Incommunicado – The USS Nimitz is Docked
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   The USS Nimitz is Docked
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Feb 08, 2012 @ 11:27pm
Location   Main Docking Bay (Messhall, Nimitz Main Bridge)
Timeline   SD53 08:00 ((NIMITZ) MD01 0800 hours))
NB - Copied from the USS Nimitz


"Commander Dantius."

Two simple words. One simple fact - Naera had finally finished what she had set out to do twenty-three years ago. She had propelled her understanding of the Federation to the point where her own actions would decide the fate of others. It was a humbling concept.

"Commander Dantius."

Twenty-three years was a long time for a Human, but for Naera it felt like a long week on the job. Nevertheless, she felt a sense of achievement unknown since her years as a Nesqua Corps-man. She had come a very long way from patrolling the flood-lit streets of the Adarje District at moonrise.

"Commander Dantius!"

Naera was still reeling from shock. The days events had seriously put her situation into perspective. After making a quick escape from the scenes of devastation on the station deck, she had smuggled herself into a hidden corner of the Messhall with nothing but a tall glass of gin.

Naera blinked and turned her gaze from her glass. Crewman Valdez stared pointedly at her.

"Crewman," Naera blinked again as the ceiling lights struck her eyes, "Sorry..." That she certainly was. Thirteen official requisition forms lay open on her desk upstairs. But Naera has insisted to her superiors that, after the day she had had, she should be obliged to spend the first few hours of her latest assignment with a glass of strong ale in her hand.

"Not a problem, ma'am." Valdez smiled plainly and took a seat, "I've sent your most of your belongings to Deck Two, but you're gonna have to hold your breath on your plant collection."

"Fungi," Naera corrected him.

"Fungi... Indeed... Anyway, I've asked Ensign Haliwell to store them in the hydroponics bay until we can properly analyse them. Shouldn't take more than an hour."

Naera nodded appreciatively, "Nice... I hope for her sake she remembered a face-mask." Grinning at her suitor's pallid expression, she heaved her way out of the chair, "It's time we made tracks, Valdez."

The pair made their exit.

* * *

It was a Sunday. To Naera that made no difference to her workload, but to the Human crew at least, it signified a day of rest and recuperation, as if something as straightforward as a career was as arduous as childbirth. As she sauntered down the empty corridors with Crewman Valdez in tow, she reflected the days events which, for a Sunday, had been some of the most stressful and time-consuming moments of her life.

She had awoken early, despite spending the previous night wrapped around a toilet seat. After choosing the most destructively scant outfit in her repertoire, she left her temporary quarters and headed to the promenade. There, she received her standing orders from a somewhat unimpressed Captain Alison Meyer, as well as a reproachful warning about how much flesh Naera was putting on show for the Klingons downstairs.

Moments later, she was being heralded by one Commodore Ashton, small, balding Human who, against all odds, was still awaiting a promotion at one-hundred and fifteen years of age. After gritting her teeth against more reprimand about her 'hickie old butt flashin' to all the lads', Ashton transferred her encrypted access codes to the Nimitz, reminding her once again of the sheer enormity of her new role.

Naera spent the rest of the day searching for her ship, which proved impossible with the level of chaos Deep Space Five did it's best to facilitate. A fault in her vocal processing unit meant that her dialect would intermittently switch back to Sar-Naya, incredible frustrating when attempting to argue with the station Computer.

Three hours and bad mood later, Naera found herself staring across the station's main hangar bay. As she gripped the handrail designed to prevent her falling to her death, she quietly admitted to herself that the stresses of the day had been worth every second. Stretched about six-hundred ahead of her was a battleship of immense measures - the Nimitz's hull glimmered with ambient light as it rotated slowly on it's axis. A stream of shuttlecraft flew over her position on the observation deck, sending her hair flying forwards each time. With every shuttle on a beeline towards the ship, Naera estimated a few hours before launch. Just as she made to turn away, Naera's immediate environment suddenly prickled with intangible energy, the power of which crackled at her mind. As she recovered from the shock, Naera noticed a small glimmer of light emanating from the rear of the Nimitz and cascading across the hull. As she arched her neck for a better view, she saw that the warp nacelles had activated, while the buzzard collectors flickered lifelessly. Puzzled, Naera drew back from the handrail and observed as the bluish glow peaked, then receded.

Without warning, the port-ventral nacelle exploded in a cascade of light, sending a shroud of debris across the hangar bay. Second later, Naera was thrown back from the railings and slammed into the adjacent wall by the force of the explosion. As alarm bells and warning klaxons started up, Naera dragged herself painfully from the bulkhead, shielding her eyes against the heat of the fireball. Crying out in shock, she watched as the nacelle disintegrated before her eyes, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. A few pieces actually struck a nearby transport drone, sending the thing dropping into the chasm of the hangar like a dead fly. It was only after three more minutes of despair that Naera remembered any sense of self, and pressed her comm-badge.

"Dantius to Nimitz, report!"

The reply came through moments later as a incomprehensible murmur. Swearing under her breath, Naera tapped her heaving chest once more.

"Nimitz, boost your signal I'm getting nothing."

A few panic-stricken moments later, a smooth male voice sounded through her comm-badge, "Commander Dantius, this is Lieutenant Corazan Nyx."

"Lieut-" Naera paused to cough; the air was beginning to reek of charred smoke, "Lieutenant Nyx, what in Janatar's Holy name just happened to my ship?"

"We were initiating a power-flow test of the nacelles, Commander." There was a long pause, and Naera could've sworn she heard a deluge of hushed whispering, "We suspect a random plasma fluctuation from an old battle-wound caused the damage, sir."

"Are there any injured?" Naera continued to stare in horror at the mass of burnt, twisted metal protruding from the pylon that once held a nacelle.

"Negative Commander, the damage is contained. Station's sending cleanup bots as we speak, we can start repairs immediately."

"Do so, Lieutenant. I'm on my-" Naera would've carried on had it not been for the menacing cloud of dust engulfing the observation deck, as well as her lungs. It was a wonder that the Commander kept her head on as she fled the hangar bay through an access door behind her.


The Commander made straight for nearest transporter room, fighting her way through the pandemonium that was the observation corridor. A quick transport over, and Naera was aboard. No welcoming party, she whined silently in her head, forgetting herself for a moment. Ignoring everything and everyone that stood in her way, Naera charged across the decks of her ship, not quite knowing where she was going, or who she wanted to see.

Luckily, she was met by Lieutenant Nyx himself on Deck Seven. After a brief sharing of information, the two hurried to Main Engineering.

"We've assessed the damage," Nyx said as he and the Commander crouched over an Engineering console close the the core, "Only the nacelle in question was damaged. Fortunately no other systems were affected - theoretically we could hit Warp Eight with only three functioning nacelles."

As Naera listened, she flicked eagerly through a systems report on the console. Nyx continued;

"I've requested a technical team be sent from the station to assess the hull before we begin repairs-"

"Repairs?" Naera stared blankly at the Lieutenant - already she was beginning to sense an air of imperative superiority from the man, as if he felt she were wasting his time, "From what I saw there's nothing left to repair. We need a construction team if we're gonna be able to launch any time soon."

Nyx pursed his upper lip, clearly angered, "Understood, sir." Nyx returned to his workstation, clearly without a care for Naera's stern reproach.

She sighed wearily, "And run any requisitions by me next time, aye?" This guy was beginning to piss her off.

"Mmm... Commander, we have everything under control here."

"Right..." Sighing inwardly, Naera resigned herself to pragmatism for the sake of avoiding argument. Besides, her Engineers didn't need another excuse to slack of work, and she was the last person to provide them with one. "Carry on, keep me posted."


=^= "Commander Dantius, Captain Tahir. Please report to my office immediately." She ordered, wanting a full report from the ships captain.

=^="I'm sorry, Captain Tahir,"=^= The Asrey woman's voice carried the edge of stress and anger being tightly contained. =^="but I have a situation on the Nimitz that needs my full attention at this time. We have had a - " =^=

Tasha silenced the Captains reasons for staying on the Nimitz. =^= "Commander, I understand you reasons for wishing to stay aboard, but I require your attendance in my office now. A full report has to be presented and my engineering teams are currently working to stabilise both the Nimitz and the main hangar bay. I am not going to discuss this over a comm link." She stated with force.

There was a a long moments silence, then =^="Yes Sir. On my way." =^=

Less than five minutes later, Commander Dantius had been brought into the Captains office with Lieutenant Petro and Commander Villiers. Tasha pressed her back into her chair motioned to the seat opposite for Naera to sit as the two station officers flanked the Commander.

"I know you would rather be aboard your ship, but as you were in the hangar bay, I need to record your statement of events. Commander Villiers is attending both as XO and in her position as JAG officer, but before we commence, I need you to order the separation of the Nimitz so that the secondary section can be moved to another hangar whilst we await the decision from Starfleet to either repair or return to decommissioning the Nimitz." Tasha stated a little too much harshness considering the Commander had just, for all intents and purposes, lost her ship.

"Decommission?" Dantius blurted out, looking slightly stunned. "But it was just the one nacelle?"

Tasha gave a nod, in affirmation. "It is not the nacelle, but the fact that the Nimitz was originally scheduled to be decommissioned prior to your captaincy. Now with the damage, it may not be viable to rebuild it." Again Tasha was quite blunt in her response.

The blue skinned woman nodded, "Yes, sir" she tapped her comm badge. =^=Dantius to Dr Oakheart, prepare for multivector separation on command from the DS5 Engineer in Charge."=^= The command was acknowledged swiftly. Dantius looked back to the Captain. "Will there be anything else, sir?"

Tahir shook her head, looking at Commander Villiers. "If you can accompany Commander Villiers, she will take your statement of facts for the record. Commander," Tasha paused as she stood, "I am sure that whatever Starfleet decides, there will be other ships open for command." She was going to offer any assistance, but her teams were already assisting as much as they could.

"I'll deal with the paperwork," Karen agreed. This was turning into one mess.

Tasha nodded her thanks to her Executive officer, "Thank you Commander." and her eye fell back to Naera

The Asrey looked subdued and downcast. "I'd like to return to the Nimitz please, sir, in case they need me. Perhaps Commander Villiers could take her statement in my ready room?"

Karen shook her head, "I'm afraid we will have to deal with that from my own office," she said in no uncertain terms, "it won't take long, you'll be on the Nimitz within ten minutes."

Dantius nodded resignedly. "Lead the way then please."

"Ready, Commander?"

"After today, I'm ready to retire."

Naera stepped back as the crewman cut the ribbon, and a muffled cheer rang out from within. Moments later, she was stood at the head of the raised platform surrounding the Bridge... Her Bridge.

Revolving on the spot to observe her surroundings, she realised with slight dismay from the occasional crack, patch-job and burn-mark that this ship had baggage. First thing tomorrow, she thought, this ship is either getting scrubbed...

"So, what do you think?" Crewman Valdez lurked a few metres behind like a vulture, smiling from ear to ear.

Naera turned her head and forced a smile, "It'll do." She glanced at the far corner of the Bridge.

"Valdez, you're relieved."

The crewman blinked, but her painful grin did not waver. After what seemed like an age (even to Naera) Valdez turned and left, clicking at a few stragglers on the Bridge. Moments later, the room was silent, and Naera was alone for the first time in hours.

Naera stood still for a moment listening to the subtle ebb and flow of the ship. It was almost like lying upon a massive body of water, her head just beneath the surface, listening to the massive entity beneath her - she awarded herself a genuine smile; despite experiencing arguable the most stressful day of her life, standing in the centre of a dimly lit room in complete quiet was a blessing.

Ignoring the centre chair, she made for the Ready Room. She had pulled some strings before coming aboard, and with any luck, there would be a small bottle of Farixen vintage with her name on it sat on the table.

The doors parted, and she smiled again; if there was one thing Starfleet could do well it was serve drinks...


Copied from the Former USS Nimitz site, with additions from DS5
Thanks to Lieutenant Commander Naera Dantius and eh crew of the Nimtz

Captain Tasha Tahir