Incommunicado – A friend of a friend
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   A friend of a friend
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Fri Aug 03, 2012 @ 3:39pm
Location   The Matthias
Timeline   (BACKPOST) SD 57 - 02:30
"Captain, we are detecting a vessel that matches the description previously provided." The young conn officer reported to Captain Dante Hanks.

"Very well, tell Docking Bay 3 to prepare to receive our guest's personal shuttle." Captain Hanks replied.

=/= "Bridge to Jefferies," The Captain directed to the ship's Security Officer. "Prepare an escort for our visitor. Have her brought to Mr. Raddon's office., Bridge out." he concluded.

"Affirmative," came the crisp reply of the Officer.

"My, my, my, I must say you do run quite an efficient vessel." Melvyn said from beside Captain Hanks' chair. Of course, Raddon would expect nothing but the best from a vessel and crew that he was financing. However, it was nice to just sit and watch how everything came together.

"A lot are Starfleet-trained, you gotta give it to those Fleet'ers, their training is top-notch." Captain Hanks replied as his console indicated that Mr. Raddon's visitor had docked with their vessel.

Miranda began shutdown procedures on the Starfairer almost as soon she'd touched down in the shuttle bay. Grabbing a small case from a storage locker near her feet, Miranda stepped out onto platform. Seeing two men standing at the base of the ramp, she mentally compared them against the image of Melvyn Raddon, no match. She approached them.

"I assume Mr Raddon is currently occupied with other matters?"

The shorter of the two responded first. "We've been instructed to escort you to the conference room. Mr. Raddon will be with you shortly." He said as the taller man approached her. "Mr. Sk'man will help you with your things." he said.

"All I need for now is contained within my case. The rest of my stuff is stowed aboard my shuttle." She looked around the bay. The ship while older, showed signs of being well kept up, an uncommon thing in cutthroat business. She hadn't recognized the design but several shipping firms, Raddon among them, chose to use private shipbuilders which custom built their own. "Nice vessel from what I've seen of the scans. Well maintained."

"This vessel is the Matthias, it is the Flagship and mobile base of operations for the Raddon Corporation. From here, he has access to everything he needs to ensure the fluid operation of the company and hold various meetings with persons of interest, such as yourself." The shorter man said to the woman.

"I suppose we shouldn't keep Mr. Raddon waiting then." Miri fell into step between the two men as they escorted her through the ship. She'd spent enough time aboard ships working with the masters of the vessels and she knew them to be somewhat wary of outsiders. Even the merchant marine were that way on many of the ship's she'd boarded.

The trio continued to walk at a casual pace down the long corridor until they came upon a double-door entrance. Engraved in distressed Calvurian Prime Gold lie the words, "Conference Room". It was a subtle touch that spoke volumes as to the extent the owner of the vessel was willing to go to maintain an atmosphere of comfort. The shorter raised his hand to several inches from the surface of the door and held it for several moments as the door registered his bio-electric signature.

The doors appeared to dissolve, giving way to a large conference room. The carpeted floor gently held each step of the trio as they made their way from the entrance over to the table. On each side of the room stood holographic representations of individuals, undoubtedly children and grandchildren.

Miranda looked around the room as they entered. She'd expected a level of opulence from Mr Raddon but this was beyond what she'd expected. There was an almost arrogant, in your face, feel about the wealth. The surrounding's said a lot about the man. Whispering to herself under her breath she commented

"Ah yes, my pretty. I'm sure there are people who would say that and even more about me and my business." came a voice from across the conference room table.

Miranda mentally swore and made a note to be careful in future. Switching on her trademark innocent smile. "Mr Raddon. I understand you wished to speak with me?"

"My dear, you are much too much of a feast on one's eyes to be so formal." He said warmly. "Please, call me Melvyn." the older gentleman said as he walked across the room towards the younger woman and extended his hand towards her.

Miranda offered her hand. "Melvyn then." She gave him a demure smile. "Miranda."

"I must confess, that I requested your physical presence moreso for my own avaricious purposes." He responded as he motioned for her to have a seat in the nearby chair. As she sat he gathered a glass from the table and began to pour her a glass of a mauve colored liquid.

"Directly from a 2278 vintage on Keros III, my own private collection. None of that replicated non-sense the Federation seems obsessed with peddling." He said to her as he handed her the glass and poured one for himself.

"So tell me, how is business going?" He asked, segueing into the topic.

"Well enough. Starfleet just recently extended the Cardassian aid contracts another five years. Couple of stipulations within the contracts some smaller firms couldn't meet so the big boys snapped them up."

"Smaller contracts tend to get overlooked when the big money is on the table, which is why I'm out here. We've got some smaller contracts out here that need some TLC."

"I wasn't aware that your company was had extended its presence all the way to Cardassian space." Raddon replied as he took another sip from his drink. "That is a pleasant surprise." he added.

"However, I'm more interested in finding out how business is doing in this sector." He said placing his glass on the table's clear surface.

"I have it on good authority that your company lost a very important contract at the hands of Bradshaw Industries recently." Raddon said.

"The Atheros contract. We were underbid." She paused as a smile crossed her lips. "We'll see how the Vice Regent enjoys his new bedfellows."

Taking a sip from the glass she leaned back in the chair slightly. "Otherwise most of the contracts in the sector are the usual deal of the smaller operators trying to steal contracts from bigger fish. You had some fun with that in the Tenebia sector last year if I recall correctly."

"True, however, I'm more interested in your company's ability to provide services within this sector." Raddon said, jumping to the point. "As you may have heard, I am beginning to transition my operations to Deep Space 5, additionally, I'm going to need a company that I can rely upon to handle transporting of various goods." He said as he took a sip from his glass.

"Both, visible as well as those that I wish to be . . .not so visible." he said in a deliberate tone.

"Visible we can help you with. Not So Visible, that will depend on the nature of the goods." She paused, "What were you thinking about?"

"I've recently discovered an archeological discovery on Earth that has certainly piqued my interest. Because of the sensitivity of the cargo I need a shipping company that can understand my need for discretion." He said as he placed his glass on the table.

"I will need to have the cargo delivered, but not for it *not* to appear on any transport manifests." He stated.

"As long as the cargo is placed in a sealed container and is pre-cleared by your customs agent, there should be no problems. Our crews are familiar enough with transporting sensitive materials, part of the territory with Starfleet contracts."

"Absolutely," He said as he took a final sip from his glass and placed it on the table before him. "As a sign of good-faith I've taken the liberty to prepare a transfer of funds to a particular account." Raddon said as he slid a padd towards her.

"If you accept our new. . .'partnership', then all you have to do is provide an account in which you can receive the funds and I will be in contact with your people when the first transport is ready for delivery." He said kindly.

Miranda glanced over the padd before entering in a string of digits. Glancing over the numbers, she imprinted her thumb on the reader to verify her identity and passed the padd back over to Raddon. Taking another sip from her glass she placed it down. "The only favor I'd ask is we keep this arrangement between ourselves. My father does not need to be kept in the loop as it were."

Raddon responded with a calm smile. "Absolutely." he said as he placed the padd on the table as he raised his glass. "To a successful friendship." He toasted.


Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corp.

Miranda Fry
Mirella Shipping
NPC'd by Min Zhao