Interlude – Identification
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Identification
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Thu Nov 18, 2010 @ 3:07am
Location   Intel Office
Timeline   Current

Intel was a rare buzz, the communications room was busy looking for pirate comm traffic, Rhiana and Marti were dismantling some wreakage brought in by the USS Denver, John was going over some fuzzy sensor images with someone from tactical, and Jarred was in the field operations supply room doing an over due inventory, he wasn't sure why his count of smoke gernades kept coming up short when he heard a female voice behind him.

"Mr. Wallace?" She said tentatively.

"Yes can I help you?" He said to the woman standing just outside the door.

"I heard that you are one to see about getting your identity changed?"

"Are we talking witness protection or are we talking something else?" Jarred said as he set down his PaDD.

"Witness protection." She said not giving him too much information...yet.

Jarred looked at the woman, "Normally this is done by security not intelligence, so I'm assuming that it has something to do with the legal matter innvolving our cheif of security or something political, either way your asking for something that will have to be done off the record."

"Dr. Lance Murdoch told me you were the one to see...I can't let Stephen know where I am."

"Ayers can you get me the kit and some privacy." Jarred called out. Cheif Ayers walked over to a cabinet and took a breif case out, and walked over to him. "How long have you been on the station?"

"A day...Lance is going to perform a surgery to change my face later this afternoon." She said quietely.

"Ensign t'Sahen is going to collect the neccisary holo-images after your surgery, so there isn't alot I can do until then accept erase you from the system and issue you some essentials, emergency communicator, unmarked phaser, and an isoliniear chip with an escape transporter program."

"Thank there any way to have me tracked in case I am taken again? Stephen has long reaching arms and I am scared he will find me..."

"Its going to be difficult to find someone whose dead, especially when the ship went missing." Rhiana said with a smile "USS Newton went missing three days ago, and you are on the offical roster, so we can cover our bases no one can find you, even the Romulans."

"I need a plan in place if I am taken again...he beat me within an inch of my life the last time I escaped. He found me six months later and he was furious. Please don't misunderstand me...I appreciate everything that you are doing for me, I do. I am just so tired of constantly looking over my shoulder."

Jarred looked at the young woman, "No one can find you once we're done, and anyone who tries ends up having an accident in the process, so there won't be any complications."

"I will ony breathe a sigh of relief when Stephen is dead. Here is his picture in case I disappear again."

Jarred looked at the image, "Small timer compared to the real scum out there."

"Not when he has done this," Lacy pulled up the sleeves to her shirt to show him the burn marks and the slash marks on her arms and she pulled up her shirt to show the the same on her stomach.

Jarred rolled up a uniform sleeve "I've survived the Jemhidar, he won't last long."

"Then you know what I mean when I say I can't go back. I will see you when my surgery is complete." Lacey picked up her things he gave her and started to leave only to stop at the door. "Thank you Mr. Wallace."


Lacey NPC'd by Nan

The intel department