Interlude – putting plans in motion
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   putting plans in motion
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Fri Jul 02, 2010 @ 8:48am
Location   BII Offices
Timeline   2 hours after the post a new Problem SD18
Wayne had finally gotten everything back in working order on his desk and was ready to put his plan in action.

"Sarah would you please contact Wayne Jr., Col's Haftin and Taffin as well as Collin and of course please join us yourself." Said Wayne over the private comm link

"Yes sir." said Sarah softly she knew the names he had asked her to call were basicly the companies council of war something was going to happen that might or might not be good. One thing that bothered her though was why was she being called in the council of war meetings were normally kept to just those five men she had never been involved. She would send out the calls and then get ready for the meeting.


Wayne Jr. sat at his seat waiting for his father to arrive and the meeting to start, he had entered at the same time as the other three men and now sat at the right hand side of the conferance table. Across from him sat his younger brother Collin and just down rom them were two of the most trusted officers in the company. Both of the men were former marines who had served under his father for many years. they had been brought for their experiance and skill.

Collin was looking between his brother and the other men as well as his own papers. He honestly was not sure why he was here much less why two former marines where in this meeting. Though he trusted that his father would explain everything in due time so he contented himself with just waiting to see what happened.

James Taffin sat in his seat and looked over things. He knew why he was here and he had a feeling he knew why Haftin was involved as well. It was not normal but then aain they both knew that things were not always normal when one delt with a man like the general. They were both old soldiers who were more used to carrying out orders rather then planning out things but they had been called and they would give him their best.

Wayne Sr. walked into the conferance room with Sarah at his side. HE sat down at the head of the table and she sat down just a couple seats away. It was going to be her job to take notes on the meeting and make sure that everything was recorded as it needed to be for the record.

"Alright let's get down to business. I am sure that you all know the situation on the station. It would seem that security or at least certain parts of it have decided that they know what is best for everyone. I am sure that you know I do not agree with that kind of a situation, however there is little that can be done about it. That is just one of the things that I have called you here to discuss. We have recently learned that there have been raids against our shipping lines and other interests. Now what are we going to do in response to these situations." Said Wayne Sr. firmly

"Dad you assigned me head of the corporations security measures I have a few ideas that can solve at least a few of the problems rather quickly." Said Wayne Jr.

"Alright Jr. what have you got." Said Wayne Sr. calmly

"As I am sure you know we have had a problem on the station in the form of a terrorist attack. While I do not know the intent of the attack I know the result and would like to suggest that we upgrade our own security force here on the station with the help of my bother and a few of his toys." Said Wayne Jr. calmly as he looked at his younger brother

"I was thinking the same thing myself Jr., most likely haveing all the upper members escorted by at least one bodygaurd at all times as well." Said Wayne Sr. calmly

"Sir I do not see any reason it would be a problem. After all we have got the manpower here to do the job without causing any trouble with our other duties. What bothers me is the report of increased pirate activity that I have been hearing about." Said Taffin firmly

"That is something I fully intend on addressing this meeting Col. I think I might have an idea that would work assuming we can get the pieces put togather." Said Wayne calmly but firmly before he continued. "What I am going to propose and the reason you are both here is this we put a squad of our own protective force on each ship. In addition to the troops I would like to put at least two of our own heavy fighters on each ship. However I am not sure if doing such a thing is eccnomical or even doable." He added

"Well from a trooper standing we have the troops but it will take about a 25 percent bite out of our PMC force. Other then that though it should be doable and with the new aquisitions we should still have everything we need to be an effective fighting force." Said Haftin calmly

"From a fighter aspect we have the plans but I am not sure we have the men at least not the experianced ones." Said Taffin bluntly

"I would not worry about the manpower side of it. Doing things this way we can have a chance to train up fighter pilots in combat and might actually improve the fighter corps substantially." Said Wayne Sr. calmly as he steepled his hands in thought. "Collin we have not heard anything from you yet in this meeting do you have anything to add." He added

"Dad the R and D section working in conjuction with the ship yard we have got a few improvements on the books that look very promising. Some of them are ready for production while others are still in the testing phase." Said Collin calmly

"Alright then let's get things rolling I will sign the orders today to assign fighters and a security squad to each ship at the first opertunity. I would suggest that we all look over the security measures over the next few days and figure out how we can best balance everything out in order to cover any unforeseen problems that might crop up. This meeting is adjurned." Said Wayne Sr. flattly he watched as the others filed out of the room leaving only himself and sarah in the room.

"well honey that went better then I thought it would." Said Wayne as he walked over to Sarah and put his hand on her shoulders. Now all we need to do is keep our wits about us and maybe we can get through this test." Said Wayne as he softly nuzzled her ear.

"Yah love I just hope that all of this does not come back to bite us in the ass." Said Sarah softly she loved it when he acted this way with her even though she knew it was not exactly professional still she was in love with him and she was sure that he was with her.

This post brought to you by the following

Wayne Bradshaw Sr.

Wayne Bradshaw Jr. (NPC)
Vice President in charge of security

Collin Bradshaw (NPC)
Vice President in charge of R and D and constuction

Col. James Taffin (NPC)
Commanding Officer of the PMC

Col. William Haftin (NPC)
Commanding officer BII Fighter division

Sarah Jane Granger (NPC)
Personal assistant to Wayne Bradshaw Sr.