Beg, Steal or Borrow – Lies Behind The Mind Meld
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Lies Behind The Mind Meld
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Tue Feb 10, 2009 @ 12:50am
Timeline   SD 7 12:00

T'Lan entered the holodeck and looked around. There was absolutely no one in sight, so she could explore things that she couldn't. She started to hum a little tone as she walked across the beach. Fully exploring the depths of thing called...passion.

Claire decided to explore the Base. She hadn't been on DS5 for long. Zorana had been her friend for years, she was more of a sister than a friend and when she called Claire the last time she all but begged Claire to join her on the Starbase. Claire was in between assignments but after some thoughts she had asked to be assigned here.

T'Lan continued to ride the jet ski on the holodeck. "Woo hoo!" She shouted as she enjoyed the exhiliration of cutting loose. Completely unaware she had left the Holodeck door open for someone to enter. The other things she had to do during her time on the holodeck were working on her tan, and tennis.

Claire had somehow made her way to the holodecks and was slightly worried that she would get lost. She heard someone's exclamation of joy and went around the corner to investigate.

T'Lan remembered something. "Computer activate sound dampeners." She said as she got off the jet ski.

Claire saw the open holodeck and saw a Vulcan female. She couldn't of been the one that made the exclamation. She stood there in shock.

T'Lan examined the woman. Regaining her Vulcan composure. "You have work?" She waited a moment. "Then snap to it."

"Commander, I....I didn't mean to interrupt.'" Claire stammered. ~There weren't any other holodecks in use, it must of been the commander...~She thought to herself.

T'Lan spoke."I was about to run meditation program. Don't you have duties, as I prefer to be left alone."

"But I was you wasn't it?" She stood there defiantly.

"As the human phrases states. 'It must be your imagination.' " She said simply.

"No, I heard you. I highly doubt that I am delusional."

T'Lan raised an eyebrow. "Your claims are illogical, as I am incapable of emotion. I wish to be left alone. I will leave for my quarters for evening meditations. Good evening Lieutenant."

"I am not being illogical Commander, stop trying to 'dance in circles'. I know what I saw...and heard." Claire folded her arms over her chest. She stood her ground not letting the Vulcan pass.

T'Lan spoke, "I do believe that my leisure time is none of your concern. We all have, holofantasies. Mine are somewhat...illogical. Furthermore,it is impolite to barge in on someone's holoprogram."

"The door was wide open, apparently someone forgot to close it. And furthermore it does become the counsellor's business when a Vulcan starts expressing emotions. That is a dangerous thing Commander. You must understand that."

"It wouldn't be the first time I've had an emoti." Suddenly T'Lan clenched her head as her mind went into chaos. Images were shown in a blur. Death, Chaos, Burning. She was living it all over again. Then she saw it, a black ship. "Stop..." She said in a desperate voice. She then heard the words in her mind."All will come to the void." She then snapped back to reality. She was hyperventilating, and was scared. Like she had met fear itself. "No...Stay back."

"Commander?" Claire stepped forward, reaching for T'Lan. "It's alright."

T'Lan stopped hyperventilating. It did not take long for her to regain her logic. "What was that???" She asked.

"You were experiencing an emotional break. You lost control." Claire was holding the commander by the shoulders. "Come." Claire led T'Lan out of the holodeck and towards her office.

"No it was not like that." T'Lan stated. "It was like a living memory." She said. "Something from the past."

"I know, I felt it through you. Come Commander."

T'Lan spoke as she walked, "I was one of the survivors of a Vulcan Colony of Salaris. The only thing I remember was the colony was attacked by pirates, and in the course of surviving, I had embraced my passions. But now tthis? That was not a pirate ship. 'All will come to the Void.' It spoke to me."

"I have read the report from Zorana, she also said that you weren't willing to talk about it."

T'Lan shook her head. "I have one memory that says my colony was attacked by pirates, and one that tells me that it was attacked by something...that can make a Vulcan...afraid."

They had reached Claire's office,"What could make a Vulcan afraid?" As she opened the door she led the commander to a seat.

T'Lan spoke. "It felt like it was concealed from me by a mind-meld. What if? No it is not possible. That logic was imposed on me with a Meld? This is not logical."

"There are things that are illogical, even for a Vulcan. Nothing is always logical." She sat across from T'Lan.

"I have been melded with a lie counsellor. I must find out why. Perhaps it is the reason for my resurfacing emotional outbursts." T'Lan stated. " I need to know what was done to me."

"Do you want me to help you?" Claire asked sincerely.

T'Lan thought for a moment. "The Vulcan Medical Institute...Perhaps you can. I need you to ask for my treatment files. I cannot do so, as they might not be truthful."

She stood up, "I will preform some meditations designed to aid me in restraining my emotions, but they have always been close to the surface since I was treated at the institute. Sometimes it takes everything I am to maintain my logic, and it disturbs me."

"I will do my best." She flipped the console up on her desk. "I will come and find you once I have received your files. We will find the solution to this." She promised.

Lt. (JG) Claire Mackenzie (played by Mandy)


Commander T'Lan