Intermission – Aftershock
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Aftershock
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sun Feb 16, 2014 @ 8:07pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   detonation plus 30 minutes (tbc)

The EMT had decided that none of the injuries the Bradshaw children had suffered warrented immediate evacuation to Sickbay, and now busied itself making them comfortable until the medics arrived to take them.

It may have been before 8AM but Yolanthe knew it didn't matter. She gathered up glasses and pulled a bottle of scotch from the bar shelves. Then she went over to the table where the elder Bradshaw and the fleetie that had been sent with them had sat. She put the glasses in front of them, and poured generous helpings into each tumbler. "Helps with shock." she explained, knowing in was bullshit, but doubted under the circumstances that either men gave a toss.

"Better make mine a triple then." Said Wayne flatly he was still in shock over what had happened but he knew that what he was feeling was better used to focus his anger at what had happened. He took the glass and knocked back the entire contents in one go letting the booze work their way down his throat. He took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Alright starfleet now tell me everything you know about who the fucking hell did this to my family and tell me quick or so help me you will find out just exactly why the rangers are called the boogy men of the marines." Said Wayne coldly he locked eyes on the starfleet officer across the table from him.

Yolanthe topped up the older man's glass with another three fingers worth. "Do we even know its a who?" Given the earlier bombing on the promenade and whatever the hell was happening on the upper decks right now, she doubted it was an accident, but she had to ask. "Is there anyway this is just a terrible accident?"

Jason pulled a PADD out of his pocket, "We've been chasing these guys for three years now, and we miss them by twelve hours, I bet the bastard did what he always does before he does a job, Bud and potato wedges."

"Look I don't give a rats ass what he had to eat or that you might have missed him by a few hours I want to know WHO the hell did this to my family." Said Wayne coldly he gripped the table and his glass so tight that his knuckles were starting to turn white and the glass he was holding was stating to deform

"Your rivals..." Jason looked over at the man "While everyone was going about their lives for the last four years things have gotten messy, corporations have been fighting little secret wars against rivals, taking out one another in small skirmishes, and open fights, the federation counsel has degraded into little more than a bunch of squabbling politicians protecting the corporations they get bribes from."

dispite being very angry right now he could not help but chuckle. "starfleet you really don't know what your talking about. I do not deny that corporations especially big ones like my company do fight each other there has always been an understanding between us. That understanding has ALWAYS been that we do not target people. Buildings can be rebuilt, tech can be replaced, the only thing that can not be replaced is the lives of people." Said Wayne coldly "A company that would resort to murder though would destroy that balance. Bribery while not nice is how alot of companies get ahead or get their foot in the door." He added just as coldly

Jason pulled a bag out of his pocket "And these just happen to be commonly issued too most of the corporate thugs, five pulled out of an intelligence officer, but that doesn't happen in this century now does it....enlightened my twentieth century ass, your no better than the drug cartels of my time, so wake up....just wake up." Jason spit blood on the floor, the crimson trail on his lip "Maybe someone isn't happy with the status unless you want to be floating in space start thinking."

That was it Wayne finally snapped. He flipped the table and lunged at the other man knocking him to the floor and quickly pinning him down with his forearm pressed firmly into the mans neck just below his jaw. Now listen you little sawed off bastard if you think I would intentionally put my family in danger or do anything to endanger this station you are the dumbest bastard in the fucking galaxy. You want information fine so do I oh and I would quite moving that arm unless you want it broken." Said Wayne as he put his knee into the other mans elbow and pushed. "now that I have your attention I will say this once and only once. There is no one that I can think of who would use bullets to take out a person especially a fleet officer. They are to messy and to unreliable. And anyway why would someone want to shoot a person when it would be easier to arrange a transporter accident or something like that."

"Gentlemen!" Yolanthe snapped. Then she stood up, ready to seperate the two brawling men. "Now is not the time!" She looked from one to the other, waiting for them to aquiesce. Finally the tenstion in the room started to fade.

"Oh and one other thing you young punk and I am sure you will check this anyway I was a starfleet marine and a ranger before you were out of diapers. Duty and Honor are the cornerstones of not only my life but my families as well. Every member of my family has been starfleet or marines and to compare us to a drug cartel will see you finding out just how ruthless we can actually be and still not leave a mark." Said Wayne coldly not a second later he was back on his feet and offered the officer on the floor his hand to help him up. "Look i want to help you and I do have the resources to help but I want to know what you know it might help narrow things down and who knows maybe togather we can find the answer." He added coolly

Jason looked at Bradshaw "Things have changed, and either someone wants you gone or crippled enough to keep you on the sidelines." pausing to clean the blood off the side of his mouth "Intelligence has been following these guys for months...The only thing that has changed is they hit a starbase, I might be some twentieth century pilot but I know a power play when I see one."

Jason turned to Yolanthe "I was told all kinds of interesting people come through your doors, recognize these boys?" handing over the PADD.

She took it. "I'm sorry. You all look alike to me." She handed it back. "Let me get you some ice."

Wayne rubbed his jaw in thought a power play he could understand that it was this ruthless and attacked an embassy did not make any sense to him though. One thing though did make sense though and that thought was sickening. "Look Lieutenant." for the first time he noted the mans rank. "I like you. I know a power play when I see one, though I honestly do not think this was one, at least not directly. let's look at what we know alright?

"There were two seperate attacks today: one on the Embassy and one on my business. Now while I am sure I have my fair share of corporate enemies, no one get's to be in my league by being stupid. Could it be possible that the embassy attack was the main target and the attack on my business was a diversion. There was no one that knew I would be there tonight it was bad luck that a important contract came across my desk just before closing. There was also no way anyone could have expected my family to meet me at the office so late after closing. Honestly and while I am loathed to admit it I do not think you are dealing with corporate raiders I think your dealing with terrorists." Said Wayne coolly as he sat down in a chair

Yolanthe came back with a bar cloth filled with ice. She pressed it to the younger man's swollen lip. "Terrorists? Again?"

"They hit an embassy at the same time as this was going down, The commander seem unphased when he got the report, he's got engineers down their looking into something, This feels more like a robbery than something political." Jason said drawing on his youth in the 1980's and 90's

"If this was an attempted robbery then whoever is behind it royally screwed the pooch on this one. Not only did they not get away with anything, at least that I know of but now they have someone after them who is out for blood. One thing about my family we do not forgive easly and we damn sure do not forget.

"To be honest with you it would be better if you and the fleet caught them cause if my men should get their hands on them well let's just say they would not like the experiance nor would they walk away from the meeting. However so far your not giving me a damn thing to work with and I want answers before I start bashing in heads and calling in enough favors to have every member of starfleet here reassigned and replaced by people loyal to the marine corps and to me personally." Said Wayne coldly. He knew it was a power play but he also knew that there was at least one full regiment that would answer his call and a couple of field marshals who would look the other way if asked.

As Bradshaw bellowed and frothed, Yolanthe turned ochre, then mustart yellow. "Give me the padd again." The older guy may have been grieving but if he kept raging he was going to have an anuerism before his time and that wouldn't help his son and grandsons at all. And something the younger human had said was niggling her mind.

[tag JASON]

"Thanks, and keep the ice on that lip." She looked at the faces that stared back at her. Again the niggling feeling. The mustard changed to turquoise. She grabbed one of her own padds from another table and checked the previous few days orders.

Then she went bright blue. "Gotcha." She turned both padds round to face the two men. "I don't recognise this guy at all. She tapped the first portrait. "But I think I saw this guy. And he came right in, spoke to someone, and left. Very abrupt. Very unusual for in here at that time of day. And they guy he spoke to ordered..." she moved an azure finger over to the padd showing the orders, "Budweiser and Potato Wedges." She looked up at the two men with a grin. "That was at seventeen hundred. I don't have cameras in here. But security could pull the footage from the promenade..." She left the rest unsaid. It was a lead. A chance for Bradshaw's revenge.

Wayne was slowly trying to get his emotions under some kind of control. After all it would not do for him to have survived the bombing only to die from a heart attack or something else. It took him a few minutes before he would be able to get ahold of himself again but for his family he would do what he could. "Alright so were do we go from here. I refuse to sit back and play the part of the helpless victim here especially when I do have the ability to find out some things you might not be able to." said Wayne coolly as he worked to bring his temper under control

"Fine, put on the white cowboy hat and lets round up these bastards," pausing to tap his combadge "Computer tie in."

*Ready* the synthesized female voice said.

"Locate the commander"

*The commander is located in an area designated as an emergency triage area, Ivor away team is beaming to that location now.*

"Lets meet with the senior staff and get the footage from out side your bar Mrs Yolanthe and make a positive ID first then we round up a posse and lynch these jerks." Jason said seeing the bartender puzzling at his lexicon.

Yolanthe might have been puzzled by the dialog but Wayne understood exactly what the man was saying and if anything it brought some much needed humor to the situation. "Well Tex let's get rolling I might not like them but I happen to have a couple old cap and ball colts that should do just the job when we find these bastards. And I for one am just hoping that they resist when we get them cornered." Said Wayne a trace of humor back in his voice.

"Ms Yolanthe I think we're going to need a liaison with the with businesses and right now your the best pick, Plus the commander said you used to keep a few bottles of something behind the bar for him."

The tall woman shrugged, "Whatever you need. But plenty pf people have special bottles. You'll need to tell me who your commander is."

"You catered his funeral I'm told."

::OFF:: (Cliff hanger)

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

Jason Davis
Helmsman/Armory officer
USS Dawnstar

Yolanthe Ibalin,
Owner, The Box of Delights