Beg, Steal or Borrow – What to do? What to do?
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   What to do? What to do?
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Apr 29, 2009 @ 8:13pm
Location   XO's Office / USS Castor
Timeline   SD8 15:50

T'Lan continued to consider what had to be done. Obviously Commander Davies was under too much emotional duress in order to command, and she had a situation with the Romulan Star Empire amongst other things. She also had the situation where Lt. Gabriel was Chief of Security. "Computer, open a priority hail to Earth. Starfleet Command. Captain Tasha Tahir."

Tasha was sitting in the pilot seat when the message console began to flash. She turned over her shoulder, just to check on the others.
Zorana was dozing and Jayfe was studying some of the data from the Nebula. She turned back to the console shaking her head wondering why Zorana was content to sleep in the crew section, when there were 4 good bedrooms on board.
She tapped the console.

T'Lan spoke. "Captain, we've had an incident here with the Romulans. We've exchanged fire with the Romulan Fleet, Lt. Commander Rakka has been reassigned and Lt. Dorian Gabriel is now Chief of Security, and recently I was kissed without consent by Commander Davies." She displayed the most displeased look a Vulcan could give. "He has since been relieved of Command."

All this news in one burst. "Slow down Commander, that was far to much to absorb. The Romulans I am aware of, Rakka I know of, she will catch up to us in the next 24 hours. Gabriel is now the Security Chief, well that I can't understand, I thought he was an intelligence officer through and through and as for Davies, well, why did he kiss you and in what manner?" Tasha asked, hearing how serious she took this, but still could not refrain from allowing a grin to appear across her lips.

"I am having difficulty trying to come to a decision on what to do. If I allow Commander Davies to remain in Command, he will jeopardize this base with his emotional instability, and If I allow Lt. Gabriel to interrogate Federation Civilians unchecked, it will create a situation where civil liberties are violated, and I currently do not have the authority to relieve Lt. Gabriel from his position as Chief of Security. I am considering placing Deep Space Five under Martial Law. I need to assume command, otherwise command and control will begin to break down." T'Lan stated.

Tasha shook her head. She knew only too well the pressure the Vulcan officer was under, but she had to let go once in a while or she would be where Tasha was a few days ago, sickbay!

"Commander, first off, relax. I am sure that Davies just has feelings for you. Surprise him, go kiss him back! As for Gabriel, despite all his failings, Dorian is a good officer, one who just has problems with authority figures and I am sure that if you give him time, you will understand him. You may not like him, but he does get the job done. What federation civilians has he got in his sights?" She asked imagining T'Lan staring at the comm channel monitor with a look of total disbelief.

T'Lan sighed, "Lt. Gabriel dose not respect my authority. He displays openly his racism and disrespect toward the Chain of Command. Now he has near Carte blanche authority to detain anyone he wishes and question them without regard for due process or my own authority. I would only express this with you Captain, but I am appalled by Mr. Gabriel. It is people like him that will destroy the Federation, and turn it into something that I do not wish to know. The only logical outcome is that I would either relieve him for overstepping his authority, or relieve him for insubordination or the harassment of members of the base crew."

Tasha heard the depression in her voice and though she was loathed to admit it, she did have a valid point.
"Commander T'Lan, you are the first officer aboard the Federation Starbase, Deep Space 5. If the current CO is unfit for command, you had better get Milarno to back you up, medically and do it by the book. If you feel Lieutenant Gabriel has overstepped the boundaries of his office again, make sure that you have catalogued evidence and you do it by the book." Tasha took a breath, softening her tone. "T'Lan, do not let the men beat you into submission, be strong and upright, place yourself above recrimination, but do not enforce martial law, that would give Darson complete control of DS5 and as much as I trust him, I do not trust him to run that station. Am I clear?" She asked, holding her breath.

T'Lan nodded, "I will do as you advise, but Dorian Gabriel and others like him are a disgrace to their uniforms. I dread the day when people like him climb the ranks of Starfleet, and I fear the next war we fight will not be against the Dominion, but a civil war from within."

Tasha nodded as Jayfe appeared at her shoulder holding a cup of frothed hot chocolate. She turned and accepted his beverage, knowing that he adjusted the program to the liking of Commander Rakka.
"I am sure that over the course of the next few weeks, with guidance and the pure drudgery of security, Dorian will come to realise that it's never as clear cut as a young man see." She sipped at the froth, giving her a brownish red moustache. The liquid was sweet, sickly so, but it also tasted so delicious. Tahir lost herself in the sudden rush of sugar, she nearly forgot that T'Lan waited for her on the other end of the comm.

"There is still a possibility he will misuse his authority, but I will keep you appraised. T'Lan out." The Vulcan shook her head. The recent events on the base were trying even for a logical being.

Tasha closed the comm and smiled to herself, thinking that her first officer was diligent in her duty, but she and Gabriel were going to clash even more so. She sipped again at the sweet hot chocolate and succumbed to the feeling of inner joys that such a beverage could give.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander T'Lan