Time is Fleeting – The keys are in the ideas
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

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Title   The keys are in the ideas
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Sun Sep 27, 2009 @ 4:01pm
Location   the science labs
Timeline   0312 hrs sd 13

Jarred tapped his comm badge as he and the other two staggered to the turbo lift, "Lieutenant Tovon, sorry to wake you, but I think we found what you need to activate the rest of that computer core you have in your lab."

In his quarters Greo rolled over in his bed. He was still getting used to his new life and consequently had been sleeping light. He tapped the communicator by his bed.

"Tovon here. What... who is this?"

"Its Wallace, we figured it out, I'll explain everything when we get to your lab, this is wild." Jarred said as he staggered into the turbo lift."

"I'll see you there, Tovon out." Greo rose from his bed, dressed quickly and brushing the sleep from his eyes made his way down to Science Lab 1. It only took him a few minutes, he'd found the shortest route soon after arriving. He liked to know his way around. He arrived at the lab and made his way in to start up the computer systems. As the main data link powered up the door opened.

The three men entered the lab and Jarred steped forward, "the access port isn't, its for this." he said handing over an Isolinear rod to the science officer.

Tovon looked over the three men as Wallace handed him the rod. He could tell they had been drinking. In his experience humans weren't very good at handling alcohol. He took the rod and stepped back toward the romulan core. He looked at the rod and then at Wallace.

"What's on the rod, how do you know this will work?" It was late and he wasn't used to drunk officers insisting on technical solutions at three in the morning. Not fully expecting a coherant answer he started to climb down the ladder to reach the access port in the inspection pit.

"its complicated, I got this rod a couple of days ago, I thought there was just a message for me on it, but there was more, theres a series of activation codes on there too, I'm willing to bet that they activate that thing." Jarred said trying not to get into details at the moment.

"Wallace this is all rather peculiar." Greo took the rod from the slightly inebriated officer. "If this works I want a full explanation. I don't normally willingly introduce random variables into my projects and this ticks that box like no other." He gave Jarred another look, trying to get anything from his facial expressions. Giving up he walked over to the inspection pit and climbed down to the interface port.

There beside the main access panel was a tiny panel within a small recess. It was one of the aspects of the core that looked out of place so Greo had reserved its inspection till later. Now he could feel that there was a port that this rod would perfectly fit on the other side. He took out a small screwdriver and flipped the panel open. He slid the rod into place and stepped back.

Suddenly the core pulsed wildly, green lights strobing up and down the device. Greo clambered out of the pit and ran over to the computer station. As power levels spiked he could see data was reorganising itself within the core. A thrumming noise filled the room and the lights pulsed even more rapidly. The readout showed that internal components within the core were shifting and changing. Horrified at the turn of events he turned to Wallace in shock.

"What the hell was on that thing?"

"Looks like this has enough technical data on everything that is developed for the next five years, we're going to have to keep this under wraps for now, if you run accross any personal stuff don't read it stick to the technical materials for now." Jarred said.

Greo looked down at the readout. There was vast amounts of data, things that shouldn't be there. Dates stood out, file names flashed past and entried filled the screen. They all told him that the knowledge stored within the core was related to things and people from this moment onwards. The future. He couldn't believe what had landed in his lap.

"Wallace. I suggest you get some sleep, you look like you could do with some. I'll come talk to you over the next couple of days. I need to know where you got that rod from as it may have bearings on what we find. I'll start encrypting the data so only we can access it along with Villiers and Davies." Tovon moved over to the computer console and started the encryption process running. Security was paramount in his mind, this data could not fall into the wrong hands.

"No way, if this has anything that might bring temporal affairs in I'd like to keep it under wraps until you've had time to download some of the stuff and look it over." Jarred said

"Wallace, I'm not sure I like where you're headed. I don't think it's appropriate to keep this from the station's CO. I will however hold off until I have made a full evaluation of the core in it's new state." Greo looked over at Jarred and gave him a wink. "Which might take a day or two. Now I think you should go and get some sleep before I pull rank and call security. I can't have drunk and disorderly officers making a mess in here." Greo smiled as he ushered Wallace towards the door. He was trying to be friendly with the man at the same time as getting him out the door so he could work on the new core.

"For all purposes of discussion the CO wiil be obligated to report this, if we can buy 36 hours that will give us time to collect as much data as possible before it gets confiscated" Jarred said

"Know those jerks in temporal, they'll lock it up in some vault and it will never see the light of day again." Chief Ayers commented

Greo looked at the three officers. Why had Jarred brought the other two here if he'd wanted the core to remain secret? He was a strange intelligence officer if ever he'd met one. He took a deep breath and turned to his 'guests'. He was starting to feel the fact he'd been woken up in the middle of the night, fatigue creeping in on the corner of his senses and he wanted to return to his bed. More importantly he wanted to see what was now stored in the core.

"I think it would be best if you all got some sleep. Now please leave me to examine this change in the core. Wallace I'll let you know of everything I find."

"thanks, I think we're going to need a few hours sleep before the morning." Jarred led the drunken mob out of the lab.

As the three men left the science lab Greo breathed a sigh of relief. Not that he disliked any of the men, but he was glad to be rid of them. He still couldn't believe that Wallace had walked in with them in that state. He shook his head as he walked over to the computer station. One readout beeped up at him and Tovon glanced down to see that some sort of device had been 'constructed' inside the computer core. It was just over a metre long and cylindrical. Slowly he walked over to the inspection pit and climbed down the ladder.

"What is going on with this thing?" He mused to himself. He pulled his tricorder out and checked there was nothing untoward or dangerous within the access port. Fairly sure it was safe to open the hatch he removed the cylinder with great care. With ribbed layers down its length and a prong of sensors at the end it seemed to be some sort of scanner, or at least part of one.

"Computer," he said to the empty room, "perform a level 4 scan of the new device."

"Scanning." The computer replied. Tovon waited patiently, taking the tube over to the computer console and resting it carefully on the surface. The silence stretched and Greo's head drooped with fatigue. Suddenly the computer's response shattered the silence.

"The device is a sensor module of unknown composition." Greo looked over at the object, scratching his ear. He could tell it was a sensor module just by looking at it, so the computer hadn't been much help. How am I going to test this thing? he thought to himself. He slid the cylinder into the data connection channel in the centre of the console. It locked in with little bother.

"Computer, interface the module with the internal sensors of science lab one." Greo ordered.

"That procedure is not recommended."

"Please complete the interface, authorisation Tovon alpha twelve niner seven."

"Performing interface." The computer complied, but Greo was sure there was a sense of annoyance in the voice. Probably just hearing things. I am so tired! He looked down as the computer rerouted power and functions through the module. The internal sensor readout appeared on screen and Greo's eyes widened.



Lt. Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer

Lt. Jarred Wallace
Cheif Intel Officer