Interlude – Tag Team
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Tag Team
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 29, 2010 @ 1:47pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 23

Kreallia walked along the relatively intact corridors of the promenade, her companion seemed to take an interest in the levels below, that's where all the real action had happened anyway.
"So Commander, any battle scars?" Kreallia asked playfully, she had endured a nasty gash on the right side of her face which was now tapped over by a slender white medical bandage, not to mention her minor concussion she sustained after having a rifle but smashed against her head.

"We don't *do* scars.... " Chelsea patted her trusty portable med-kit that was always attached to her belt. "Want me to regenerate the skin for you? Make them all pretty again?"

"Proverbial speak Chelsea." Kreallia laughed. "Not actual scars, just a figure of speech."

"Ahhhhh!" the CMO nodded realising her mistake. "Oh, but we can heal 'metaphorical' scars too.... we have an excellent Counselling Teeeeee... oh yeah.... " she smirked, pretending that was a mistake too.

Kreallia tried to glare at her but she burst out laughing. "Okay then, so how are things between you and Rick?"

Chelsea's face softened into a far away blissful look. "Wonderful" she replied honestly. "How is your friend? Was it Alex? I hope I have his name right?"

Kreallia nodded. "Yeah Alex, well ah nothing much to report, he's on assignment with some Marine Batallions on one of the support ships, havent really talked."

"Shame. He seemed nice." Chelsea said as they reached the Promenade and the corridor opened out to the walkway. "Fancy a coffee? Yolanthe's place is just along here."

"Yolanthe?" Kreallia asked, the name was familar, but as she recalled the reputation wasnt that great.

"Yes, the Box of Delights.... here it is." Chelsea stopped outside as Kreallia seemed to be hesitating. "Is this okay? We can take a booth and just have something non-alcoholic...."

Kreallia considered it, tempting offer and she had been on her feet all day helping the makeshift clinics on the promenade. "Sure." Kreallia nodded.

The two officers in Medical Teal trimmed Starfleet uniforms walked into the Box of Delights and joined the myriad customers of all races and adornment inside. They sat at a table near the front window overlooking the busy promenade and when Tia came to take their order, Chelsea asked for a Bajoran tea and a Terran prawn salad. She looked at Kreallia, waiting for her to order too.

"May as well snatch a bite to eat while we can" she suggested. "In the current clean up, who knows when we'll get another break!"

Kreallia nodded and smiled. "I know what you mean, I've been helping that clinic on the bottom of the promenade all day." Kreallia said as she looked over the menu. "I'll have a........... coke and a ..................... cheese burger I've been craving one for some reason." She ordered and handed Tia the menu.

Kreallia turned back to Chelsea when Tia walked away. "So how's the life lately?" Kreallia asked.

"I have no complaints at all. Every day Rick gets more amazing and I'm the luckiest woman in the universe. What more could anyone want?" Chelsea smiled. "How about you?"

"Well as you know my love life has hit a snag and then I've been using up my free time keeping Commander Gabriel on a tight leash." Kreallia asnwered.

"Gabriel?" Chelsea looked confused. "I didn't think he was your type..."

"He's not." Kreallia stated quickly. "I've assigned myself to observe him, keep him out of trouble."

Chelsea's eyes opened very wide. She laughed incredulously. "Oh my! Good luck with *that* challenge!!" The CMO couldn't imagine anyone being able to achieve keeping the Chief Sec 'out of trouble', not even someone as energetic and enthusiastic as Kreallia.

"I might just shoot him before I get done with him." Kreallia said, sitting back and letting her self relax.

"Now, don't go around making work for *me*.... it wasn't *my* fault!" Chelsea grinned facetiously.

Kreallia raised an eyebrow. "Maybe if I vaporized him?" She asked.

Chelsea nodded in agreement. "That'd be fine!" she grinned. "Well.... it'd be okay with me, but my friend Alexia wouldn't thank you..... she works in the Security Offices and she's positively sweet on the Commander!"

"Poor girl, met her a couple of weeks ago." Kreallia explained. "She might as well give up now."

"You can't tell women who are in love.. or think they are..... " Chelsea smiled. "Some would say there's someone for everyone. What makes you think there's no-one for Gabriel?"

"Because he's got one hell of an ego." Kreallia stated blatantly.

Chelsea shrugged. "Couldn't he perhaps be someone who got so badly hurt in the past that he's installed apparently impenetrable emotional and psychological 'shields'? You're the Counsellor, couldn't you find a chink in his armour?"

Kreallia smiled. "But now that fits him all too well..." She laughed, returning to her drink and took a sip. "You know what's weird, Caffine adiction really doesn't exist, but I'd argue and present my self as exibit-A." Kreallia grined. "Crew evals next week." Kreallia said calmly, though she was dreading it.

"They don't do those all at once though, do they? Surely with such a large staff it must be an ongoing task that self-perpetuates... you know, by the time you get to the end, it's time you did the first ones again?" Chelsea asked.

"Life of a Senior Officer Kiddo." Kreallia said, returning to her drink.

Lieutenant Commander Adams raised one eyebrow in amusement but said nothing as Krellia went on.

"Just think of it, you, me, and Commander Villiers, all in the same room for god knows how long it takes to get through every single Starfleet Officer on this starbase." Kreallia said sarcasticly.

Chelsea shook her head. "Can't say i'm be looking forward to that, to be honest..... no offence, but i'm sure you feel the same."

"True." Kreallia nodded. "But then again it never works out the way you want to, so I say brave life head first and Ne te retourne pas." She said simply.

"Don't look back?" Chelsea became a little nostalgic for a moment. "I don't know.... sometimes the lessons of the past are worth taking with you, even if only as the reasons you're able to do it better the next time." Her thoughts wandered across an emotional journey and landed with a smile at the present. Her life had been a rocky road in many ways but the current rewards were worth every struggle she'd been through.

~Evaluation? Medical? They're both much feared but life will offer much greater challenges almost every normal day!~ Chelsea mused, contemplating the irony.


A JP between

Lt. (jg) Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counsellor - DS5


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams