Unity – Opening a can of worms
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Opening a can of worms
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 10:18pm
Location   Intel office
Timeline   SD16 1200
The first "Proper Post of UNITY.


Jarred limped into the office, he was still sore from the burns and other abuse his body had endured during the accident aboard the Bunker hill, the odd lack of a JAG officer or security pestering him and his staff seemed quite odd. He acknowledged Chief Ayers and Marti who were in the encryptions pit working on something, Jarred entered his office and sat down at his desk, he really wanted to just be left alone for a couple of days, no one had heard from Claire in a couple of days, sickbay said she was 'occupied with work'. Jarred reached for the top PADD from the pile on his desk. Romulan this, mysterious that, after three PADDs of useless information he almost wanted an interruption of some kind, anything would do.

Still feeling quite low, David wandered the decks, his thoughts full of all things that burden a Commanding Officer.
He had turned the deck head and looked up, his path had been aimless, but somehow, he found himself close to the intelligence office.
He allowed a sigh to escape him as he thought of Wallace and how he had suffered on the Bunker Hill and then as if by invitation, the door opened and Chief Ayers exited with a nod to Davies.
The office was busy, several people running back and fore and David thought it was as good a time as any to see the Lieutenant and sauntered in, head hung slightly low.

Somwhat startled by the Captains appearance Jarred stood a little to fast "Captain!" he paused as he winced in pain, "I was surprised to see you down here, what do I owe the visit?"

David could see the pain written on Jarreds face and he waved his hand flapping it down signalling the intel officer to sit down.
"To be honest, I just happened to be here. Call it kismet, fate or whatever, but here I am." He siad without offering any apology for himself.

" I would like to apologize for Admiral Morgans attitude and for any other grief he caused while he was here, hes' had it out for every JAG officer and a few other officers since I was demoted." Jarred started "He took it personally that I got the wrap for something a Commanding officer did and they got off with little more that an formal reprimand."

David shook his head slowly, dismissing Jarreds apology, for there was no need.
"Eh?" Davies questioned. "Demoted. When?" He asked somewhat confused, still feeling the bellow of Morgans wrath in his left ear, which was thankfully his ear with lesser hearing.

"It was while I was assigned to the Melbourne, in the closing days of the Dominion war, The Admiral was overseeing a mission to recover some classified technology that the Cardassians had developed the mission went bad and the squad of marines I was leading on the mission were caught in a cross fire, When I called for a beam out Captain Telik took to long and my team was being cut down." Jarred stared "When we finally got beamed up the Captain blamed me for the missions failure, instead of taking the blame, So I decked him breaking his nose and one cheek bone in the process, after that I got busted down to ensign and the Admiral had me reassigned to special ops, including a few missions that may never be declassified."

David pulled up a chair, sliding it to the makeshift desk that Jarred was working at. He smiled as Jarred recanted his fall from favour.
"So you have had dealings with Morgans before then!" He remarked as he sat. "So these missions that may never be declassified, do you have any tales that would not breech the regulations Lieutenant?" David asked, seeing that Wallace had began to broach the subject, he had a feeling that he would impart a few little anecdotes.

"One of the first assignments was to find any Maquis survivors," Jarred paused "The two bases we knew of were total slaughters everyone was killed, a third one had a few who had managed to escape the massacre at one of the other bases we knew of, most gladly went in custody since they had no medical care and limited food on hand."

"And you ..." Davies coaxed Jarred for some more detail by saying no more.

"We took those survivors to starbase 185 for processing, then I took off for my next assignment, the last I heard about any of them most had served there prison sentences by now, I spent the next five years looking for all of these supposed weapons depots that the Dominion had, we never found them all, in fact we got shut down after my cover was blown, the Cardassians didn't like the fact that Starfleet had sent one of their spies." Jarred said.

"I shouldn't think they took it too well. Anyway, how are you feeling?" David finally asked what had been on his mind as he clasped his hands together. "Still have the dis-orientation?" He chose his words carefully as the obvious wounds were displayed for all, but the mental shocks were the ones that would do the most damage if not attended too.

"Except for some stiffness I'm ok." Jarred was interrupted by his terminal beeping "Sorry sir." he pushed a button and the Admiral appeared on screen.

=^="Jarred we have learned of some former Maquis may have escaped custody in your area, we still don't have specifics or any other details, we will forward a list of the escapees to you and your security chief, Morgan out."=^=

Jarred looked at the CO "ok...what are the odds of that?"

Davies shrugged, feeling a little annoyed that the Admiral had skipped down to the CIO without first informing him. "The timing is uncanny, but I guess I just found the measure by which Morgans rates me. " He said as he stood, "and with Captain Tahir a few days away, I guess we had better prepare for her arrival as well." He said in an off-handed manner, pushing the chair back under the table.
"Are you fit enough to cope?" Davies asked without adding what Jarred was to cope with.

"For now I think so, before I forget though, Utopia Planetia is sending a replacement Wallace Garrison vessel, I guess we get the up grade first."

"Looks that way, I read the report this morning and it looks promising. When is it due?" He asked, already knowing when, at least something were privvy to him.

"It left Mars two days ago, the transfer crew commander said they should be here tomorrow, I've read the specs on this upgraded ship, I'd like to take her for a spin after she arrives." Jarred joked

"And don't see why not." Davies responded with a cheeriness to his tone.

"Thanks Captain, I've got to get my department organized for the week." Jarred stood as he extended his hand

"Looking forward to it." Davies replied with a half masted wave and left the intel office, not sure where it was he was heading next.


Lt Jarred Wallace

Commander David Davies