Beg, Steal or Borrow – Cloak
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Cloak
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Tue May 26, 2009 @ 12:00pm
Location   Deep Space
Timeline   MD9 05.00
Tag   Intel, Ops, Commander.
The Valkyrie attack fighters glided through space like birds of prey. Each was a Length of about nineteen metres with a Width of fourteen metres. The under carriages of their wings bristled with fire power in the form of phaser banks and torpedo launchers.

Two Fighter Wings flew in synchronised formation with each other. Dunham Smiled to himself inside his flight suite. He could never get over just how awesome a fighter wing looked. Cutting through space like sailing ships of old through water. Dunham was shook from his revere when he received a comm,

"Lieutenant. This is Delta wing we are now committing to our area patrol over."

Dunham tapped his Comm "Roger Delta Wing. Have a good one. See you back at the barn." The Lieutenant looked out of his cockpit window to see Delta wing peel off in formation to their patrol.
Dunham and the rest of Bravo wing hit their thrusters to head to their own patrol zone. Theirs was one of the most risky. A deep reconnaissance patrol just out of the system were Deep Space Five was held in space. They were all by themselves out here and each pilot still felt edgy after the attack and their was nothing between them and the black ink of space except the glass over their cockpits. As they left the system each of the pilots began to feel that familiar tensions.
Dunham pressed his comm to speak with the rest of his squad.
"Ok guys. Keep your eyes peeled. Sensors on max. Formation 26Alpha and watch your wing man. Hack" Each fighter easily moved into its designated position and the squad began its patrol. It was not long before he got a comm.

"Sir this is bravo 4 I just got a glitch on my sensors."

"What kind of glitch" Said Dunham

"I dunno, looked like some sort of radiation haze on the sensors then it was gone" Said Bravo 4.

"Confirmed Sir I got it to" Said Dunham's Wing Man.

Dunham let out a small curse.

"All fighters on me come about to setting two nine nine six." The Valkyrie fighters all came about like a shoal of glistening silverfish avoiding a predator. Dunham was not getting anything on his sensors whatever was out their was gone.
His shoulders slumped as he relaxed a little. Then out of the corner of his vision he thought he saw a small blur in space. Then just as quickly it was gone.

"Did anybody else see that?" He said down the comm more to himself than anybody else. To his surprise he got a reply.

"Yep I saw it to" Said Bravo 5. "looked like some sort of cloaking field then it was gone. Got nothing on the sensors though. To small to be War bird but a ship of some kind."

"Hell." said Dunham "better call it in." +COMM "Bravo Leader To Deep Space Five Actual. Looks like we have a cloaked ship out here people."


Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader.
