Judgement – My Grandpa, What Big Lies You Have.....
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   My Grandpa, What Big Lies You Have.....
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Nov 16, 2010 @ 11:32pm
Location   CMO's Quarters-/-Earth-England
Timeline   SD34 - 23:30
Chelsea returned to the quarters she shared with Rick and checked to see if he was asleep. He was so she closed the bedroom door and left him to dream in peace.

In the main living area, she signed into the terminal and placed a call to Earth. Fortunately, since she hadn't timed the call, it had just happen on the spur of her conversation with Isha, she was lucky that the time on Earth happened to be mid-morning.

=^= Computer place a call to Rear Admiral (retired) Peter Adams, Salisbury, England, Earth, Sol system. =^= after a few minutes the computer chirped with the connection.

=^= CHELSEA! =^= a silver haired man appeared in the viewscreen as clearly as if he were just in the next room.

=^= Hey Grandpa! =^= The CMO replied with a grin.

=^= How are you? How's Nanna? =^= she asked.

=^= Same as ever, just a little older. =^= It was his usual reply. If he were at death's door, he'd never say.

=^= Nanna never gets older, she just gets wiser, she told me that herself. =^= It was also Chelsea's usual reply. The formalities over they moved on.

=^= So how are you getting on? You got promoted yet? =^= he always asked that too. This time she had some news for him.

=^= Well, as it happens, yeah. =^= she grinned and the look on his face was priceless.

=^= Serious??? You're a Commander now? =^= he asked.

=^= Yep. You're the second person in the whole universe to know. Apart from the CO and the XO of course.... =^= she told him proudly.

=^= CO and XO =^= he snorted =^= They're understandable, but who has become so important she's first before me? It's not that Romulan Ambassador you've taken a shine to is it? =^= He looked very grumpy.

=^= No. =^= she replied firmly. =^= I shall tell my friend Isha next =^=

=^= so who is it then? =^= he demanded.

=^= Grandpa, there's someone I've been seeing. For a long time now. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want to jinx it and I didn't want you to get your hopes up because as you know only too well, I've been engaged before and I thought I'd found Mr Right twice already and been wrong. But this time I know I've not only found him, but I'm going to marry him quick before he has chance to get away! =^= she grinned.

Adams wasn't so keen to smile about this news. =^= Well, I might not approve of this one, I certainly didn't like either of the other two, so I seem to be a good judge.... =^=

=^= You're going to LOVE this one, he tinkers with old spacecraft and renovates them, just like you used to! =^= she laughed. =^= His current old bag of bolts is called Chelsea! =^=

Peter Adams grunted. He wasn't going to admit he *did* like the sound of this one already. =^= And is that all he has to recommend himself? Is he the Captain? The Chief of Security? The commander of the Marines? =^=

=^= He's the CAG officer in charge of the flight. =^= she explained and I'm calling to invite you to the wedding here on DS5. You will come out, won't you both? Do you think my mother can spare the time? =^= that last question was dripping with bitterness. Chelsea's mother hadn't found the time to visit for her first day at big school, her graduation to college presentation, her graduation FROM college, her graduation from the Academy, her first in-post promotion, her award for Research or any of her promotions.

=^= Chelsea!! =^= Her grandfather's tone admonished her like it used to when she was a little girl.

=^= Grandpa I'm a big girl now, you can't pretend to me that she cares any more. =^= Chelsea cut him off.

=^= and there's one other thing I don't want you to pretend about any more too.... my sister, Granpy... why didn't you tell me i had a sister? =^= she put him on the spot.

=^= Because you don't! =^= he snapped gruffly.

=^= Yes I do.... her name is Soran, Anata and she called me. You should have told me she was on Bajor when I was there. That's dirty Granpy. Not fair at all. =^=

=^= Chelsea Adams, you should have learned that sometimes your Grandfather knows more than you do and you should listen to him. =^= Adams reprimanded his grand-daughter as if she were a child.

=^= Listened? You didn't tell me anything... in fact, that's the point. How could you Granpy? All this time we could have been proper sisters. =^=

=^= Over my dead body!=^= Adams exploded. =^= Why are you asking about her Chelsea? You should have refused her call and ....=^=

=^= Why would I refuse her call? =^= Chelsea was dumbfounded at her Grandfather's attitude.

=^= Because I say so. You are to have nothing to do with that thing..... =^= he began again, furious.

=^= Rear Admiral Adams! =^= Chelsea only called him that when she was mad with him. =^= kindly stop treating me like a child. I will speak to whomsoever i please! =^=

She cut the connection as he was spluttering protests and what sounded like threats.

"Bloody hell" she swore, shocked at what had just happened. She had never seen her grandfather behave like that. He had raised her since all the time she could remember. He was a father figure and her strongest influence. Yet she had never seen these characteristics in him before.

She went to sit in the living area for a while to calm down before she went to bed and tossed and turned, eventually banishing herself to the couch in fairness to Rick who was trying to sleep


Commander Chelsea Adams