Beg, Steal or Borrow – checking in
by Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   checking in
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Warrant Officer Christopher Hudnall & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Jul 15, 2009 @ 3:20am
Location   sick bay
Timeline   current

After walking from his quarter's holding a conversation with a new friend he had made it to sickbay taking a deep breath after a meeting with the commander. He walked in to see they wasn't to busy and he had told his self it wont take to long so he walked up to the Commander and said "hi i'm Warrant Officer Christopher do you have time to hopefully give me a clean bill of health?"

Chelsea looked the newcomer up and down and grinned. "I have the time but a clean bill of health is up to the scanner of doom!" She held up the medscan which blinked at him and began to make odd little bleeping noises as she waved it in his direction.

"Come into my parlour..." Chelsea said jovially and directed Chris to a med-bed. "Everyone hates their medicals, which must make me one of the most unpopular people on this station."

As she ran the scanner over him a second time and then loaded the findings into a med-padd, she continued to talk, as always trying to make the dreaded *first* medical a light, friendly experience for as many newcomers as possible.

"There's very little to medicals these days. In the terrible centuries of long ago, you could have been asked for urine or blood samples simply to discover the most basic of readings!" she shuddered at the thought of all those barbaric metal needles, unpleasant plastic pots and monstrous rubber tubes they had been shown at the Medical Museum Wing of the Academy.

Finishing with the scanner Chelsea tapped a few observations into the padd.

"Now the dreadful inquisition of questions. But don't worry, they've been culled back to 513!" she teased, pretending the padd was full of them, but at the same time keeping an eye on his face to make sure he was taking it well.

Chris stood there hoping that everything would come out ok worried that it might not and he wouldn't be able to do his duty's. After hearing that he would have to answer questions he laughed and said "ask away."

"Have you recently come into contact with any infectious diseases?" she asked.

Chris shook his head and said "no not that i know of atleast."

Chelsea asked a couple more standard questions and then grinned at him.

"There, that didn't hurt, did it? Well, at least not as much as you thought it would?"

"Chris smiled and said no not at all, is that everything?"

"Yup" Chelsea grinned putting away her medscan and handing him the uploaded padd containing his *certificate* of health.

"You're a free man! But do come visit any time" she released him.

A jp by :

Lt. Cmdr Chelsea Adams


Warrant Officer
Christopher Hudnall
Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer
SB Deep Space 5