Judgement – Strange Allies
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Strange Allies
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Feb 11, 2011 @ 5:31pm
Location   DS5 / IRW Ael laehval
Timeline   SD35 23:00
"Why hasn't Rh'vaurek contacted me! If we are going to pull this thing off then he needs to mobilize now!" Getal screamed into the empty room of his quarters. Pacing, he rubbed his hand over his hair.

"He should've done it by now. This is taking too long! Computer! Open a secure commline to Rh'vaurek Raedheol then encrypt the signal!" He bellowed again.

The computer chimed in response and complied immediately. The screen on Tharek's desk lit up with the Cardassian Union emblem, and then he waited.


Rh'vaurek exhaled slowly. It was not the first frenzied message he had recieved from his counterpart on DS5 and ignored. He had expected a more controlled response.
An additional concern was that a 'servant' of Isha's had somehow gleaned permission to contact him to ask for permission to leave ch'Rihan and travel to DS5.

By the time it had reached his desk, Rh'vaurek had granted it. The slave was a freakish creature by his estimation, but one that Isha had accomodated for decades. He nodded it through.

Then back to Getal.

"I assume you are about to inform me of the location of your ships," Rh'vaurak said in a slightly frustrated tone. "We've been in a holding pattern for days."

"My ships are en-route to you. I have been expecting your contact recently, but when I check, theres nothing. Where are we with this Rh'vaurek. I need to know when to mobilize our troops."

"I made contact two days ago, Getal," Rh'vaurek replied, "and received no point. If you have an alternate rendezvous in mind tell me now. My Commanders need to know."

Tharek realised he was rushing in, but he just couldn't help it, he needed this station.

"I apologise Rh'vaurek. No, that is not necessary, we stick to the plan. You manage the fleet and I manage the troops... Give me the word when to attack. I'm just eager to pry a few heads from a few shoulders."

The crunch of Rh'vaurek's clenched fist may well have resonated across the channel, but he waited. "Keep your vendettas for later, Tharek," Rh'vaurek advised. "I trust my embassy is untouched?"

"Your embassy has been left well enough alone. No staff of mine have been within fifty metres of the embassy unless absolutely necessary. Your staff though... They might not respond immediately to my commands. They need word from you, my friend. An order from you will be enough for them to follow mine, until a point where you may address them in detail." He said, lying, but hiding it well.

"The ones you need have been given their orders," Rh'vaurek told him, "if there are any issues you can take them up with Deletham, he's one of mine. Just make sure you steer clear of Isha's people. If she thinks we're colluding behind her back she'll only cause trouble."

"Thank you. Do you have an estimated time of arrival Rh'vaurek?"

"Maybe a week. Watch out for the arrival of a civilian transport named Helios. It will arrive two days before we do," that was the cell that Aendah i- Rhehiv'je was working on conditioning. Nobody would suspect a group of colonists using Deep Space Five as a stop-gap on their way to a new life in some godforsaken backwater - they were perfect vessels for this. "If your ships can be with us in a day or two we can begin to move in."

"They will be there before you know it." Getal beamed. This was really happening. Cardassia made some mistakes before. The Dominion. Hebitian society. Mercy. Pity. There would be no mistake this time.

Rh'vaurek rested back and folded his arms, "Just make sure they're discreet. This pirate hunt that the Federation have kicked off is stirring up a lot of activity in the sectors around DS5, it should help keep everyone distracted, but we don't want to get caught up in some needless skirmish, now, do we," he said rhetorically.

Getal grunted in response. "Good. I'll await your signal to attack. Unless you have anything else to add?"

"Nothing," Rh'vaurek said, "It won't be long now," like Getal Raedhoel too had no idea that this whole operation had been subverted and subsumed into part of a much wider game.

"Excellent. I've waited too long for this Rh'vaurek. Both of us have. We deserve this." Getal said in a poetic manner, knowing that himself and Raedheol were two pieces on the same side of the board.

"Not long now," Rh'vaurek replied as s shrill 'pip' sounded from his console. He leaned forward and glanced at the origin of the communication - a live channel. He had been waiting for this particular call ever since he had left ch'Rihan - Isha's mother was every bit as stubborn as her daughter, but Rh'vaurek had known that ultimately she would see sense and co-operate. "I have to take this communication," he told Getal, "was there anything else you needed to discuss?"

"No my friend. May your journey here be swift and in shadows. Getal out." Getal's face then faded instantly from the screen, and the comm went silent for a moment.

As the channel cut with a self important ‘bleep’ and the angular emblem of the Tal’Shiar filled his screen Rh’vaurek linked his fingers behind his head and closed his eyes. The chair made no sound as he leaned back and rested his heel on the console, one leg crossed over the other at the ankle.

Rh’vaurek recognised that he may have chosen the wrong ally, Getal had just told him an outright lie, but in truth the Cardassian was the only ally available who could put up a respectable front and deliver the right firepower. Rh’vaurek would deal with that soon enough. For now he had other things on his mind such as how long to keep Llaiir t’Khellian waiting before he opened her channel.


A Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal


erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol