Things Past – Tour of Duty
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   Tour of Duty
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Tue Jan 08, 2013 @ 9:33pm
Location   Science labs
Timeline   SD72

Saria was, like on her usual shift, busy in the Science Lab. She was still analyzing the Romulan Core she had stored in it, but it had been untouched for a long time. Finally, her decryption program was up and running, making it easer for her to unveil the mysteries that were hidden in it. Then, in all sudden, she heard something fell behind her. A rack of sample tubes hit the floor. "Who's there?" Saria said, turning around and looking trough her Science Lab. She eventually leapt to the rack with tubes, and picked it up.

Luke turned his head in general direction of where Saria's voice came from whilst at the same time wrestling with the rack he had accidentally knocked over. Finally putting it upright, a little late as the once occupant laid smashed on the floor and most of the content it held dripping of off Luke. "Sorry, its only me. I didn't meaaan tooo." He stopped talking as his voice became slurred, he looked at her in dispear and only wondered what was in the container.

"Sergeant," Saria said, surprised. "I'm sorry for the mess... and it seems you have spilled some Hydrochlorotine on yourself. But don't worry!" Saria assured, walking to the hypospray on the desk. She grabbed it, configured the mixture, and walked back to the half-paralyzed Sergeant. She placed the hypospray in his neck, which made a hissing sound. "I actually recommend to use it on angry Klingons, or any other uninvited guests... not that you are uninvited." She smiled.

He smiled as the hypo slowly allowed parts of his body to function again, he brought his hand to his face and clenched it "It seemsss to work a chharm" he said slightly getting his speech back form the momentarily laps of slurring. "I saw your name on the charlie rooster again and I wanted to come down and see if I could keep you company for a while?" he replied helping the lieutenant pick up the shards of the floor "im sorry I ruined your.. gooo"

Saria smirked. "Company is always welcome. It's always so quiet down here, when Ensign Willard isn't at work. She usually talks troughout the whole shift, I can tell." She picked a little metal box and threw the shards in it. "And the goo... well, accidents happen just often. It's something Humanoid. But I still have some of it in the freezer." Saria said, as she put the box in the replicator, and began to dematerialize. "Well, Sergeant. Anything you want to see or know?"

He shrugged "Urm, well what is it you're working on at the moment?" after the away mission in a way he felt that he owed Saria above most people if it wasnt for her he may have been quiet different now.

"I've actually been working on this here," As Saria showed Luke the cylindrical lumniscent green core. "It's a Romulan core, containing encrypted information. I've been working on it lately, as I removed some flaws from the decrypting algorythm. But most of the information I already dug out of it is Starfleet classified, but I'm not sure if you're permitted to see it." She said, stretching her arms. "But I sure can make some tine for you, Sergeant." Saria leant against the console. "How did you end up in the Marines?"

He nodded, although he had experience with romulan tech he didn't want to let his past get in the way of friends and decided to go on and answer her question in his normal Marine style sarcasm "Funny story actually I was on my way back from school and i thought I'd get something to eat so I walked into this building which I thought was a sweet store and bamb before you knew it I was on my way to basic training" he smiled, he rarely talked about his past even to the closest of people something they have gained to roll with. "One day you might get all the answers you want but it'll take a lot to get it out of me" he winked "What about yourself, why starfleet?"

Saria scratched behind her ear. "Long story, I guess. But I'll keep it short. One of my former hosts, Gana, made as one of the first Trill contact with the Federation, 75 years ago. So I eventually felt some kind of commitment to them, as I introduced them to my people. You see, my past involved in large events. Some of them I don't know anymore, and some I don't want to know anymore." She chuckled. "I bet it must be strange, talking to me while I tell my past. Like the symbiont inside me is actually talking to you."

"Mmmm Actually it is I've never really interacted to a joined trill before so forgive me for the confused looks, when you are talking is it you or the trill or both?" he asked intrigued by the concept as she brought out another chair and the pair sat down.

"Hard to say, actually." Saria sat down. "Both, actually. Compare it with two spokesmen, saying the same things at the same moment. Or like two computers working for the same task. However, it's all in harmony. So don't think I've got a worm inside me that eats me from the inside out." She joked, as she made a gesture with her arm, from her stomach in a bursting-open move. "But it's very confusing ar first. You need to find the perfect balance between host and symbiont, otherwise the bonding will fail." She explained.

He let otu a small laugh "I would never imply such a thing, so do you have separate feelings, thoughts, emotions?" he asked questioning her almost in a interrogation manor. "Not thats it any of my business but I am just curios I for would would love to have memories and years of experience, rights and wrong basically downloaded into me"

"Well, you're welcome to know most things. Years of memory and experience... it definately wears off, but it becomes boring after a while. You know, you're skilled in most things, doing your work perfectly. But it's the adventure that keeps me going. Nothing is the same." She said, as she laid her ponytail over her shoulder. "But the emotions... that's a funny thing," Saria smiled. "It controls eachother. If the symbiont experiences a severe trauma, so will I. But if I'm happy, the symbiont is happy as well."
She stood up, and walked up to the replicator. "In for a drink, Sergeant?"

He nodded, "Surprise me, I like to keep an open mind when it comes to food and drink and it does me some good most of the time" he joked watchign her materlialize the drinks, "Can you ever have a disagreement with the sybiont?" he asked.

Saria grinned. "Sometimes, but we do find a solution for most things. But together, we're one mind." She said, grabbing the drinks and giving one to Luke. "It's a drink called Coke. I bet you should know it." She smirked.

"Coke huh? I remember drinking this as a kid" he smiled as he took a sip, a moment of awkwardness loomed as Luke placed his drink down on the table.

"Me too. It was the first Earth beverage I drank. Since then, I often ordered it trough the replicator during work. Kept me awake on those long night shifts. And I've been partially raised on Earth. You know, my father was in the Starfleet board of advisors, while my mother was in the Symbiosis Commission. But I chose to stay with my father, since I wanted to get involved with Starfleet at a young age." She took a sip from her drink. "I've dreamt about being a Captain as a young girl, but now with Rex, I know that being a Captain isn't that easy." Saria said.

"Thats a good dream to follow, and I am sure that you will find yourself there if you want it enough and with your knowledge and experience I think you'll find it alot easier than you think" he complimented.

Saria blushed. "Heh... thanks. But what about you, Sergeant? Do you have any goals to achieve?" She asked.

"No need to blush Saria, also i get called sergeant far to often so call me Luke, as for my goals well i only wish live long and play hard" he gave a wink and stood "now what else in here can i get up to and break" he said as he whizzed round the corner.

"Uhm, Luke... watch out for the..." But it was already too late. She heard some of the equipment falling, and a short moan. She went around the corner, watching Luke try to get up from the equipment racks that fell on the ground when he bumped into. "You're quite lucky most of these containers are sealed. Some have got some... interesting matter inside." She said, helping Luke on his feet. "It seems that you're quite unknown here at Science. Care for a small tour?"

He smiled as he shook off the bump, she was right about him being unfamiliar to this environment and given he had just knocked down two racks he agreed. "I think that it is in our both interest before i blunder something more dangerous" With his recent problems with Lillian he was enjoying some company for a change.

Saria gestured Luke to walk along trough the Science lab, showing him various containers and scientifical equipment which she used. While in the test lab, she showed him the experimental phaser emitter she had been working on lately. She held the heavy, cylindrical weapon in her arms. "Type-8 standard issue Federation phaser emitter. Atleast, that's what it used to be. I've installed an amplifier in it, so it does more damage with the same energy input. However, the cooldown rate of the phaser has increased due this amplifier. I'm still working on that. I've also installed a phaser adapter in it, so if the Borg would pay a visit, they're swiss cheese." She smiled.

However, what she wasn't noticing, was that Luke accidentally pushed the test beam button on the emitter itself. "Powering up experimental phaser. Stand back to prevent any damage." The computer said.

"Oh no!" She said, staring at the emitter. "Hold it, and don't drop it!" She said. She grabbed her tricorder from her utility belt and quickly aimed it. She amplified the tricorder to block the energy flow.

"Experimental phaser powering down." The computer reported.

Saria grabbed the phaser emitter from Luke and laid it back on the workbench. "Well... ehm, that wasn't supposed to happen on a normal day." She said. "I almost risked a demotion to Ensign I believe. But thanks for the assistance." She smiled.

"Oh, we couldn't let that happen could we now" he paused a moment "Your spots saria why do trill have them? and why are they unique to each person? What are the extent of yours?" he asked curiously.

Saria grinned. "You're not the first to ask. We've got them as some kind of bioelectric connection. Like during a Zhian'tara, a ritual that involved one of the symbiont's memories or personalities being transferred to another person. You could see it as our "fingerprint". They're all unique and change several times." She explained.
"But well, Luke. I've read your Starfleet file, and I'm quite interested in getting to know you. So, you took your daughter with you to the station?" Saria asked, checking some of the comtainers with matter.

"some would take offence to such snooping however ihave done the same with most people i meet, i brought abby my daughter here after she followed me to Aleron a base on a planet filled with daily rebel attacks so i came here in hope to build a relationship with her and her mother however somethings arnt forgotten so easily. so since we are playing this game maybe you can explain why you have a merit for shooting a sniper" he leant in closer to her smiling.

Saria felt a bit awkward with Luke closing in on her, but maintained to smile friendly. "You know... I haven't always been Starfleet, or a Scientist. The first sniper I ever shot with was projectile-based. Must've been somewhere in the Trill Civil Wars, but I can't remember it clearly enough. Like a radio signal, which degrades over time. So does the symbiont." She said. "But what I hear from you, it seems you've been into some rough battles?"

Pushing away from her he turned his back before facing her again "I... saw action during the dominion war some pretty gruesome things a lot more than starfleet lets out but it does not bother me much, not as much as why you are feeling awkward" he noticed as the two started thier tour the confined space made her feel uncomfortable towards there was more but hed have to be telepathic to know any more.

"Uhm... well..." Saria hesitated. "One of my previous hosts served in the Dominion War as well. Arjin Rex, Chief Engineering aboard the USS Hood. Luckily, he survived, but passed out a few years later, giving Rex to Gana." She said. "And why do you suggest I feel awkward?" Trying to cover up her behavior.

"Call it a gut feeling if you will" he replied simply.

Saria grinned. "Why didn't you become a counselor?." She joked. "Nevertheless, I feel very bonded to Ensign Straggard, so actually... being in close quarters with other men makes me feel awkward. And partially something from my symbiont. If you were a joined Trill, you'd know what sort of things a symbiont brings with it!" She smiled.

"I think you are very much jumping the gun Saria, I do not wish to become that of the friendship we seem to be growing, and I am not a joined trill so perhaps you will enlighten me?" he said in a joke like matter but he was still curios non the less

"Well, things like habits. Really, annoying habits. Imagine, I'm on a starship, and suddenly I acquire the phobia of infinity because space is so incredible large. But luckily, I got over most of them. Some had really nasty phobias." She chuckled. "But I'm curious. Is your daughter wanting to join Starfleet, if I may ask?"

"She wish's nothing more than to become a secuirty officer I would much rather her be something like science or medical but she takes to much after me" he sighed "I just fear that I wont always be able to protect her if something happens".

"Maybe, very maybe, you could try to send her to the Science Lab once. Assisting me with some things, then realizing how fun the Science Department can be." She suggested. "And don't worry, Luke. I'll keep an eye out for her if you're gone."

He smiled, "Well that certainly making it alot less dangerous I couldn't imagine her being in security putting herself at risk and all that and I don't hope to be gone for long but thankyou for your offer".

"Honestly, I know the feeling. Some of my children joined Security as well, and so did I a few times." She said. "Very challenging, but very dangerous at the same time."

"I would have never expected you to have been in security" he said shocked.

"Then you would be surprised to know what I have been." Saria smiled,

He nodded with agreement "Then perhaps you will tell me.. someday" he winked "I must be off Its been a pleasure talking to Lieutenant" he walked back wards out of the main door smiling and gave a slight wave as he turned around making his way back home.

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt
First Sergeant