Beg, Steal or Borrow – Bad news usually travels fast!
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Bad news usually travels fast!
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 10:51pm
Location   En route to DS5
Timeline   SD5 21:45
The last 2 day had brought David down to near tears. He had played board games, skill games and exams until his brain had become as numb as his backside.
He was running through the data of the trials of the Oberth class ship he was sat in, immersing himself in the shield harmonics and how they constantly worked with the deflector array and emitted an intensified duodynetic impulse burst to destroy inanimate matter that was in the direct path of the ship, when an encoded transmission signal beeped at a console to his left.

He set down the rectangular grey PADD and swung his leg of the arm of eh pilots seat a stepped over to the console, tapping the screen. He read the data burst and his stomach somersaulted. He tapped the screen and it greyed out to nothing.

He stepped backwards to the central chair, sitting on the arm in a semi state of shock.
The news was 2 days old. An assassination attempt on the CO of DS5? Was there an ulterior motive? He shivered, wondering what exactly he was letting himself in for by taking command of a Starbase!

"Computer, ETA to DS5?" He enquired, standing up and stretching away the ache that the shiver had renewed in his arms and legs.

"3 days, 3 hours 12 minutes and 7 seconds at current speed." It dutifully responded.

"Calculate arrival at maximum warp." He ordered as he reached down to touch his toes.

"2 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes." Came the un-emotive reply.

~No seconds?~ He pondered. "Engage maximum warp for 3 hours and estimate time of arrival at deep space 5."

"Estimation of 3 days and 11 minutes."

"Computer, for the next 2 days arrange a travel pattern thus. Attain maximum warp for 3 hours, then warp 8 for for 4 hours followed by maximum warp for 4 hours and repeat. Now calculate estimated arrive at DS5."

"Calculated ETA with programmed pattern. 2 days, 7 hours and 31 minutes."

David glanced at the chronometer. "Are we in range of communications to DS5." He asked.

"Negative. Communications range will be attained in 1 day 4 hours at current programmed speed pattern."

"Computer, calculate the most efficient warp program to be within communications range within 24 hours."

"Calculated. Increasing to emergency warp speed for 24 minutes. Course and required speeds have been programmed. Communications range will be attained in 23 hours, 58 minutes."

"Now to settle back and try to enjoy the last 24 hours before I can finally speak to somebody else." He said under his breath. "Computer, send a signal to DS5 to expect a vocal communication in 24 hours. Please inform Captain Tahir that I wish to speak with her at her earliest convenience."

The computer chirped its acknowledgement which made a nice change from the vocalisation.

He lifted the originally discarded PADD and went back to reading the data of the Oberth, but thoughts of attacks and subversion clouded his mind and he could no longer concentrate.
He tapped the edge of the mini computer and laid it back down on the centre seat, trying think of something that would actively accommodate his mind, rather than play upon it.


Commander David Davies
Played by Tasha