Things Past – Incognito - Part 5
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Incognito - Part 5
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Aug 11, 2011 @ 8:08am
Location   The Outer Borders of Federation Space
Timeline   2874

Chelsea was rocking *Henry Junior* and attempting to get him back to sleep when Henry Senior, who very much objected to being labelled 'senior' and had said so at great length the first time it happened, came out of the shower and approached *the night shift* looking refreshed and clean.

"Aha! The Cavalry! Just in time for the next nappy change, but I've fed and winded him." she said.

Rick held up his hands backing away "Oh no.....i've got other problems to worry about. Like getting some more speed out of these engines to get us home quicker. We are on the edge of a warzone you know"

"You'll be in the MIDDLE of a warzone if I don't get some sleep. I only need about 6 hours." she muttered, putting little Henry on the mat and crawling exhausted off to bed without even getting a shower first.

She was the bleeding doctor....couldn't take a stimulant took keep herself awake and look after this baby? He had to do some major overhauling to get the tub anywhere. He looked down at the baby. "Guess its just you and me Kid." he said as he began to work the screws that locked down the computer.

When Chelsea returned after her 'nap.' She found the baby lying and giggling on its mat in the middle of the floor, bits of engine, ship and computer parts scattered around him. He had a small plasma coil in his hand that he was waving like a was making the same noise too.

Chelsea had to laugh. She sat on the floor and just laughed and laughed. Henry Junior liked to hear laughter, so he joined in with his gurgling. Big Henry came out from under a console to see what was so funny. He had a black smear on his cheek, his hair was ruffled and he had at least four tools in his hand.

"Hello" Chelsea/Cari said. "I take it you've been teaching him some basic Engineering ready for his career when he's 18? Not too far off to start planning, eh?" she grinned, reaching out from where she was sitting on the floor and wiping the black smudge away with her fingertips, tutting when that only served to make it worse.

Rick flinched away like a school kid being tidied by his mother. Then tried to rub away the now grown smudge with the back of his sleeve. "Kid's free to choose any career he likes" Rick was trying not to show the building affection he had for the latest addition of their crew. "But while he is on my ship he chips in with the work."

"Sorry" she said, looking sheepish as she was rejected from touching his cheek.

"Is he a promising apprentice?" she changed the subject quickly.

"Well he certainly helps with the work around here" said Rick, not quite but perhaps still insinuating something.

Chelsea rocked back on her haunches then got up slowly. She had an odd look on her face, kind of distant and perhaps a little hurt but without giving too much away.

She reached down for the infant and picked him up, taking him into the bedroom to record his medical data, height, weight etc, which should have been done yesterday, technically.

She checked him over with a scanner and made a note of all the unusual marks or features. When she was done she took him to the bathroom to give him a little bath in the basin there, his last or rather his first as it had been his only one ever, having been on his mother's ship post partum.

When he was all done, she thought about taking him back into the cockpit but decided against this. She then spent some time finding amusements for him and making up a log of the remarkably brave woman who bore him. She intended to transmit it on sub-space back to the Federation so that his family could know what had happened.

Finally getting cabin-crazy she took Young Henry out into the cockpit again. She came towards Henry, sheepishly. "Baby Henry wants to come out now please." she said. "Is there room for us now if we stop annoying you?"

"You're not annoying me" said Rick running his grimy hand through his hair in frustration "Its just I got a ship here to fix and I could do with your help....." His hand reached into a tool box, rummaging around he then pulled out a sonic screwdriver. He looked even more messy than when she had left him as the top half of his body disappeared into a removed floor panel. From his hole he said "I don't think you appreciate the delicacy of our situation....unless i sort this tub out its going to take us months to get to the nearest federation starbase."

"Henry wouldn't mind...." she muttered, almost inaudibly, looking at the baby broodily and the pilot with a much more adult feeling.

"What do you think I could do to help you?" she asked, genuinely bemused as to what a doctor would do with all these nuts, bolts and *oojamaflips....* !

"Do you remember your basic engineering module from your first year at the academy?" asked getting out of the whole and turning to face her.

"Barely... I hated it.... but I thought it might come in handy to fix medical equipment if I was stuck.. I certainly didn't focus on the spaceship section. Sorry... what did you have in mind?" she admitted sheepishly, hugging Young Henry to her shoulder as she looked helplessly into the hole Big Henry was being eaten by.

Rick pointed to a pile of isolinear data rods "Re-calibrate and clean those data rods." He asked as nicely as he could "Can you do that for me?"

"Er.. sure.... " she fibbed, squatting down, balancing the baby and picking up the rods awkwardly. She stood back up, went over to the main cockpit, placed the baby into the co-pilots chair with his raggle-toy and began putting the data rods into the panel and trying to remember how to re-calibrate them.

"What do you want them set to?" she asked as the readings for one came up on the screen. "Should I clear them totally, or just adjust some aspects?"

She hoped desperately that wasn't a stupid question; she was getting nervous of Henry now he had risen in her esteem so it now mattered what he thought of her.

Rick's head and upper body were lost again to the floor. One hand was patting around next to the rim of the gap for a hydro-spanner, which it found, a jubilant "ah ha" came from in side the pit as he continued his work. "Just wipe them clean, I have to program them with an Iso-morphic data stream that can cope with a secondary layer of code in its synaptic relays."

Chelsea had NO idea what he was going to program them with because that technobabble all made NO sense to her but she had to admit she loved to hear it. She found it really sexy. Her knees weakened as she did the cleansing, fortunately *that* part she *could* remember how to do. It was pretty mindless and left her free to think about how she wanted to hear him say all that again.

"Sorry?" she said with a smirk and a wink at Young Henry. "I didn't catch that? Could you say that again, you're too muffled."

"I said..." Ricks voice was still a bit muffled from his pit. A slight line of smoke rose up from darkness followed by a "Bugger" the hand again reached around for another tool, it was a hammer, after it was found there was a series of large smacks and a clang. "I said; I have to program them with an Iso-morphic data stream that can cope with a secondary layer of code in its synaptic relays. So I can re-harmonize the Altonian neutrino field around the luvetric data network of the ships computer matrix. This should hopefully let us stabilize the trellium-D in the axionic transducers, giving us better anti-matter flow to the warp matrix."

"mmmmmmmmmmmm?" Chelsea melted back into the seat. "I see... so actually, do you want me to do that? Or would you prefer to do it yourself to make sure it's accurate enough? It's pretty critical right??" she wanted to make him go on as if he thought she understood and he could explain more.

"Very critical" hovered up the words of agreement from the pit. "If we can improve the flow of anti-matter it will better enhance the output of our dilithium and....and if we can do that the energy can be use to equalize the tetracyanate field around the sub-space harmonic wave this will then bypass the energy converters of the multiadaptive sections of the atavachron, there by allowing to operate the particle collectors with an anyon radiation grid. Giving us warp 4."

Chelsea crawled towards the opening with the intention of ambushing him when he next emerged but Baby Henry objected to her dissappearing from his sight and set up a howl so she had to go back and pick him up. It was a lucky break for Henry.

Ricks upper torso came shooting up from the hole in the floor. "What did you do?" he asked in reference to the screaming baby. He marched over leaning down next to her to see if the baby was ok. Rick tickled the baby with his finger the baby giggled and wrapped his fingers around Ricks one finger.

"Excuse me?" she replied indignantly. "I didn't *do* anything... it was his objection to what i *didn't* do, like make a fuss of him and stay exactly where he could see me, actually. He's very clearly male!"

She left Henry to his adoration of the cute little bundle of noise and took the opportunity to get them all drinks. "What would you like to drink?" she called over, replicating herself some tea and the formula for the baby. She waited to hear what Big Henry wanted before coming back with what she already had.

"Just water ple....Owwwww" Rick had been interupted by the baby bitting his finger. "He has teeth....what baby is born with teeth." He put his finger in his mouth to suck it better.

Chelsea/Cari laughed out loud. "Klingon babies!! Although technically he wasn't *born* with them actually *through* but it doesn't take long for them to emerge and they don't get milk fed for long either. He'll need Gagh soon. BUT as his foster mother, you'll be responsible for chewing them into smaller bits for him first.... well, technically....." she was about to go on with the zenology babble but it wasn't having the same effect on Rick as *his* technobabble had on her.

He was turning a paler shade of green and holding the baby further away from himself as she put down the water and handed him the bottle of formula which had the top of the teat cut out now and *bits* in it that looked suspicious.

Rick started to feed the baby, "I thought that was Ferengi babies that had their food chewed for them?" he had taken her totally and utterly seriously, he had no reason to doubt the provisional, but already he was thinking of a way to convert the replicator so it could produce food pre-chewed. He gave it long look, trying work it out in his head.

Chelsea smiled, impressed by his dedication and the way he cared too much to even be put off by the most trying details of babyhood. "You'll make someone a good wife one day." she teased gently, her eyes full of fondness rather than any real mockery.

He gave her a very uncertain look, not believing that he would. He then looked back at the replicator as he held the baby in his arms "you know.....if i re modulate the binary flow link to the central processor of the particle generator in the replicator, i could create a feed back loop through the M3DX Cortex manipulator....we can replicate the food pre-chewed."

Chelsea began to slip deeper into the chair she had sat on. If he didn't stop with that technobabble he was going to get himself jumped in a minute.

"Are you ok?" Asked Rick, totally oblivious to the effects he was having on her.

"Fine" she replied, rolling her eyes and finding *something useful* to do by changing the baby's nappy, wondering why he clearly didn't find her attractive at all.

He shrugged and got back to his work now that Chelsea was holding the baby. But he watched her out of the corner of his eye, smiling as he did. But he was so nervous when it came to girls so everytime she would look at him he would quickly turn away and carry on what he was doing.

These two were like a pair of babies themselves. Blundering around in the dark, neither of them with enough experience yet nor sufficient art to take the lead. They watched each other, surrepticiously but couldn't cross that final hurdle. At this rate, it was all going to end in tears.

Rick started to re-install and load the isolinear data chips into their respective sockets, he then began to load the software. Suddenly sparks flew and systems began to overload. The only reason that would happen would be if the chips had not been cleared properly. "What....." the LCARS displays started to flicker "did you....." the ships systems began to drop off one by one "Do!" the ship dropped out of warp.


A JP between:

Cadet Rick Dunham
aka Henry the Vulcan


Cadet Chelsea Adams
aka Carisel the Orion