Judgement – The Science of Internship
by Damien Starr & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   The Science of Internship
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Damien Starr & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Nov 07, 2010 @ 4:12am
Location   Science Lab
Timeline   SD 35: 0915

Damien walked cautiously into the Science Lab, not wanting another repeat of what happened earlier in the sick bay; when he walked face first into the Chief Medical Officer. He was still a little nervous but felt much more confidence after meeting some of the crew. However, the feeling of uncertainty will definitely put your nerves on alter. While he had his fair share of science electives at Starfleet Medical Academy, his focus was primarily on medical procedures. However this was a Medical AND Science internship and he was dead set on embracing the Science part as much as possible.

PADD in hand, he walked confidently up to the Chief Science Officer, ready to make the best impression he could. He was ready to learn. He was ready for the scientific method. He was ready for adventure! He was ready.... to fall on his face. Just mere feet away from the CSO, Damien Starr tripped over his own two feet and fell face first right behind her with a loud crash.

Jana was working in her lab when she heard the crash behind her and nearly jumped out of her skin. Swearing a large list of explicits in Czech she turned around to see a man laying at her feet. "Do you mind telling me what you are doing crashing around my lab Amazon?" Even as a smile spread across Jana's face her arms folded and crossed her chest.

Damein slowly lifted himself up off the floor. "Not again" he muttered under his breath. He had been doing this all day. It must be his nerves.

"Sorry Ma'am. Damien Starr, i'm the new Medical/Science Intern. " He handed her his PADD to review while he rubbed his arm in pain.

"Well I do believe you have learned your first lesson in physics." She smiled and looked up from the PADD she saw Ben and winked at him.

"I just started my fifth year at Starfleet Medical Academy. I got burnt out on school so I decided to do this internship as a way to take a break from the classroom."

"While you are here I will expect you to keep up with your science studies...I am sure Dr. Adams has asked you the same? I know Dr. Kensington here will help you if you ask him nicely."

"Yes Ma'am. Of course." He glanced nervously around the science lab. "Most of my training has been specificlly on medical proceedures. I was hoping you could give me an idea of what my internship in the Science Lab would deal with?"

"Well there are a lot of different aspects I can have you help out in. I'm an archaeologist and anthropologist by trade. Is there anything that you are interested in?"

"I do have a passing interest in astrometrics."

"Only a passing interest?"

~Just as long as you don't develop a passing interest in the Chief of Science~ Ben thought, good humouredly. He too was a little clumsy around the gorgeous Jana but it stood to reason, she was lovely enough to confuse any man.

"Well.. not to say I disregard it or anything" Damien said stumbling over his words, "I guess I've just never had a chance to explore the subject in depth.. I've been very much in tunnel vision in medical since I was fourteen-years-old. I've not had time for much else."

~It'll be a miracle if I make it thought the day without getting sent back to the academy at this rate~ Damien thought to himself. He had been tripping, falling and generally just been making a fool of himself all day.

"Perhaps then I can convert you to the dark side." She winked at him. "I hear there is a new doctor in Sickbay Ben...would you mind if I stole Damien here?" Jana smiled brilliantly. Of course, she knew she would have to take it up with Chelsea but perhaps buttering up Ben would be a good place to start.

"No problem with me Gorgeous" Ben beamed back. "... but you'll have to run it by the boss. I think she had hopes of some help around Sickbay." he pulled a wry face and shrugged.

"Damien...Ben is the only one that can get away with calling me that..." She eyed Ben carefully. "I do like it when you call me that!" Jana blushed.

"... and i like it when you look at me like that...." he replied with his lopsided grin. "But I should leave you two to it..." He moved to leave. "Good luck, Newbie... don't forget to come find me if you want to play holo-football at any time."

Jana blew him a kiss and watched Ben leave. "Ok, so astrometics..." Jana said busying herself with another PADD so Damien wouldn't see her blushing. Ben had a way of making her all flustered in front of other people. He was a shameless flirt but she loved that about him. "I have a schedule here for you and I will work with you for now and we will go from there."

Damien looked over his schedule and saw that between his time in Sick Bay and Astrometics... he was about to be come extremely busy.


A JP Between:

Damien Starr
Medical/Science Research Intern


Lt. Jana Kasikova