Rianni know the true murderer of Klia. Probably before security or the Tal Shiar too!" He emphasised every word, every miniscule flick of tone or pitch. Getal had lost in a battle of words only moments before Trellis' arrival. It was true what they say, to win the war, you must lose a few battles. Getal turned on his heel and left, smirking over his shoulder, and to check Trellis was following with his lackys.

R'Vek threw his back and laughed hard enough to shake windows, "Yes, that's just what you should do, Tharek." He said, "You should go and talk to Rianni, old boy. But, don't blame me when my daughter slits your damned throat and has her way with that poor misguided Yolanthe after."


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian