Cascade – Sitting in the Hanger Bay, Wasting Time
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Sitting in the Hanger Bay, Wasting Time
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Sat May 11, 2013 @ 9:48am
Location   Shuttlebay 26, Deck 74
Timeline   SD 72 1445 hours
Bringing a hand up to his snout, An'ta yawned.

"The Commander should have been back by now. I hope everything is all right..." he thought, absently scratching the end of his snout. It had been close to an hour since Sharas and Steve had left him to guard the Takaka while they obtained departure clearance. If it had been Commander Drakt that had been gone this long, he would have KNOWN something was wrong.

But P'Trell and Wyman were... not more responsible, but more safety conscious - Wyman more so since he became a father. "I'm sure they're fine. Maybe they had more red tape to cut through that Lieutenant Wyman expected."

As the runabout was fully refueled and the techs were done giving her the once over, An'ta was more or less left alone with his thoughts. As such he slouched down a bit in the pilot's seat (as best as he could with his tail in the way) and put his feet up on the flight console.

Just as his eyes were starting to close, his commbadge chirped and he jumped - crashing to the deck rather unceremoniously. +"P'Trell to Lieutenant An'ta. We're staying here to assist with whatever it is that's going on around here. Get in touch with the logistics officer and arrange guest quarters for us. And don't worry about Drakt - he'll just have to deal without us for a few more days."+

Rubbing his head where it bounced off the deck. His vision a bit fuzzy, he tapped his comm badge, "Umm... yes, sir. I'll get right on it. An'ta out."

Shakily he pulled himself to his feet and straightened his uniform. He had to take a moment to compose himself before he stepped out of the hatch. "Computer, point me to the logistics officer's office."

"The Logistics section is located on deck fifteen." the computer replied immediately, the same near melodic female voice common to every federation ship of the last forty some odd years.

Popping a crick in his neck as he walked toward the turbolift, the Zarnac sighed. "The Commander isn't going to like this..." he muttered, thinking of how cross Drakt will be when they get back to base late. But at least, as the junior officer - he wouldn't be the one getting chewed out.

Lt. (JG) An'ta, Son of the Forty-ninth House
Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase 182

as played by

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5