Judgement – Gossip Girls
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Gossip Girls
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sat Feb 19, 2011 @ 6:48pm
Location   Replimat
Timeline   SD36. Lunchtime
Nahir had not been waiting long when she saw Lemat enter the public replimat. If her friend's day was anything like Nahir's had been getting away from the desk for an hour would be a welcome change; even if it did mean skulking off here among the Lloann'su.

"Over here," she waved. Nahir had already got herself some kind stew so she waited just a little longer until Lemat got something for herself.

Lemat picked up the suspected red tea and Yamok sauce soup. "Hi." She said, accompanied with a smile.

Despite her conversation with t'Merek, Nahir had not really come to a conclusion about the boys they had flirted with when she and Lemat had last had an evening out. "I'm so glad you could make it," Nahir said as Lemat sat. "I thought I was going to have to cancel."

"Of course I was coming. I was just a little held up with paperwork." The female Cardassian responded.

"Tell me about it. Though I like the paperwork better than the personal work," Nahir said as she lifted her fork, "A few days ago the ambassador delayed the lunch service for the entire staff by nearly two hours because she wanted the kitchen to make pastries for her ... and they did it!" she added as thought it was an abomination.

"Those poor, hungry people!" Lemat added in. "Getal never seems to eat... Or sleep... Or seem sane for a nanosecond."

"That's just creepy," Nahir said grimacing as she took a bite of her stew, "Utterly bland. I'll settle for the histrionics. She usually settles down after she's thrown something ..." Nahir paused. "She always used to miss, deliberately," she continued in a thoughtful tone, "it was a bit of a running joke among the staff, you know, that if you ask her the wrong thing at the wrong time you're guaranteed to find something breakable whizzing past your ear and smashing on the wall behind you. The odd thing is she doesn't miss anymore and she doesn't even look at you when she throws."

"Perhaps she's got practise in the holodeck? Or even at Getal!" She said in a hysterical tone, one which she didn't believe could be at all true about Getal.

"Maybe," Nahir said, "How do you put up with him?" she asked a little bluntly. "The few times I've met him I've just wanted him not to be there."

"You must have unmeasurable patience! Most people want to kill him first time round!" She exclaimed, again. "I put up with him because, at the end of the day, he provides me with my money, security and health, and good money at that."

"He does?" Nahir was surprised by that. "Don't you work for your government?"

"He likes to brag about how he's the government. Pompous prick. I don't care though. As long as he adds that little extra for serving under someone 'so great' I don't care." Lemat said as she took a deep sip of her soup.

Nahir made a mental note of that, it was part of what she was paid for after all, though she was quite sure that her salary came from the Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi rather than the Prima Donna in the big office; if t'Khellian had such delusions then Nahir wouldn't have a job anymore.

"Well," Nahir said as she laid her fork down, unable to chew through any more of the excuse for food, "If the real government ever turns up to remind him, be careful you're not tied in with that 'greatness' that they pull you in too."

"Oh, trust me, I'm only going to follow someone truly when they start being a proper Cardassian, not some wacko with hollow dreams that wastes resources. I'm not connected to Getal, when the paperwork'll come." She said with pride in her voice.

"Good for you," Nahir replied, "I knew you couldn't be that crazy."

"Oh don't get me wrong, theres still a little crazy in there." Lemat lightly winked at Nahir.

"There's a bit of that in all of us," Nahir agreed, but not quite as much crazy as madame ambassador was currently exhibiting.

"Mine had her head of security beaten for no undertandale reason," Nahir confided, "It changed things, the atmosphere, I mean.

She had enough discretion not to say that she had seen it first hand.

"Beaten? That's a bit... extreme, isn't it?"

"A bit!?" Bahor almost laughed at the understatement. "It caught everyone off guard. I mean she has the odd outburst and throws something breakable at you but then she gets all apologetic and a bit embarassed at her own extreme behaviour. Then we all forgive her because she's just so 'nice' about it." Nahir looked around as if conerned that she might be overheard, but once satisfied that there was no-one listening she continued in full gossip mode, "This was jsut vicious; either the 'nice' was a front and we're just seeing the real person, or there's something seriously wrong with her. Between you and me I think she misses her Chief of Staff if you know what I mean."

"I believe I catch your drift." Lemat added with scepticism. "Are they really that close?"

"They were," Nahir told her friend, "then she had to go to ch'Rihan for a few weeks and by the time she came back he had got too comfortable in her chair and refused to give it back. She pulled rank and took it back. Ever since then they've been at each other's throats, at least they have on the rare events they allow themselves to get caught in the same room."

The story she told was not quite what had happened but it was the truth as Nahir understood it, and it was what both Isha and her Chief of Staff wanted to be believed.

"Now he's gone and she's got no-one left to shriek at," Nahir added.

"So what? He just up and left? Does she know where he's gone? Surely he must've told somebody?" Lemat shot questions at Nahir left, right and centre.

Nahir leaned in, "Nobody knows where he went. He simply left!" her own annoyance after the fact was apparent in her tone.

Lemat sat forward, intently listening. "I've overheard Getal on numerous occassions using Rh'vaurek's name... Do you think Getal might have something to do with his leaving?"

Nahir did not draw back. "They're in contact," she said. It was not quite a question. She turned a few things over in her mind, "Raedheol sent me with a message to your ambassador just before he left the station. Obviously you know that, because that's where I met you ... I didn't know they were still in communication. What do you think is going on?"

"I don't know, but it frightens the crap out of me. I know Getal, and he does things alone most of the time... if he's roped in someone like Rh'vaurek into whatever plot he's got, it can only end badly... "

"Rh'vaurek is not a fool," Nahir protested, she might have been to sleep with him, but he was not. "Do you think there's a plot?"

"I don't know... There is something at the back of my mind eating away at me, screaming at me to find out. But my heart just says keep down, do your work and you won't get hurt."

Nahir was about to protest, but it was only after Lemat's ambassador had started visiting hers that things had started to deteriorate at the Consulate. Nahir did not like t'Khellian, not least because she held the heart of her lover, but she served her. "I fear that by simple association we will all get hurt," she said. "If you know anything, or suspect it, then please tell me."

"I will, don't worry, your basically the only friend I've got in this place. As long as you do the same for me. If Getal and Raedheol are up to something, we need to let the right people know... " Lemat said, lowering her tone.

"Without question," Nahor nodded, "But who are the right people?" she was not going to risk speaking to her own Ambassador, t'Khellian barely looked at, let alone listened to her.

"What about the Federation?" Lemat said after several seconds of silence.

Nahir shook her head, "Amd tell them what? That a pair of receptionists think a dramatic event might happen? They'd smile, and listen and do nothing, and to top it off we'd make our embassies look stupid."

"Well who then?" Lemat asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"Its down to us," Nahir said with sincerity, "If we believe there is something going on the only way the evidence can be found is between us. I don't like the idea," she admitted, "My ambassador just had ber head of security beaten with minimal provocation, I don't know what she'll do if she thinks I'm compiling evidence that might damage her erstwhile lover."

"Heavens forbid." Lemat said sarcastically.

"You either want my help, or you don't, Lemat," Nahir retorted, "You just told me you're shit scared of your ambassador, don't be a bitch when I tell you I'm wary of mine!"

"I was being sarcastic toward their love! If we're going to do this Nahir, we've got to understand one another... I apologise... "

"Perhaps my understanding and use of your language is not s good as I thought it was," Nahir conceded. "I apologise too. If we don't raise any alarms we are both in ideal places to find out and document what has been going on. If we gather enough, maybe then we can involve the local authorities."

"Sounds like a plan." Lemat smiled.

"So we're agreed?"



Nahir i-Orinwen

Lemat Berok