Unity – Somethings require more than a coffee pot
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Somethings require more than a coffee pot
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Mar 12, 2010 @ 10:50am
Location   Uss Montana Ready room
Timeline   10.30

Jarred was sitting behind the desk in the ready room of the montana, his crew had just finished a battle drill and he was amazed that the small crew was doing so well. He sat back for a moment for the time in the last twenty-four hours.

Dunham beamed over from the USS Pollux; the second in two Wallace class escort carriers on Deep Space Five, to compare drill results and strategies with Lt Wallace. It had been a busy and hectic, almost mental twenty four hours. By all rights Dunham should be feeling very tired but, the problem was he was enjoying himself too much, to be tired. He arrived at Wallace’s ready room and pressed the chime for entry.

"Come on in Rick." Jarred said as he sat down the last PADD.

Dunham casually strolled into the ready room with a small smile on his face. He placed his own padd on his fellow officer’s desk. “I think were ready to Rock and Roll Mr Wallace.”

"Good" Jarred reached into his desk and pulled out a bottle of Blood wine "pull up a seat."

Dunham took a seat opposite the intelligence officer and pointed at the bottle; he had never seen nor tasted blood wine before. “What is that?” he said with a smirk. He paused a moment as Wallace began to open the bottle. “I’m keen to get this mission done and dusted, when do we go to rescue these POW’s? We can’t leave them waiting after all, that would be in polite.” Dunham flashed a smile.

"Klingon Blood wine, chancelors reserve, as soon as we get the go we move, I want to go too, but this has to be done by the books unfortunately, if I had my choice I would have gone alone as soon as I got the report, no support, no nothing, instead I'm doing it the starfleet way" Jarred said as he poured two full cups of the dark red fluid.

Dunham shrugged, “we wear the uniform, so yeah we do things the Starfleet way.” He said with a sympathetic smile. “It can get frustrating some days though. So who do we have to apply pressure to get the go ahead on this mission?”

"Nope" Jarred paused as he took a long pull on the goblet of bloodwine "If Villiers strikes out with the cardie ambassador, we go and we don't stop, hopefully Chief Ayers got enough data that we can just go in one shot."

Dunham took a sip of his blood wine; his face scrunched up at the taste, “It’s certainly a unique flavour isn’t it.” He said politely. “SO were waiting on Villiers before we can push this forward?”

"If we really wanted too, we would have all the crews on stand by, so we can go with out question, and not wait for Villiers anymore, between Darsons' shadow and Gabriel going nuts, three ships pulling out of dock and leaving the area would be difficult." Jarred said as he knocked back the rest, "Woo!!"

Dunham swilled the liquid around in his glass a little, staring at it, and challenging himself to take another sip of the drink. Instead he paused in thought. “Hell let’s just go, I’m sure Marine Captain Miranda Flynn would be happy to go to.”

"I wanna go too, but last time I did something without orders or authorization I got busted down to ensign, this has to be by the book." Jarred poured another mug full, "believe me, I want to go, more than you know."

Dunham shrugged and took another small sip of his Klingon Blood Wine, "So what now?"

Jarred looked at his colleague, "We can finish off this bottle then crack open another, its not like something else is going to happen."

“Are you alright mate...” said Dunham sincerely and taking another little sip out of his original glass of blood wine. “You’re not just drowning your sorrows in this stuff?”

"sort of, Claire hasn't been seen since the explosion aboard the Bunker Hill, Medical isn't saying where she is." Jarred said the started to take a long drink.

“Claire....?” Dunham left the question hanging, he didn’t have a clue as to who this person was?

"The other counselor, we were...uh..." Jarred to another drink "involved."

Dunham nodded, “and you’re worried about her? That’s understandable.” Dunham spoke softly and with sympathy in his tone. He could empathise with what the intelligence officer was going through; he wouldn’t know what he would do if his better half was in the same situation. "I hope she is alright...."

"I have no clue, I've had no word in close to a week now, one of Dorians minions said she was seen boarding a transport that was destined for Starbase 68." he took another drink "I don't know why she left, and no one in medical has a bloody clue

Dunham set his glass on the table, he had only had a few sips, and Klingon blood wine was twice the strength of whiskey, he thought it prudent to ease off the very strong drink that most non –Klingons couldn’t handle, as there may very well be another attack on the station, and he needed his wits about him. “Have you spoken to the chief medical officer or chief counsellor? Maybe they would know. Better yet couldn’t you find out through some spy stuff, you are an intel officer?”

" The chief councelor is with captain Tahir, and the Chief medical officer always seems to be busy." He drained the cup, and reached for the bottle "Screw it, wake everyone up, we're going at zero-nine-hundred hours, hang-over or not I'm bringing home those troops."

Dunham raised his hands in a surrender like manner. “Ok Wallace, first off pop a couple of de-tox pills before you make that call. Also I can have a word with the chief medical officer on your behalf mate; I have her ear as it were.”

"yeah, spending a few days in the brig isn't high on my list" Jarred paused reaching into his desk, there was an audible click and a wall panel opened, he reached inside and pulled out a small container, "done, while I'm thinking of it did the freighter memphis arrive?"

Dunham shrugged “what in the who now?” he replied confused. He didn’t have a clue about any freighter.

Jarred keyed in a few commands and looked at the arrivals list, "Slip thirty level six, and the cargo I was waiting for is here, wanna see?"

Jarred turned the terminal around and showed the manifest of the goodies he had requisitioned:
One hundred type 1A phaser Carbines
One hundred type 2a phaser pistols
Fifty Mark 17 phaser rifles
five hundred photon-flash grenades
two hundred fifty smoke grenades
fifty demolition charges and remote detonators
two hundred field battle dress uniforms desert and forest cammo
fifteen mark 1a polaron torpedoes

"Ok now I'm really confused," Dunham looked at the list with a puzzled look on his face. "What the hell do you need all this kit, are you starting your own private war or something?"

"Not quite, I want to go in fully armed and ready for anything, plus just ordering polaron torpedoes would look suspect, so I went to town and ordered enough equipment to make it look like a major operation was about to get underway."

Dunham shrugged “I’ll leave that sort of thing to you my man” He took out a bit of gum and started to chew on it. “So do you want me to have a word with the CMO about the missing counsellor?”

"If it will help, I want to stay focused on the mission," Jarred paused as he took a long drink on his third full mug of blood wine "Rick when this is over I'm going to take a long overdue vacation......" he stopped as passed out at his desk

“Ok” said Dunham a little uncomfortably to himself as he watched his follow officer pass out. He got up to head out of the office wandering to either advise a superior officer of what just happened, advise the chief counsellor what just happened, or just leave it, and let the man be. Dunham’s head was cocked to one side as he looked at the intelligence officer. He chewed on the gum in his mouth in thought then began to leave the room. “Computer; lights off. Pleasant dreams Mr Wallace.” Dunham then headed out of the room.


Lt Jarred Wallace
CIO/CO USS Montana


Lt Richard Dunham