Intermission – The Coming Storm
by Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Coming Storm
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Melazar Trogan & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Fri Jul 05, 2013 @ 2:42am
Location   Chief Intels Office
Timeline   SD73
Melazar knew one of his next steps had to be to seek out the Chief Intelligence Officer, he knew often diplomats and intelligence worked together to settle issues like the one he felt they'd be facing as soon as the Cardassian Ambassador was well enough to walk.

He approached Rhiana who he only knew by file "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, I have a distinct feeling you know better then I do exactly what's going on, hopefully together we can work to stop the coming storm." Melazar said

Rhiana spoke "Diplomat meeting a spy, very cliche but I'll work with it, what's going on?"

Melazar chuckled "Very common so I suppose yes cliché." he sighed "The Cardassian Ambassador, as soon as he can walk I feel that we will have a witch hunt on our hands. He is quite determined. Although in the end I don't believe even if he manages to kill the one accused that it will prevent another attack from happening later, someone is after the Ambassador. In my opinion anyway, the accused was used as a tool by someone else for exactly that reason. They want the Ambassador to go after them."

"I've been expecting things to boil over since the Cardassians showed up, with Lieutenant Wallace disappearing and a few fingers pointing at them, along with other tensions, I think we need to pull it together quickly." Rhiana said

"As the newest arrival, I have no leverage, I have no information or anything I can offer the Cardassians in exchange for them keeping things low key." Melazar said "The Ambassador claims they had gotten the short end before, so I would need something good to offer them." he said looking to her "Any ideas?"

"There are a lot of angry survivors of the war out there, since they can't get there hands on the dominion directly, why not a cardassian?" Rhiana said.

"True..." he said "The issue is one of them set off a bomb onboard this station, in doing that they also targeted the Federation." he said "I don't believe the accused whether she admitted it, took credit for it or whatever, I don't believe she acted alone." he said "The Ambassador will kill her though, single mindedly so and consider it a victory won." Melazar sighed

"The groups we have in the active file are at the level they would do things like this, but this is an escalation, even by some of the piracy standards I've encountered."

Melazar asked "Who are the major players that could have pulled off getting those components onboard?" he said "Perhaps if I can talk to them, they will give me something I can use."

"Organized crime groups would like to have more security on the promenade over customs, and some independent colony types would do something like this if pushed, but I'm guessing you know something, or suspect give me your thoughts, so I can actually contribute to this thing, I was cut out of the investigation by that snob chief of security."

Melazar said "I only arrived today so I have very little info myself." he said "Perhaps we should each see who we can talk too within the organized groups and see if we can get any leads. Perhaps the chief of security should be my next stop for now."

"I'm so under staffed again that if we're going to work together we have to share information, a partnership of shorts." Rhiana said the wheels turning in her head.

"If it help calms the coming storm then sharing needed information is fine with me, I have worked with intelligence before. I have a distinct advantage in gathering anyway." he smiled "I think perhaps my not being known could be to an advantage." he said ideas spinning in his head now too.

"The only detail that is left, is who in winter and why are they coming here." Rihiana said with irony

Melazar nodded "Indeed, well if I find anything out I will let you know if you do the same for me." he said offering his hand.


Lt jg Rhiana T'Sahen

LT JG Melazar Trogan