Cascade – It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part III
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek

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Title   It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part III
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek
Posted   Thu Oct 18, 2012 @ 6:37pm
Location   Diplomatic Suite
Timeline   SD70. 16:00
"In return, we will be giving access to several limits of classified data and I have petitioned the Federation government to open full private and public sector trade lines with all of your governments. I won. As a result of this exchange, and this summit, we hope to improve infrastructure and conflict everywhere." Clearly, Valtek was unaccustomed to losing. "But I will not be giving you a hand out. Either all of you work to hammer out something you will all be happy with," he said, settling on a repetition of what he opened with, "Or this meeting is adjourned."

One had to wonder exactly how Valtek had been appointed to Federation anything.


Hydel knew that it was not entirely his place to speak, but with Getal's apparent absence from the meeting, he recognized that someone had to speak on behalf of his people.

"The Klingon empire helped decimate my people during the Dominion War." He said, finally breaking his silence. "They relished in their victory by drinking bloodwine over the broken bodies of my people." He said, cutting a sharp look towards the Klingon Ambassador.

"Nothing would bring me more joy than to watch as one of their own suffers from a slow and painful demise." He said intently.

"Therefore, you can understand why my government would be hesitate to enter into such an agreement." He said purposefully. Hydel knew that the Detapa Council would jump at the opportunity to receive MORE aid and assistance from the Federation. It was almost certain that they would forego any bargaining just to acquiesce to the Federation's demands.

That's where Hydel came in. Undoubtedly, his people would herald him as a hero if he brokered such a deal for them as opposed to Getal. But he wouldn't give in without certain provisions from the Federation, first.

"What specific details does the Federation plan on providing to *my* people?" He asked.

Valtek nodded, and once again switched the viewer. "What I have outlined for you all today was a method of stabilization. In order to build bridges, we need to create a foundation. Make no mistake, Ambassadors. I am not interested in singing kum-ba-ya at a campfire and holding hands and passing out daisy chains any more than you are." And certainly, quite a few in the Federation agreed with that enough that Valtek remained the only one to press it through. "It is an important step to securing the Quadrant in aligning the Klingons and Romulans together. Whether or not that is through necessity is their prerogative, but I assure you it is very necessary."

A few lines branched out as Valtek's diagram became more clear. He was obviously taking the long route in explaining.

"The Cardassian people are aiding the Romulan Empire in mutual destruction," he said plainly without guile. "The Klingon people are engaging in similar practices against your government and theirs. Both come into clash with our government, which affect those of us at the table who represent the Federation. This includes Vulcan," he said, making no mistake, "Andoria. Trill. The lines will always intersect. What I have proposed is a stabilizing procedure, exerting the least amount of pressure. The Cardassian people are interested in one thing. The very same thing I am interested in. The same thing we are all interested in. Securing our future. The Dominion have affected your world particularly harshly. Ambassador Janus, if you would take it from here."

Janus remained seated, but pushed forward a PADD. "My government is willing to offer the Cardassian people the Eirial system in Ferenginar IV. In return, the Federation has agreed to lift all restrictions in Ferengi commerce and establishment in Federation facilities, colonies, and throughout Federation central government. With the stipulation that I oversee it." Janus grinned. "Apparently I'm trustworthy."

Valtek arched a long-suffering eyebrow at him. "I have worked with Ambassador Janus on several occasions. His word can be trusted. I have also petitioned the Federation economic council to send a team of economists to Cardassia Prime, which I will be overseeing. In return, Cardassia will withdraw all forces from the Romulan Neutral Zone and the Klingon Empire. With Eirial in your possession and well stocked, your people can branch out again. This also takes the strain off of the renegade Maquis group, whom still evade capture today and conflict with a Cardassian colony in Federation space."

Valtek met Hydel's eyes. "I can assure you that I am very good at what I do. I am not wasting my time making drastic overtures. Your government needs financial stability and I will help provide it, as will Ambassador Janus's consul." He brought up the Eirial system on charts, and then continued.

"The goal of this plan is to ensure long term stability between all of our governments. To minimize conflict to mere outliers, rather than between centralized governments. We cannot afford to war between ourselves at this time. Not with Voyager's return from the Delta quadrant and the implications that has always held."

He turned to tr'Rul. "I recognize that you are new to this field. Romulus remains as crippled by these events as the rest of us. In the interest of self-preservation at the very least, I would recommend you look over the proposal in detail. After all, it was your government who petitioned my intervention. Or do you not recall the House of tr'Vhrisa?" Valtek pulled out something from behind him, concealed within his robes and laid it on the table. He slammed his hand over it before tr'Rul could touch it. "Y't-Rihannsu d fiv'emael nnaen koemae-lir dathe'anofv-sen,*" he barked harshly without wavering.

"Romulus has a large degree of political sway among the Alpha Quadrant. I am not interested in playing games with you. Return to your government and show them this proposal. In its entirety." Two could talk intrigue. "You are failing to operate at your usual standard for this reason. Two of your greatest houses are in turmoil. The senate is erupting. Dissidents are everywhere. You are not as statuesque as you appear, and your government will not survive the continued assault on its resources these expenditures into pettiness cost you."

tr'Rul shot to his feet. "I will not be spoken to in that manner my the likes of you. I will NOT stay here and watch any more of this farce!" that a Vulcan sought to lecture him on correct etiquette piqued Koval's rage and sent him over the edge. "i'Orinwen, take notes, but take no part," he instructed his aide as he shoved his chaiir back and headed for the door, barely concealed ire colouring his cheeks a mottled olive.

Nahir i'Orinwen had encountered more than her fair share of ambassadorial tantrums, but never had one taken place among the ambassador's peers. She bowed her head in acknowledgement of the instruction that she remain but she wondered, not for the first time why she had been promoted to Ambassador's Aide when Isha t'Khellian left without warning - was this an extension of peace if she could be useful to the absent star?

Valtek merely tilted his head as if someone had commented on the weather. It would get back to them now. He had made certain of that. tr'Rul was many things, but liked, hardly one of them. He would complain. He would rant. He would reveal. And those who opposed him would seize on it.

"On to the next order of business."

Brigadier Meteh didn't laugh, but the set of her antennae showed her amusement. Valtek had done his job well. "Andor is the closest of the major Federation powers to this powder-keg, and we do not intend to let it reach combustion point. My government is prepared to offer whatever support is needed to bring this insurgent faction to heel. Whether its is supplies, or as a decoy force to smoke them out. Suffice to say if you do not take action to nip this in the bud, we are prepared to do it ourselves. With or Without Federation Approval."

Before the Andorian could continue, the Ven'Tak released a bellowing laugh. "HAHAHAHAH! How typical! A Klingon staring at the BACKSIDE of a Romulan as he flees the area!" he roared.

"Please, let the Or'kalian slug slither away to the dark hole from which it emerged. His corrupt government will collapse under the weight of its own duplicity soon enough so there won't be a need for a 'summit', we'll be disburse their territory without the need for a. . .how do you Federations say. . .'middle-man' " he said as he once again became engulfed in laughter.

"Corruption takes many forms, Ambassador Ven'Tak, not least the prejudice that blinds." Krah had been considering the proposal that Valtek had made and weighing its implications. She had not arrived with an open mind, but now at least a crack had opened in her resolve to oppose each and every proposition - this was a future of strength, a future against any assault ... she had to keep an even head, she knew. "Ambassador Valtek, are the populations of Federation home worlds to be polled on the proposition? They, the people are the true stakeholders, and if they as a body favour such co-operation and further integration, then my government might be swayed to support the measure. Without consulting the populace however ..." she let that hang there. Without consultation there was only the promotion of the interests of a small number over those of the majority.

Valtek knew what that would lead to, so rather than answer, he gestured to the table for them to provide their input before he answered. Though he had, indeed, taken everything into account.

Brigadier Meteh shook her head. "Such referenda take time we do not have. All the talking that should be done, should be done within these walls, else whilst the people are busy voting, insurgents are busy blowing up our border bases and colonies. We agree on decisive multilateral action now, or Andor will do what needs to be done."

"Your planet may allow such dictations, but mine does not," Krah replied her face passive. "We operate on democratic principles fully concurrant with Federation practice. Before we commit, a referendum will be required. We have at least until the Romulans send an envoy who will sit until proceedings have begun," she continued with a glance at the pretty little thing the Romulan Ambassador had left behind to take notes. "Tell me, do we have evidence yet that there is truth in the rumour that the Tal'Shiar and Cardassians were due to rendezvous in the Narendra sector?"

Valtek spoke up. "I have had to pass many barriers to be permitted to even join you all here at this proposal. As you all well know, I am a defender of constitutional law. By the Federation government's ratified constitution, our proposal is legal in every Federation sanctioned planet, provided they agree." Valtek held up a hand to keep the silence before he continued.

"However, the Federation will always be a democracy. If it were not, we would not be here. That being said, not everyone at this table is Federation and not everyone's government runs the same way. As such, I would put it upon all of you to weigh this decision in the most logical way you know how. If that is constitutional or democratic, authoritarian or otherwise. It is not my intention to force this upon any of you. However, it has always been my intention to convince you, and to urge you to take constitutional action now. And I will keep doing so until I die. Because in the end, that is where we are all headed if we do not resolve this situation. There is truly no other option."

He produced several PADDs of classified intelligence and handed them to the Trill ambassador, proving he did not make idle claims. "Ambassador Krah, you may take a referendum on Trill. Kurlan naiskos. Earth has already obtained the vote, which is why I am here. Vulcan has given consent to assist with V'Shar technology. I hold some sway. Ferenginar has given full consent. Andoria has given full consent. We await your decision. We will hold another discussion in the coming weeks. In the meantime, those of us who have already agreed are prepared to begin preliminary preparations immediately." Valtek let them know he wasn't playing around.

Hydel looked at the information. He knew that Getal would not be excited about *Him* being the messenger. However, Hydel recognized an opportunity that would greatly benefit both the aims of himself and his people. Getal's level of comfort be damned.

"Very well, I too, shall take this back to my people as well as Ambassador Getal for further deliberation." Legate Turvan announced.

So many parties all willing to allow the Romulans access to secure areas ... it made Krah uneasy. What was really in it for them? Was the key here at Deep Space FIve or was that simply a ruse or diversion to distract the allies from another target? That was the trouble with dealing with Romulans - it wasn't enough to count your own fingers after a handshake, you had to check all your friend's as well!

"The referendum is already in progress," Krah revealed, "Its result will be considered the binding will of our people," whatever my own personal opinion on the matter happens to be.

"Hmmm. . " Ven'Tak said distrustfully. "I will take the proposal to my government and inform them of the terms. But do not be surprised if they are not all. . .'smiles & root beer' as your Human masters would say." He replied.

"I, myself, am not too fond of the idea of giving ANYTHING to dishonorable Romulan filth who do not even have the decency to listen to the Federation's plea." he added. "What makes you believe they will be any different in this supposed 'cooperation'? " He asked intently.

"Because tr'Rul is an idiot," Valtek said bluntly, without preamble. "The Romulan senate, however, knows what is in its best interest. They may be many things to many people, but they are not stupid. Romulus would not risk further dissent by engaging in hostile behavior, especially now that we are assisting them unprovoked." Valtek gave the note-taker a knowing expression. "And you will find that Romulus is just like any other government when it comes to preserving their future. These commonalities will be the key to ensuring stability, if not outright peace. There is always a day for Glorious Battle, Ambassador Ven'Tak, but that day is not today. Sometimes, Glory must be won in the machine, turning a cog."

"May I speak?" Nahir's tone was soft, and her words had to force their way through her throat.

TBC ...

*You of all people should know not to touch another's honor blade