Beg, Steal or Borrow – See the future, relive the past
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Ensign Brian Moxis

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Title   See the future, relive the past
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady & Ensign Brian Moxis
Posted   Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 5:55am
Location   Solar Flares Lounge
Timeline   SD8 23.30 (Backpost)

Hauling the Ferenghi by his ears, knowing only too well how it affected them, he ushered him impolitely to the door.
"The next time your in here, peddling your trash to all who will listen, I will not treat you with so much kindness, is that understood!!" He remarked, his tone was serious and his demeanour angry. His finger came to his lips, showing the Ferenghi what he meant by silence.

The Ferenghi muttered something, but slouched away.

"Have a good evening." Logger called out as he disappeared, probably to find another bar.
The tall Canadian worked his way back through the crowd, giving each their own little space as he directed himself back to the overcrowded bar and the marine who had sat there for nearly the entire evening, consoling himself with as much ale as he could.
Logger didn't push the man, who had like everyone else, been through quite a day.

"Get you a refill?" He asked, as he closed the hinged flap to seal himself inside his own territory, ignoring the Tellarite and his friend at the other end of the bar who up until a few minutes ago, had been drinking with the Ferenghi who he had just ejected.

Daniel had been sitting at the bar, slowly getting drunk and watching the whole scene without saying a word, "Are you talking to me?" he asked, pushing his empty glass towards the other side of the bar.

"Sure am, same again?" Logger offered taking the empty glass.

"Yeah, sure, thanks." Daniel wasn't really in the mood for chatting about random things of great unimportance. He thought that maybe after he finished here, he could go back to his quarters and pass out without too much trouble.

Brian had just got off the turbo lift when he saw the Ferenghi being booted. Walking toward the lounge as he appeared to be looking at his padd. What he was really watching was the Ferenghi making sure he wasn't going to make a u-turn and try to re-enter the lounge. Stopping at the entrance Brian looked in. He glanced at the clock and went in. A quick drink on his mind if he could get one. With no seats open Brian proceeded to stand against the wall. He had never seen so many people in a place before.

Ayren was just on her way back to her quarters when she was almost bumped over by a Ferenghi booted from the bar. Stepping out of the way she had a peek inside. She shrugged and resumed walking, her arms crossed in front of her, but then halted, turned around and headed back to the Lounge. It certainly looked more inviting than going back to the newly weds sleeping in her quarters until their ship arrived. Maybe if she stayed out later, they would be asleep by the time she got back. Both X'aedell, her cousin and Charg were hybrid Klingons and whatever they did, was bound to be rather noisy.

Still thinking of the two, Ayren walked into the Solar Flares and panned the crowd, looking for a place to sit. Even after the day and what had happened, she still had an elegant and graceful air, weaving slowly towards a seat at the bar.

There was no seat available, but a Bolian got up and moved away just as Ayren was almost in the front, so she sat down in the open seat, waiting for the bar tender to take her order.

Logger saw the vision of beauty, who was a welcome sight in the bar this evening and made his excuses to serve her. He slung a towel over his right shoulder and aimed himself towards her. He had only set one foot in front of the other when the Tellarite began to demand service. Logger stopped dead in his tracks and held him with a stone cold stare.
"A lady is waiting to be served her first drink of the evening whilst you have had more than a few. Patience is virtue so wasted on a you tellarite!" Logger slandered.

"I have been waiting for a drink since you threw out my buddy, now I demand service!" He retorted sharply with a the usual gruffness of his kin.

"And Drav, if you do not wait with aforesaid patience, you can join your 'Buddy' on the promenade!" Loggers reply came as he continued towards the angel at the bar.

The Tellarite muttered something in return, but Logger wasn't listening, his attention now lay with the woman who waited for his attendance.

"Sorry about the bar company this evening young lady, but with everything that's happened today, most of the patrons are shall we say, a little wound up!" He said with a charming smile, flashing his best smile to the woman.

'I wouldn't expect anything different, especially after a day like today," Ayren said smiling back at the large man, looking him over. ~Not bad~ she thought. "I almost met with your Ferengi "guest" who left .... at rather a great speed," she said with a glint of mirth in her black eyes.

Before Logger could respond, being lost in her dark eyes, the marine had already honed in on her.

Daniel noticed the woman, got up and walked over to her unsteadly, sitting down rather heavily in the seat next to her and almost missing the seat at the same time. "Bar keep! Another drink!" he yelled, getting stares from most patrons. Looking at her, "You, my dear, are beautiful. Who might you be?"

Ayren was still waiting for a response from the man on the other side of the counter, when the obnoxious presence of the drunken marine flooded her senses. Slowly turned her head to the man to look at him. Normally she would have continued to ignore him, but giving the day and what happened, she cut him some slack even if she didn't answer him. "May I please have a single malt whiskey," she asked Logger, turning her eyes back at him halfway through the sentence, adding a polite smile to the barkeeper.

"No acknowledgement? Wow, and I was being nice." the Marines words were starting to slur and he knew it, "You know, I've been through every bit of training, on various starbases, even on a Federation ship, but nothing compares to this. And you." He flashed his brilliant straight white smile. "What do you see happening in the future?"

Logger grinned and nodded his head, disappearing towards the rear of the bar to pour the lady her drink into a long glass, but did not put anything with it, hoping she would not ruin the whiskey.

Ayren shook her head as she turned once again to face him, an amused smile curving her lips. "I am Ayren Kelan, Chief Diplomatic Officer," she said. "I will receive my whiskey and you will have a headache tomorrow," she said

"Pleasure is all mine, madam. 1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady, Marine Executive Officer." He leaned forward, putting his elbows on the bar. "I can guarantee that I shall have a headache but at least I can.." he hiccoughed a few times, "At least I can say that I met the most beautiful woman in all the worlds combined, except for me mother of course."

Ayren rolled her eyes at the comment, glancing at Logger, but in good humour. "I am sure," she said, suppressing a grin. She was grateful that there was nothing added to her drink, and she sipped it appreciatively. "So what are you trying to forget, Lieutenant?' she asked the drunken marine, still rather amused.

"During the attacks, I saw my whole life flash right before my eyes and it made me realise that I really need to get a life and find someone. You know, that sort of thing? I mean, before I became a Marine, I never found that special someone." He sculled the rest of his drink and rested his chin on his hand.

Ayren could very well identify a bit with that and smiled inwardly. "I am sure you find that person... but being intoxicated is not the best strategy to impress a real woman. You know, she might be here for all you know...." she smiled and looked over the crowd knowingly before resting her eyes on the drunken marine.

Logger had served Drax and his crony, but his ears were on the forlorn story of the Marine, who seemed to playing the attractive Betazed beauty like a concert piano. She in return, was turning the sheet music.

His attention was distracted again by a security officer, who just lifted his chin, signalling the need for a drink.
Logger nodded, knowing it was always handy to have a security officer in the bar and to show his own small gratitude, took a jug of ale to him personally.

"Maybe you should give me a kiss, you know, just for good luck or something? So just in case I happen to die during battle or holodeck training or something." Daniel offered his best smile and grabbed hold of Ayren's hand, not letting go.

Ayren had been amused with the marine and enjoyed the little entertainment, but that ended abruptly.
"Let. Go. Of. My. Hand," she said starting a low voice, but incresing in intensity er eyes flashing with anger as she jumped up from her seat, "LET! GO!!"

Brian was surprised to get his drink as fast as he did. He took a drink and looked up. "I trust there hasn't been too much trouble around here?"

Logger was about to reply to the Security officer, when heard the woman's voice rise behind him and saw the grip the marine now had on both her hands and she was struggling ferociously to be released.

"Just the usual!" He replied with a shrug and a flick of his head towards the confrontation that was building at the bar, "but nothing that I cannot deal with. Excuse me." He said and again, threw a towel over his left shoulder and strode towards the Marine and the woman.

A few others were watching, waiting to see what the outcome would be but did not make to move from their seats, instead waiting for the showdown.

"Marine, your hurting the lady so show a little composure and let her go." He demanded, his one hand behind his back and the other reaching for Ayren.

Ayren could usually take care of herself rather well, but was grateful for the bartender to come to her aid. She was more humiliated than afraid. She moved toward him, but was still attached to Brady. "Lieutenant!! You hear the man, let go!!!"

"I'm not letting go until I get what I want." The Marines smile became slightly twisted and his eyes flashed with the look of a psychopath.

Brian got up and followed Logger. Not getting in his way he yelled from behind. "Come now Lieutenant. Enough is enough. Let her go." He walked to the other side of where Logger was standing.

"Again, I'm not letting go." Brady said, applying slightly more pressure to the Chief Diplomats wrist than necessary.

The hybrid Betazoid was aware of the dark emotion coming from the marine and in a flash of fear and anger she locked eyes with him. "If you don't let go now, You will regret it severely! I am not as defenceless as you might think!" she warned. using her mental abilities, she was able to cause him considerable pain, but she would avoid that as long as she could.

Brian got closer to the marine. "Last warning. Let her go." He got himself in a position to try to take down the marine if he had to.

With one hand still firmly gripping the Chief Diplomats wrist, Daniel used his other fist to punch the Security officer square in the jaw.

Ayren jerked as the marine got physical and she added an flash of pain to him, but then pulled back mentally when she Logger came for him.

Logger was expecting something from the Marine, but the turn of anger still caught him slightly off guard.As the Marines hand made contact with the Security officer, Logger let rip a right hook to the Marines ribs, followed quickly by a left jab to his flank.

The drunken state of the Marine acted like an anaesthetic, though Logger felt them and the Marine felt them, their full effect was severely lessened as his attention was now on the barman.

Brian fell to the ground from the surprise hit. He knew his next action would be hard considering he was a marine. He laughed and stood back up. Brian had noticed Logger had hit the marine. He got up spitting the blood from his mouth and grabbed the free arm of the marine and took shots at his knees to try to get him down and free Ayren.

Daniel crumpled to the floor, clenching his sides as the pain took hold and letting go of Aryen's hand. He felt the warmth of blood trickling down his face from someone hitting him in the face. Things were starting to spin around him as he put his hand on his knee and tried to stand up. A well-aimed kick to the face from one of the other two broke his nose and knocked him back to the ground, sprawled out on the floor. "Sorry" was all the Marine said as he finally blacked out into unconsciousness.

Ayren literally jumped back and rubbed her wrist, watching as the man went down. Her eyes went from one to the other man. "Thank you..." she said a bit shakily. "I am certain he meant no harm.. he was just very drunk..." she said softly, more to herself than to them.

Logger shook his head. "Intended harm or no, drink is never an excuse and I am sorry it happened in my bar miss." He apologised, offering the security man the towel on his shoulder. "Can I leave him in your hands?" Logger asked.

Brian received the towel and wiped of the remaining blood. "Thanks. I'll take him from here. Thank you Mr.Logger." Brian pushed his com to call another officer down to help him. Lifting up the marine, Brian nodded to logger and Ayren who was rubbing her wrist. The two security officers carried the marine out of the bar and headed to the brig.


Played by Tasha

Ensign Brian Moxis
Security officer

1st Lieutenant Daniel Brady
Marine XO

Ayren Kelan