Interlude – It Begins...
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran

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Title   It Begins...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran
Posted   Tue Jun 22, 2010 @ 4:08pm
Location   Cardassian consulate
Timeline   SD17+
The comm in the embassy clicked on, and all the inhabitants could hear the voice that was the Ambassador.

Attention all senior Cardassian staff. Please report to the Vi'kar Gul's office immediately. Do not deviate.

Denat was already in the embassy with Sotar arguing about an illegal move during a game of Kotra between them. They ended the dispute abruptly and set on their way toward the Vikar Gul's office.

Lemat sighed. She was stationed at her desk, and had a dreary look about her. Since Tharek had put the embassy on lockdown, there only seemed to be a bigger abundance of paperwork to do. She muttered a few curses before making her way to Getal's office.

Turrel walked confidently through the corridors of the station as he was flanked by two of his Shri'vara. He had just returned from the Rakara and was already on his way to Tharek's office when the call came.

After leaving his guard at the embassy doors, he walked into the Vi'kar's office.

Both Sotar and Denat entered at the same time through the archway to find Turrel standing towards Tharek's desk with his arms neatly tucked behind his back. In formation, they both mimicked his position and stood either side of him to await acknowledgement.

Lemat clicked her tongue at the military persistance of the mens stances. She stood in the line, but held her hands infront of her, in a very lady-like manner. She watched as the Vi'kar Gul got up, and looked at each of the individuals gathered.

Tharek looked at each of the gathered members, and paced behind the desk, looking each one in the eye. "I've called you here for one reason, and one reason alone. I want you to co-ordinate with eachother... " He paused for several seconds, and turned central to the group. "to bring all of the Rakara's garrison onboard, the construction of the barracks and armoury and the arming of every person on my pay roll."

Tharek tapped onto four seperate PADD's, and placed them infront of each person. "This is your job for as long as I tell you it is. If the required tasks are not completed in ten days time, I'm delivering you to the Borg. Gift wrapped. Any questions?"

Denat picked up his PADD from the desk: Tharek's chill was still gripping the metal sheen. He tacked the display and his instructions donned the entire screen. 'Co-ordinate with Turrel any means to equip all members of the Cardassian Consulate with Disruptors and Rifles.' The proposal seemed barbaric; Denat had only been on the station for one day and already he had the important task of arming man and women with enough firepower to take over the station! However, Denat shared Tharek's ugly sense of humour, but dismissed the thought of taking over the installation and replied to Tharek. "Yes, Sir." He turned to Turrel. "Turrel, you read it yet?" he asked, eager to proceed with their task.

"I do not know you well enough to be on a first name basis, Gilnn." His tone was eerily flat and his eyes never left the PADD he was thumbing through for the second time. He would have snapped at anyone else over the supposed insult, however, this man was one of Tharek's friend's and Turrel was prepared to give him a free pass based on that alone.

Turrel ignored Denat's question as he finally took his eyes of the information and placed them on Tharek. "You well know the reputation of the Rakara's troops. If we are to combine all our troops at one barracks, then my men will be in charge of the training routine. I will not have my men get complacent because of having to endure..." He paused, looking for the right words "a less challenging program. I expect all of the Gilnn's security staff to attend as well, they won't be allowed to trip up our advance."

"I agree with Gul G'Mar." Denat corrected his past acquintance error. "My men will be present at all operations with the Shri'vara. I will extend my superiority into your hands: you will be able to order my troops should you need to." Denat offered.

Turrel regarded him out of the corner of his eye though didn't turn his head to meet. "If this is the case, then all secondary issues can be resolved at a later date." He initially had a number of concerns to be met but he hadn't expected then new security officer to be so accomodating. That trait was not necessarily known amoung friends of Tharek, he was sure that it would be met at a later date with certain concessions.

"Quiet." Tharek stated bluntly, making a swift gesture with his hand to emphasise his point. "Turrel, you are the highest ranking Cardassian officer onboard, besides myself. Your the senior officer in this. Denat, you follow Turrel's lead, and don't question his orders. Lemat, your doing the paperwork, complain and I gut you. And Sotar, you make sure everyone is doing their job and has what they need."

Lemat swallowed dryly in her throat. "Y-yes, Vi'kar Gul."

"Yes Vi'kar" Denat responded.

Tharek looked to Sotar and Turrel, but adressed the entire group. "Is that in any way unclear?" He said through gritted teeth.

"No, Sir." Sotar finally answered. He really didn't want to be doing more work than he should. He was still recovering from one hell of a hangover as it was, let alone the headache-inducing amount of work Tharek had in store.

A small smile began at the corner or Turrel's mouth, he wasn't at all cowed by Tharek's threats. A simple nod was all that was required to show he understood the Vi'kar's orders. "Am I to believe we are making no attempt to hide the arming of our forces then?"

"There is to be no official record of your actions. Only tell your subordinates what is necessary to be known. Alright, you have your orders. Begin immediately." Tharek said, finally sitting down.

Turrel turned, PADD in hand, and walked out of the office with a determined gait. He enjoyed the porspect of the Cardasian securiy forces going through the rigors of training expected of all his troops. He knew the Shri'vara in particular wouldn't mind sinking their proverbial teeth into fresh meat.

Denat, whom was quiet through the latter of the conversation, however heard every word. He wanted to impress Tharek by carrying his orders to the letter, maybe further. "See you Sir" you said casually and left the 3 Cardassians to themselves and headed towards the turbolift that would be bound for the docking port of the Rakara.

Tharek eyed Lemat, and she left almost instantaniously. She didn't want to spend another second in the room. So, she left to complete his work.

Sotar bowed his head lightly, before turning and leaving to do yet more work.


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

Glen Lemat Berok
Embassy Receptionist/Ambassador's aide

Glen Sotar Telet
Cardassian Chief of Staff

Gilnn Denat Meran
Embassy Chief of Security