Beg, Steal or Borrow – A voice in the dark
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   A voice in the dark
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sat Jan 24, 2009 @ 9:33pm
Location   Aboard the "Oberth Class"
Timeline   SD6 21:30
Music played in the background of the holodeck that avid had only discovered a few hours ago and cursed the computer for not listing it within the specifications of his control panel.
The operations centre of DS5 was quite a sight, much larger than he had imagined. The console on the raised platform didn't seem to quite fit in with the rest of the design, but there was little he could do about it. He particularly liked the arrangement of the workstations around the circular shaped room, giving instant access to all stations of the base.
He stepped down and studied each console closely.

"Computer, from current personnel records, place the relevant staff at their positions."

The illumination dimmed as the whole scene around him paused, as if for effect, as various crewmen and women began to emerge at stations and consoles.
"Good, resume program."

The crew began to move, ignoring him for the moment as they beavered away, monitoring their screens and data. He waltzed around each crew person, studying their faces for a few seconds, trying to get a feel for each of them when the arch appeared.

"We are within communications range of DS5. Opening channel. Hailing Deep Space 5."

=^= "Deep Space 5. How may we be of assistance." Came a female voice over the comm link.

=^= "Commander David Davies to speak with Captain Tahir. She is expecting me." Davies replied.

=^= "Aye sir. Putting you through to the Captain. One moment." Came the cheerful response.

Tasha placed the suitcase onto the bed and flung it open, preparing to start packing some of belongings, but before she could put anything in, a call from ops informed her that Commander David Davies was on an audio channel and wanted to speak to her.
"Put him through ensign, I have been waiting for his call."Tasha advised.

"Aye ma'am. He did mention that you were expecting him. Do you require a secure channel?" She enquired, not knowing what level of call this would be.

"Normal security protocols ensign." Tasha responded.

"Aye ma'am. Channel secure and open. Ops out."

The channel was silent for a few seconds, before another female came through the speaker, that of Captain Tasha Tahir.

"Commander, Captain Tahir. Good to hear you approaching faster than we expected."

"Thank you Captain. I can only thank this ship for that. How are you?" David asked, concerned for both of their welfares after the report that he had read yesterday.

"I am very well thank you. Yourself?" Tasha responded without connecting his question to her injuries.

"To be honest, fed up. It's a lonely journey from Earth to DS5 and had I known how lonely, I would have brought some company. I am now looking forward to getting to DS5 as soon as possible. I hear that there has been an attack on there, or should I say an assassination attempt?" He pushed.

"You are correct and thankfully, the attempt failed. If your wondering if there may be attack on you, I think I can assure you that the culprits are either dead or apprehended, so you will be safe aboard here. I will assure you that you will have full access to my reports and those of the department heads also. I have also arranged accommodation on deck 25. What is your ETA Commander?" Tasha enquired, looking towards the bed and the opened suitcase.

He was constantly counting down the hours until he could get off this ship. "A little over 2 days and I must admit, that despite the report I read yesterday, I am looking forward to getting off this ship and onto the station. I hear you have running water showers there, is that true?" He asked with a smile appearing across his lips.

Tasha grinned to herself. "That's correct, we do. We also have a very large swimming pool, not a hologram, but an actual pool. Stations are totally different to ships and I am sure you will enjoy discovering things about this station after you have arrived. Talking of which, I will leaving for Earth the day after tomorrow, so I will not be hear to greet you. Do you have any special requests that I need to pass onto my staff?" She asked with a slight emphasis on 'my'.

He shook his head. "No Captain, I have everything I need, but as your going to be off ship, who will be commanding in your absence?" He asked.

"Commander T'Lan is the first officer, she will be in command, followed by my second officer, Lieutenant Commander Rakka. I hope that you will find both of them accommodating." Her voice had hardened, as if he were slandering her senior staff.

David picked up on it immediately, her tone had dropped a little and he apologised.

"Sorry Captain, I meant no offence. I was expecting to met by yourself and not your XO or third in command." The apology was to the point and he added nothing more.

"Very well Commander. If you require anything further, please ask and we will do what we can for you. Do you have any questions?" She asked, feeling the conversation had run its course.

"No Captain, not at present, but I will have plenty by the time I reach DS5. Well, I shall bid you good evening and I do hope your journey home is less mundane than my own." David knew this conversation had reached it's end. Tahir had put up her barriers, he had upset her, which he had not intended to do and now he would have to back off.

"Thank you Commander. I shall do my best to keep myself occupied. Tahir out." She closed the comm.

"Goodnight." He said back to the computer, knowing that Tasha would not hear him.

"Computer, display image of Captain Tahir and replicate a PADD with her personal file."

The computer chirped as an image of Tahir appeared before him and she handed him a PADD with a smile on her ruby red lips. She was a great deal shorter than he imagined, even though he knew her height, but when she appeared, she seemed dwarf like, as her head levelled his neck.
"Thank you captain." He said to the hologramatic image of Tahir.

"Your welcome." She said, spinning on her heel and heading up the flight of steps to his right and through the large door into what he could only assume was her office.

He turned around, looking for a vacant seat and found one at environmental control. He skipped over and sat, tapping the PADD and began reading about Captain Tasha Tahir.


Commander David Davies &
Captain Tasha Tahir