Judgement – Stimulus/Response part 2
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Stimulus/Response part 2
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Fri Jul 01, 2011 @ 6:50pm
Location   Science Lab 3
Timeline   Sd 37 1130
[Yolathe's dreamscape]

The promenade was deserted, it was so late it was actually early. She leaned over the rails outside The Box of Delights, looking down to the Bajorran gardens two floors below. Behind her, Blake and Pelin were just finishing off. The cash boxes were brimming. They'd had to turn people away

"My dear." Getal said, as he turned Yolanthe by the shoulder to face him. His smile was warm and charming. And definitely inviting.

"Tharek!" Rich purple suffused her skin and hair, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to kiss him deeply.

He wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in his warmth. "I missed you."

She held him close, savouring the feel of his solidity, his smell, his body heat. "Never go away again." She squeezed him tight, and then her hands dropped to his waist, "My bed's too big without you."

He smiled, pulling her as close as he could to himself. "I promise." Getal whispered down into her ear, "My love." He said, kissing her on the cheek gently.

She went a deep shade of imperial purple. "I love you too," She pulled back slightly, looking him up and down with a wicked smile, and began turning a bright, intense red, "Let me show you just how much."

Chelsea was beginning to get the program to slow down at last. "Megan, I think I have it now. As soon as it stops putting chemco-stimulants in, disconnect the electro-monitors and............." she didn't get to finish that *spoke too soon* sentence.

Tharek looked on at Yolanthe with wide, and surprisingly bright eyes, which was especially unusual for Tharek. That is of course, until his eyes turned dark again. His smile faded into grimace, his bright eyes thickening with black, and the faintest splatter of blood trickled down his lip.

He then fell to the ground into a heap of his former glory. Stood behind him with a look of delight was Arrienye t'Merek, wiping Getal's blood off of a long, thin blade. Arrienye's eyes shifted from the body of Getal, slowly up to lock contact with Yolanthe.

Chelsea’s sentence was cut off as suddenly the monitor began to wail again and Yolanthe's whole body went rigid as she began to fit. For a long moment she thrashed on the biobed, muscles spasming and jerking

In the blink of an eye she turned from tuquoise to midnight, as surprise turned to realisation that the man she loved was dead.
Not again! But anguish gave way almost instantly to anger. t'Merek was grinning at her, and unlike before, she could have her revenge. Heedless of her own safety, she gave a wordless snarl of greif and rage and charged at the Romulan, batting the blade away, and tackling her down to the deck.

In a moment, she had her hands locked about t'Merek's throat, squeezing with every ounce of pressure she could give, but t'Merek only grinned as she grabbed hold of Yolanthe's wrists. In that moment, the bokkai felt the chill of death run through her. Like all fights, her sense of the winner kicked in, and this time, against all her wildest imaginings, against all her expectations, she knew she was going to lose.

In an outburst of strength, t'Merek broke Yolanthe's grasp. In moments, Arrienye had gone from being choked, to landing punches and kicks all over the Bokkai's body. A kick to the diaphragm. A blow to the side of the head. A punch to the nose. All were with pinpoint precision and deadly effect.

She rolled and scrambled back, already feeling the surge of bile and the throb of pain from her flattened nose. It was only a moment's respite, and she was forced to throw her arms up to defend against the next flurry of blows the Romulan rained down on her. Her height didn't help. The shorter woman got under her guard, her naturally greater strength powered her blocks aside.

The monitor showed a flatline as her heart stopped briefly.

The CMO leapt at the med kit on the side and dragged out a hypospray loaded with Calcoradrenaline and shot it into Yolanthe's neck. This had the desired effect and the Bokkai's body which went limp instead of rigid and her heart began to race uncontrollably.

It was Chelsea's worst nightmare. One extreme to the other. "No, no, NO!" she muttered in frustration and slammed the hypospray back into the bag without even looking as she started struggling with the biobed controls again. She raised the med-arch that usually delivers Intensive Care and tried to use that to free the program and force it to stop.

The Romulan's narrow sword lay forgotton on the floor behind her. It was all the Fates were given to give her. Yolanthe surged forward again, this time leaping to the rail of the promenade, balancing precariously for a step as she used it to dodge round her enemy and leap to the fallen weapon, scooping it up as it rolled to her feet.

t'Merek looked as if she would burst into laughter, but still didn't speak. Instead, she fell into a defensive stance, and waited for Yolanthe to press her attack.

She feinted high and stabbed low, aiming for the Romulan's guts, driving the blade forward.

Chelsea managed to stabilise Yolanthe's heartrate but by now she had gone several different colours and it was hard to say what all of them meant other than that the med-arch said her oxygen levels were dangerously low. Chelsea erected a medical forefield over the patient and began to administer oxygen enriched air to counteract it.

The readings indicated low calcium and sulphate too, which the CMO diagnosed as a salt leech due to the profuse sweating Yolanthe was being forced to do in an internal attempt to cool her body's soaring temperature.
Chelsea administered an anti-pyretic to counter the fever as well. It was like a medical game of chess with symptom and antidote played one against the other as fast as they presented.

Luckily for Arrienye, the blade missed. The Romulan darted from side to side, her mind now fixed on dealing death. She lunged forward and grabbed Yolanthe's wrist, bringing her elbow down onto the forearm. A light crunch could be heard, and the blade fell to her feet. After the bone-crushing noise, t'Merek shoved maliciously into Yolanthe's chest, sending her flying backwards.

White light burst behind her eyes as her arm was broken, swiftly followed by another head splitting lance of pain as she crashed to the floor, head whiplashing into the deck. She scrambled back, slow and uncordinated, desperate to put some distance between herself and the oncoming Romulan.

Arrienye's face turned from deadly, to amused once more. She knelt, picking up the blade and slowly made her way to the scrambling woman. Never having said a word, never even a noise. Arrienye had come, killed her lover, and was inevitably going to kill her.

Without warning, t'Merek struck, with all the power and accuracy of a venomous reptile. The blade sunk quickly into Yolanthe's heart with ease and speed. It was a clean kill, an efficient kill. Arrienye stood back and admired her work, whilst Yolanthe lay on the floor, the last few breaths escaping her dying body.

The heart monitor turned into a single continuous scream.

"WHAT?" Chelsea scrambled for the hypospray again and this time she set the bio-bed to 'crash'. "CLEAR" she ordered Megan and the nurse who had come over to help them, having noticed they were struggling.

They had emergencies in DS5's Sickbay and were all used to the urgency but it was rare to see the CMO ratttled. Chelsea was losing again, for about the third time. How many more times was she going to have to claw this back.

The bio-bed delivered a charge to Yolanthe's heart and it started again. At last something was going Chelsea's way. "Get those electrodes out of her FAST!" she called across to Megan as she continued her battle with the life support system and recalibrating all the unique Bokkai settings, most of which were educated guesswork on her part. Yolanthe's life depended on the experience and natural instincts of the CMO.

It would have been intense and overwhelming pressure had Chelsea not been trained right from the Academy days to deal with this sort of situation. She was where she was today because she was a natural but even she with all that gift and all that experience was pushed to the limits to keep this from becoming a tragedy.

Yolanthe opened her eyes, blinked twice, and looked at Chelsea. Then her gray body became suffused with a rich ocean blue. "Thank heavens," she sighed. "Not dreaming any more?"

"No, Yolanthe, we managed to get you separated from the equipment. It won't happen again." Chelsea reassured her. "I'm very sorry, you seemed to have some sort of reaction - we obviously don't know enough about your physiology. How do you feel now?"

"I hurt all over." the bokkai admitted. "And I want to sleep for a week."

"I think rest and healing time is a good idea. I'll speak to the XO and ask for a medical respite." Chelsea told her, checking her vitals which had stabilised at last.

"Sounds good to me." Yolanthe strethyed out on the biobed, trying to get comfortable, but the grey of her skin contradicted the cheery tone and tired smile. "My day cannot get any worse."


A JP Between
Yolanthe Ibalin
Murduer Suspect and lab rat


Commander Chelsea Adams
CMO & Second Officer - DS5


Megan Sparrow
Science Lab Tech (NPC'd by Amanda)


Vi'Kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

& finally, special thanks to Maja for lending us T'merek