Interlude – Arriving on Station
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Arriving on Station
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Wed Oct 13, 2010 @ 5:15am
Location   Transporter Room
Timeline   SD33. Unspecified

((USS Millinski ))

Vince sat at the small table sipping on some fruit juice staring at the stars streak past the window. He was feeling pretty good about himself. Lt. Vincent Kramer, Asst. Chief of Engineering on a Celestial Class Starbase. He was sure that there were many, if not dozens, of Assistant Chiefs of Engineering. It was a city in space with over 100,000 personnel and residents. It was a good feeling none the less.

He would be there in just a few hours, but it had been quite a journey just getting to this point. It seems being accepted for the position of Asst. Chief Engineer for Deep Space Five was one thing. Getting there was quite another. His current duty ship the USS Guinevere was not headed in that direction, so multiple ship changes were necessary to get to himself to his new duty station.

Lt. Kramer first transferred over to the USS Marshall, a Soverign Class Starship. It was a fine ship; top of the line. He was there a few days and then tranferred to the USS Galileo, a Nova Class Survey Frigate, where he spent several more. It was a small ship to say the least. There were probably only 100 crewmen on board. But the last leg of the trip was aboard the USS Millinski. This had been a Miranda Class Starship many years before. It had been tripped and gutted and rebuilt for cargo and personnel transport. There may only be 60 officers and crew aboard at this time. They are on their way back after delivering relief supplies and medical personnel. Kramer thought it was going to be an easy coast, but they had problems with one of the warp nacelle. Their XO conscripted him into service to help out to get things going again and on their way back to the DS5 and then on to Earth. It was kind of fun working on the old girl. He did have to contact an old engineering mentor. Cmdr Bradick had retired a couple years ago, but was very willing to answer questions about the older model nacelle.

The stars came to a sudden stop out the window. 'We couldn't be there already?' Kramer thought. He looked at the chrono. He must have been day dreaming for too long. Then the Starbase came into view. It was massive and spectacular at the same time.

"Lt. Kramer, please report to transporter room 3." came the announcement over the comm. He finished off his drink with a gulp. "*gaspla*" Warm fruit juice was not what he was expecting. Standing up, he hefted his carry-on bag and walked out the door and down the corridor.

((Transporter Room - DS5))

After materialization was complete, Lt. Kramer stepped down from the transporter pad with his carry-on.

"Lt. Vincent Kramer?" The Ensign asked quite politely.

Kramer thought it was odd that he asked who he was, since they confirmed that before beam-over. "Yes, that's correct," Kramer replied.

"Welcome aboard Deep Space Five." The young Ensign said with a smile, "I have a few things for you." He first handed him a comm badge for his uniform, a PADD, and a sealed box.

A curious look came over Kramer's face. "The comm-badge and PADD I understand, but was is the box for? It's not my birthday."

"I do not know, Sir." The Ensign replied, "I was just asked to give this to you. And you are to report tomorrow to the XO and have the box with you. I do see on the manifest that 2 cases have also been trasnported aboard for you and are in storage. That information has also been put on your PADD."

Kramer put the comm-badge on his uniform and looked at the PADD. It provided him the location of his quarters, the storage locker for his crates. There was a complete detailed scematic of DS5 on that PADD. Looking at the appointment section, Kramer saw that he was to report to the XO in his office on Deck 12 at 0900 tomorrow. Looking at the Ensign that was still smiling at him from behind the control panel, Kramer said, "So, it looks like I have most of a day to look the place over. Any suggestions?"

The Ensign looked right and left to see if anyone was looking. It was odd that he did that, because they were in a transporter room and there was no one else around. He finally said leaning forward over the console, "I've heard that 'Box of Delights' is the place to go for a real good time."

Having no idea what he meant, Kramer quietly asked, "Have you ever been there?"

Hesitantly, the Ensign answered, "Ah, No. My Lieutenant said that I shouldn't go anywhere near there yet." With that said the Ensign stood back up and smiled as before.

Without another word, Kramer grinned and nodded a thanks and walked out of the Transporter room in to a very busy corridor.


Lt.(JG)Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering
Deep Space Five